A Girl who Jumps From the Dorm and Dies Part II

“But you did…."

Sister Margaret's voice came from behind the two girls while Fern and Aey jumped out of their skin. Especially Aey, her pale face was visibly pale and trembling with fear.

“I have told you not to dig up old stories and retell them.”

“Don't blame Aey, Sister Margaret. It's my fault for forcing her to tell me about it,” Fern hurriedly told Sister Margaret. Well, it was not Aey’s fault... The ones who deserved Sister’s rage were the trio who brought up the issue.

“Anyway, don't let me hear about this again. Some things deserve to be buried, not to be raked up, as for you…” Sister Margaret glanced at Fern disapprovingly. “Stop acting so problematic. Curiosity killed the cat. Girls… just leave and take a shower.”

Sister Margaret said before turning around and walking away from the room. The two girls looked at each other and let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, Aey."

"It's okay. Even though I didn't tell you, those three must tell you the story anyway.”