Rewards that are very cheating

[Soul Controlling Seed]

Rating: S+

Effect: Control the thoughts, emotions, actions of a person or living being according to your will by implanting the "Soul Controlling Seed" in their heart.

※ However, you can only control those with physical bodies, especially the heart.

※ However, there is a high risk of being detected if you use this on those with supernatural abilities. So it is recommended to use this on ordinary people or creatures without supernatural powers to avoid getting caught and canceling the skill.

That's right.

It was this ability that he used on Sakuta. Although the boy was the protagonist, fortunately in this world there was no such nonsense as the protection of destiny often called plot armor. Plot armor may exist, but it's not as annoying as the protagonists in urban novels, one of which is the crooked-mouthed Dragon King.

The protagonists in this world he could kill, if he didn't care about their usefulness to him to generate rewards from the system.

Eiji did not kill the protagonist Sakuta, but he chose to make him his puppet and coincidentally he was also curious if he could use that boy to manipulate the plot in the future and use it to his own advantage?

Actually, she also wanted to use this [Soul Controlling Seed] ability on other protagonists such as Rito and Issei. However, unlike Sakuta who had no supernatural abilities who was basically an ordinary human. The first two had them and he couldn't use this ability on them.

The description of the [Soul Controlling Seed] that Miss Systema made explained the shortcomings of this ability. It was a little disappointing, but she knew that if there wasn't this flaw the [Soul Controlling Seed] ability could be a Rank EX ability that was too underhanded. If anyone knew he had this kind of terrifying ability, many people would be afraid of him, even his own women. And many organizations or perhaps powerful people out there - outside this universe would probably hunt him down.

The latter was obviously just his wild prediction as he was quite good at identifying clichés as if he was predicting a troublesome future.

Of course, he preferred to avoid those troublesome things.

So whatever. It was better to stop complaining and go home because Lala, Asia, and Kuroka would be waiting for him.

He felt like a husband who was on his way home after work and having fun with another woman.

Then after arriving home, his wife, or rather his more than one wife would welcome him home.

No matter how you look at it, he's not an ordinary husband, he's a bastard husband...

Eiji sighed and smiled wryly knowing how bad he was. Fortunately, all his women did not mind his bastard nature.

He knew this could happen mostly because of his inner voice that must have subtly manipulated the heroines. At first he didn't mean to be manipulative because he didn't even know his inner voice could be heard, but after he found out and due to the circumstances he also had to take additional measures so that the heroines wouldn't fall into the hands of the protagonist.

¶{Host, host, do you want to check your new reward now?}

After watching the protagonist's green hat drama, Miss System did not forget her routine.

Walking out of the apartment area where Mai lived. He had driven the girl home after finishing her previous "treatment" session at the library. The girl seemed happy that she was really almost cured of her Adolescence Syndrome. Exiting the previous library with him while ignoring the unconscious protagonist, Mai could see that many people on the street were looking at her with mesmerized gazes by her beauty and some were jealous because they assumed the one walking beside her was her boyfriend.

Besides being happy and very grateful to her for the previous treatment which was more obscene than usual. The way the girl looked at him after hearing the whispers of those people seemed complicated as she also began to question what the relationship between the two of them really was.

"Isn't it obvious? Senpai, you are now my girlfriend and my woman after everything we did."

"I definitely won't let you be with another man besides me."

"By the way you can consider this as payment for my treatment."

As he said that with a thick face, Mai looked at him with emotions of shock and embarrassment in her eyes, there was no sense of rejection, but...

She pretended to pout and said, "Eiji-kun, you're a very shameless junior and very possessive of your senpai."

"After doing so many lewd things to your senpai. Of course, you have to take responsibility."

"But can't you be more romantic? Also, do you think I don't know you have many women? At school, you were famously engaged to a girl named Lala and there were also other girls that I don't really remember."

*cough* He pretended to cough at this, but lightly replied. "Don't worry, I'll introduce you to them later. You all can definitely be good sisters."

"...." Mai pinched his waist with a flat look. "Eiji-kun, you know that's not the case, right?"

The girl lowered her head slightly while walking and muttered. "C-Can't you leave the girls for me? I..."

"Sorry Mai, but that's not possible." Unlike before, that time he called her first name directly.

"You!" Mai looked angry and sad at his quick reply, but she sighed as it seemed she was just trying her luck to ask him that.

After hearing his inner voice all this time, the girl must know quite well how important the other heroines were to him.

There were also protagonists who could not let go of the heroines.

It was obviously impossible for Mai to monopolize him alone. Although unfair, the girl also seemed to relent after everything they did. Luckily even though Mai was Tsundere B, she wasn't too hard to admit that she liked him.

So she agreed to share him with the other woman, but he had to at least give her a romantic confession.

He could have done it at that moment, but Mai told him that not today because she wanted to go home soon. Apparently her younger sister who hadn't contacted her via text message for a week seemed to finally remember her again after the effects of her Adolescence Syndrome wore off.

