Accidentally Completing Quests

Inside the serene night of the Whistling Yellow Forest, filled with nothing but the growls of animals and the crackling sound of insects, a couple of screams can be heard in the distance that disturbs the peaceful moment.

Some of the more timid animals and insects flee away out of fright.

But the screams didn't last long, it appears only for a couple of seconds before fading away.

A moment later a figure can be seen walking through the bushes and heading to a bonfire spot where two women were lying, one is asleep while the other is currently in pain judging from her expression.

Of course, this figure was none other than Blake.

With the help of the canopies of the forest that blocked the moonlight from seeping through and provide numerous spots of shadow, Blake was able to take care of the rest of the assassins relatively easily.

None of them stand a chance inside the forest against him.

Compared to the assassins that are only adept at seeing in the darkness with their limited vision as a human, Blake can navigate through the darkness perfectly as his vision is not obstructed by anything.

In fact, his vision is way better at night thanks to the Nocturnal Blood Sight skill.

Additionally, the Overlord of the Night skill turns out to have another effect aside from enhancing his senses as well as doubling his racial skill power output. Earlier, he received guidance from the shadows.

Since his Nocturnal Blood Sight was limited in range, he needs time to find the other assassins.

While he was coursing around the forest in search of the other assassins, he was surprised to hear light whispers from the shadows that beckons him to move in the direction where the other assassins are located.

It was not a literal whisper but more of a hunch that influenced his body.

Due to that he was able to locate the other assassins easily and killed them through an ambush, pushing him another level to level 22. Overall, it was a good haul, and his Blood Reserve has also been fueled to the maximum capacity again.

Blake wiped the blood off his hands as well as some that got smeared on his face.

More than that, his sword was absolutely drenched in blood, drips of crimson liquid can be seen straining the ground where he walks. He needs to clean it once he got back to the resting site or it'll rust.

'Can't believe one Blood Lance caused 10,000 damage to that assassin'

Remembering the fight earlier, he could only shake his head.

Just earlier Blake fired his Blood Lance skill and hit the assassin in the chest, it landed as a critical hit and the damage reached 10,000 damage, killing the assassin instantly. Of course, this was thanks to the Overlord of the Night skill that amplified his racial skill two times.

Upon reaching back to the resting site, he saw that Tara and Linthia are still the same.

From the assassins that he killed before, Blake gains a ring called the Elated Petal Ring that increases his agility, about 27 silver, and also healing elixirs as well as bandages that he was searching for.

Quickly, he went over to Tara and helps her body to lean straight on a tree trunk.

Blake undoes her robe off her body, and the smell of blood grows even more prominent in the air. Despite his vampiric craving, he manages to control himself as he had already drunk the blood from the assassins he killed prior and was quite sated already.

Not stopping there, he also takes her black shirt off to see her wounds clearly.

Despite intending to help, Blake pauses for a second when he saw Tara's upper body which was only covered in her black undergarment. It was a sight to behold, her body, ignoring the wounds is very much fit and enchanting.

It was the kind of body that is capable of alluring any man alive.

"Virgin..." Salana commented harshly.

Upon hearing this, Blake smiles with bulging veins, "Shut the fuck up, Salana!"

Avoiding being mocked further by Salana who was watching his every move, he helps her to drink the healing potion and saw that her wounds are starting to steam. Following that, he quickly wraps her wounds with the bandages, avoiding touching her skin too much.

It takes only a couple of minutes before she was perfectly wrapped up.

Blake finished treating her wounds and was about to put her clothes back on but stopped.

'Damn, it's completely drenched with blood. Fine, I'll be okay with only the jacket on'

Knowing that it would feel uncomfortable without wearing anything under the black robe, Blake has no other choice but to take off his novice farming clothes leaving him bare-chest, and puts it on Tara.

With that out of the way, he sat at the opposite sides and started cleaning his sword.

Upon realizing that he could've used the cloth from the assassins earlier, he clicked his tongue as he was forced to use the dirt and leaves to clean the blood off of his sword. If he didn't wipe the blood off, then the durability of the sword would lessen.

But as he was doing this, his eyes widened seeing a prompt from the system.

'Oh, this is such a pleasant surprise...'

Meanwhile, a couple of minutes later.

Blake was still busy cleaning his sword as well as checking the prompt from the system. Oblivious to him, Linthia's eyelids trembled slightly as she felt her body shivering from the cold wind.

Opening her eyes slightly, she realized that the bonfire was out.

Linthia frowns when she saw this as she found the reason why her body was shivering. But then, her eyes caught sight of Blake cleaning his sword, and she could also see red stains on the edge of the blade.

