The Marble Boy, Palette Kid and Voodoo Shadow Man PT. III

"No..." Jiten looked up at the woman and then back down to the ground. 'I'm not here, I'm not here. She doesn't see me. No, no no.'


The woman drew out a dagger from her storage band and threw it at the scared man. However as the dagger reached a certain distance from his head, it suddenly broke into tiny bits and fell on the floor.

"Oh?" She smiled. "Quite the dangerous ability you've got there—"

The top half of her head suddenly came off spinning in the other direction as the rest of her broke off into blocks and crumbled.

"Hm?" Jiten looked up. Seeing nobody in front of him, he sighed and he placed his head back on his knees.

'Thank goodness she's gone. Enzo said to stay here... So don't move Jiten." He tightened his grip around his legs as he shivered.

'... Don't move.'


Devotio landed on her butt back in the blue lit room.

"What?" She chuckled in amazement, a nervous sweat sliding down her face.