Mai was of course happy about this, and she probably planned to meet her sister tonight.

Eiji certainly didn't plan to interfere with Mai's family matters, at least not now. However, remembering Mai's younger sister. He remembered the blonde girl who was younger than Mai and had a face almost similar to Mai's.

The girl was certainly no less beautiful than Mai.

Although her figure was still less than her older sister's because she was younger and in the process of growing up.

According to the original work, the girl was supposed to be a first-year high school student attending school in Tokyo. But just like Mai, she was also a model and unlike her older sister; she was more focused on her modeling career instead of attending school.

Big sister and little sister who are both famous actresses/models. They definitely have a lot of fans, especially male fans.

He wondered what would happen if he gathered the two sisters in one bed and took a picture while hugging them? Of course, the photo would later be uploaded to the internet.

At that time many men were heartbroken and felt they were green, right?

¶{Host, host, I feel you're becoming more sadistic. Not just the protagonist, you even want to give the male npc's green hats}.

"...I'm just kidding, I must not have so much free time to think about people I don't even know."

¶{But you're seriously planning to bring Mai's little sister into your bed, right? You want to see those two sisters together in your bed, right?}


Eiji felt that instead of asking, his system was seducing him like a devil. Even Rias, Sona and the others had never seduced him like this.

"Didn't you just ask about checking reward, Miss System? Let's check it now before I get home."


Miss System clicked her tongue.

He was not surprised, it was just that if he could he wanted to slap his system's ass.

¶{Y-You won't be able to do it, host!}

"Oh why not?"

Teleporting not far from his home and walking on the street of the residential complex at night while enjoying the starry sky and the view of Japanese houses on each side.

Eiji walked towards his house while buying time to check his rewards. However, he was also interested in the words of the system.

It was just that instead of answering, Miss System immediately distracted him with a barrage of reward notifications.

¶{Ding! It was detected that the host has changed the plot in the [Bunny Girl Senpai] franchise.}

¶{Successfully changed 71% of the plot of [Bunny Girl Senpai] by making the main heroine Mai Sakurajima one of your women - gave the protagonist Sakuta a green hat and successfully turned him into your doll}.

¶{You successfully controlled the protagonist! All plots related to the protagonist are under your control! However, there are still a few more heroine in this franchise that still have small plots with the protagonist}.

¶{Ding! Critical Reward triggered successfully! Congratulations host, you got "Harem Halo"!}


Eiji choked on the drink he had just bought on a whim at the vending machine by the roadside.

No, why did you even buy a drink at a time like this?

If asked like this, he would answer that he was a little thirsty, okay?!

Has anyone ever seen him drink before? Probably not more than five times and he let them see him again.

See, I drink water like person.

But putting that aside, he choked because he actually wanted to laugh at the reward he got this time. Also, he was a little surprised that the plot changed so much this time just because he managed to seduce the Main Heroine of the franchise titled Seishu... Too long, let's be brief as Miss System said.

He changed so many plots in the "Bunny Girl Senpai" franchise in one fell swoop today!

Come to think of it, the plot in the "Bunny Girl Senpai" franchise isn't too much and it's mostly related to Mai and the protagonist. Leaving aside the latter because it's obvious who he is, but Mai is the main heroine and the anime itself is over in one season!

Even the characters in the anime are not too many, after all the main problem or plot in this anime is just the problem of teenagers suffering from Adolescence Syndrome; and the protagonist somehow feels responsible for helping the problems that the teenagers are experiencing including Mai.

Actually, if not hindered by the genre, Sakuta's protagonist should be a harem protagonist because some girls other than Mai whom he has helped in the original work like him.

That's Sakuta's protagonist in the original work of course, Sakuta's protagonist in this world seems to have plans to open a Harem since he is a transmigrator.

You know a transmigrator, right? When those people are transmigrated to another world that is basically an anime, movie, novel, or game that they are familiar with. They will be very confident and if they don't open a harem, although not all of them, many of them will become protagonists who often whine about wanting to return to their home world blah blah blah and not knowing how to enjoy life in another world.

Actually for those people who opened a harem, it was almost the same as him except he was luckier and actually managed to do it. Moreover instead of a transmigrator, he was actually a reincarnator who happened to be able to travel to another world after being born in another world.

The latter earned him the title of Traveler.

But putting that aside, Sakuta Transmigrator's plan failed before the man himself actually utilized his advantage of knowing the plot in the original work.

He thwarted that person's plans, gave him a mental attack in the style of an NTR victim, and managed to control him using one of his abilities.

If he wanted to, Sakuta who was currently back at his home would have gone back to his house as if nothing had happened today. He could make that boy suddenly strip himself naked and run out of the house while showing off his cock in front of the police station.

The police would surely arrest the boy for his exhibitionism and well...there would be no need to continue.

Although he could have done that, he didn't because he didn't want people, especially the heroines to suspect that he could control Sakuta's protagonist now.

If they knew, his future actions to use Sakuta as his own human tool to create opportunities and profits would be limited.