As she was used to this kind of life, she instantly realized what had happened.

Since the bonfire died, and there are bloody stains on Blake's sword, she could already tell that they were attacked recently when she was asleep. Of course, the attackers wanted her, yet Blake has taken all of them down.

Knowing that if it was night, the attackers are definitely assassins.

A look of awe appeared on Linthia's face as she secretly looks at Blake while still lying on the ground, 'Did he really take them all down himself? How is that possible? Who is he? And how is he this strong? Since his level is below Tara, he shouldn't be this strong, and yet he managed to take out the assailants alone'

'Since he didn't wake anyone up, he must've dealt with it rather easily' Linthia thought.

Gazing at the side of Blake's face that doesn't seem to be disturbed, completely relaxed as if he doesn't find accomplishment in taking down the assassins, Linthia has numerous questions appearing inside her head.

It was clear that an air of mystery is around him, and it was very thick.

But she can definitely be sure of one thing, she has encountered a wandering powerhouse.

Lady Luck is smiling at her.

Deciding that she would at least accompany Blake since he has done so much for the two of them, Linthia slowly sits up hesitantly and called out to him with a soft voice, "Sir Blake..."

Hearing his name being called, Blake glanced at her and finds that she was up.

"Did something happen while we are asleep?" Linthia asked, trying to see what Blake is going to answer with. If he wanted more compensation for what he did, then she wouldn't be petty and comply with his demand.

Instead of what she expected, Blake shrugs his shoulders, "Nothing in particular"

"A couple of rats came that I needed to take care of" he added nonchalantly.

Upon hearing this, Linthia almost choked on her own saliva, to think that Blake referred to those assassins as nothing more than rats was quite a daunting statement from him. "I- Is that so... Well, do you want to sleep? I already have enough and can keep a lookout for the rest of the night"

"Well, I'm not going to refuse that" Blake replied as he lies on the ground once again.

Even though he is no longer human, sleeping is still a luxury.

It's true that he doesn't need human necessities in order to survive, but sleeping could help rest his mind. But in this situation, he didn't accept the offer because of that, he instead wants to properly read the system prompts.

[First Step of the Human Chain Racial Quest, Trial of Empathy has been completed!]

[Obtained 50,000 Exp, 50 Gold Coins, and Transformational Token]

[First Step of the Dhampir Chain Racial Quest, Trial of Empathy has been completed!]

[Obtained 100,000 Exp, 100 Gold Coins, and Shadow Trinity]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[All stats has been increased accordingly!]

These system prompts appear when he finishes helping Tara to tend her wounds, he was surprised as he didn't intend to finish anything. But since all of the Racial Quests are opened to him, this is bound to happen.

Maneuvering over to the Human and Dhampir Chain Racial Quest, Blake learns them both.

As it turns out, the two Chain Racial Quest has the same quest called Trial of Empathy. It's the First Step quest that requires him to demonstrate empathy and compassion towards a human. In this case, Tara.

"If so, then why didn't it got completed when I helped Tara and Linthia earlier?"

Blake mutters silently, he was confused about this.

Just then Salana intervenes and gives her opinion, "I think earlier, you're helping them in order to gain the quest reward. Now, however, you helped Tara without any reward to gain so it's considered empathy"

Upon hearing this, Blake nodded his head as it makes sense.

'Since I know this game is real, I think I need to gain the human race again. Every time I logged out, I will change into a human first so that the incident with Angel will not happen again' Blake thought, forming a plan as he started to take the game seriously.

Despite his refusal, the game is really merging with the real world.

Out of everyone in the whole entire world, he experienced this directly so he couldn't disapprove of Salana's claim anymore. If what she was saying is false, then he wouldn't have the urge to drink Angel's blood.

But inspecting the Human Chain Racial Quest, he quickly becomes pessimistic.

Compared to the other races, the human race is versatile and the difficulty of the Chain Racial Quest is proportionate to the grade of race the player currently has. And since Blake has an EX-grade race, it's very hard to achieve the human race.

'Become a hero of humanity? Venture into the mirror dimension? It's damn hard'

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to finish those quests in his current state, he decided that he would need a weaker race that could help him suppress his Spectral Vampire trait which is quite bothersome.

It was then his attention landed on the Dhampir race.

'Oh, this one might not be so bad. I could do this' Blake thought as he inspects the quest.

Dhampir is a race that is a mix of Humans and Vampire, it has the innate traits of a Vampire but is not as strong so it's a perfect fit. Moreover, this race could be a bridge for him to get the human race as this one is only an S-grade race.

'Alright then, next race, the Dhampir race!'