"My reward this time [Harem Halo]? Miss System, is it what I think it is?"

Forget the protagonist Sakuta. Now he was asking curiously about his familiar-sounding reward.

Thing like this...

This is probably one of the most underhanded golden fingers that harem protagonists usually have and those protagonists usually don't realize it either because they're too stupid.

Although he didn't really need something like this since he managed to open the harem before it came along, but it would definitely make it easier for him to convince the girls who were against the harem.

For example, before Mai was a bit against sharing him with other women and wanted to monopolize him, but in the end the girl relented.

If something similar happens in the future, and the girls are harder to convince than Mai. This thing will be very helpful.

¶{My host... If you've even guessed that far. Do you still need me to make this skill description?}

Miss System's tone sounded somewhat complaining, she seemed to feel like she was missing something that her fellow systems usually had.

That's right, she must have lost the feeling of making her host surprised and screaming with joy like a child receiving a Christmas present.

Usually in this situation a host should rely on his system to give him an explanation when he was confused and curious.

But look at her host? This guy was still relying on the system to give him an explanation, but he actually just wanted to convince himself that his guess was right!

Stop acting like a veteran!

In the end, his reaction after learning the truth was boring and more like "Oh, that's good."

"Miss System?"

{Yes, yes, wait a minute.}

Is it just him or is his system sulking over something?

Eiji was about to ask, but his system interface had already appeared before his eyes and he read what was written there while standing in front of his house.

[Harem Halo]

Rating: SSS+ (Passive)

Effects: From Loli, Middle school girls, High school girls, Onee-san, Milf, Married women, and women of all ages who look beautiful and attractive. Even if they are Devils, Succubus, Angels, Dragons, Youkai, Goddesses, and other races throughout this vast Multiverse....

"...." Eiji gulped, damn what's with this cool description... Miss System, you're so cool! His gaze dropped down to continue reading and he saw...

When you first meet them, their favorable impression of you will instantly increase by 60%! Any advances you make to them will also become more effective by 20%! Even if they are initially disgusted or have a bad impression of you, their impression will be instantly reversed by 60% upon seeing you!

And lastly, all the women who like you won't mind sharing you with other women, this is almost 99% sure!

What's a harem protagonist without harem halo? Compared to them, you're the real harem protagonist!

※ None!

"...." Eiji opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. But from his expression, you could tell he finally had the expression of a child who received a Christmas present.


"Heh, fufu I did it! I managed to capture my host's rare expression again this time!"

The golden-haired girl who this time was somehow taller and slender like a middle school girl.

He pasted a photo of Eiji who looked very surprised and happy like a child who received a Christmas present. Actually it wasn't the first one, there were also several other photos and all of them were pasted inside a black photo album.

On the cover of the photo album, if someone looks at it.

There was a beautiful gold-colored text that would read:

"My Apostle"


"Momo, let's go meet Ane-ue to that planet called earth! Ane-ue must have been deceived by that Eiji Seiya guy, we have to make her realize it!"

"Uh, Nana...why are you always prejudiced against Onee-sama's fiancee. Even if he's not that good, so far he seems to be taking good care of Onee-sama."

"Of all those women, he even praises our Onee-sama the most."

A pink-haired girl with a face almost similar to Lala's, but shorter hair about shoulder length with a more mature expression said to another girl who also had pink hair like her.

"B-But... He has many women! Isn't he bastard!" Another pink-haired girl who was almost the same as Lala, but this time her long pink hair was tied up in a twintail style did not want to give up.

"Huh? Isn't that normal? I mean even here, a man who has enough status and power is allowed to have more than one wife or concubine."

"Momo... you, you don't understand!" The pink twintail girl pouted, she crossed her hands on her small breasts.

"Don't understand what, Nana? What do you mean I don't understand about you looking for various reasons to go meet Onee-sama to that planet called Earth?" The other pink girl with short hair was doing the same, but she was smiling and her breasts were bigger.

The pink twintail girl stared at the breasts of her younger sister who was obviously younger than her, yet bigger than her. She was very envious and wondered why she as an older sister was smaller than her younger sister!

Both girls were actually Lala's younger sisters.

The oldest pink twintail girl after Lala was Nana Astar Deviluke, and the other pink girl who was the youngest and had short bobbed hair was Momo Belia Deviluke.

Just like Lala, they were also Gid's daughters! The daughter of the Galactic King!

If Eiji was here, looking at the two pink-haired girls who were arguing like cats in the bedroom.

He would... He wouldn't do anything, but would smile and let nature take its own course.


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


Replace "â" with "a" and search in your browser.

By the way, don't forget to throw power stones and leave a review to motivate me :)

A/N 2: Although Harem Halo sounds like a cheating item, it certainly wouldn't be so cheating that a girl would instantly fall in love with Eiji. So please don't get me wrong, Eiji still needed some tricks to get girls into his pocket. There are a lot of Pokemon outside, he will only take the ones that are pretty and suit his taste:)