The protagonist who is again confident

"I-I'm not making excuses! Momo, aren't you worried about Ane-ue? As good sisters, we should make sure whether Ane-ue is okay or not!"

Even if you say that, your gaze that keeps looking to the side and doesn't look at your interlocutor looks very unconvincing, Nana.

As her sister, how could Momo not know Nana was really just making excuses? It was true that the girl was also worried about their older sister, but besides that, she was also actually curious about the planet called earth and wanted to play there!

Momo also actually felt the same way as Nana, especially knowing the people whose inner voices they often heard also lived on that planet.

What intrigued her the most was of course her eldest sister's fiancé, Eiji Seiya.

After she and even Nana listened to the man's inner voice all this time, even about the protagonist and the heroines.

Knowing her eldest sister, Lala was actually the main heroine of the To Love Ru franchise.

It seemed like interesting things often happened on that planet called Earth. She and Nana were naturally interested in going there! Even she, although it didn't show on her face, she also had a desire to go to earth like Nana!

But unlike Nana, she knew very well that her father, the King of this planet would not allow them to go carelessly.

"Nana, I'm also worried about Onee-sama, but Otou-sama will definitely not allow us to go to earth. Especially with the situation outside Deviluke not being peaceful right now."

"Chichi-ue..." Nana knew what her younger sister meant. Not long ago their father had even set a rule for anyone other than royal soldiers not to go to other planets.

There was no telling how long it would last, and it seemed that her father was also busy at war with those who were looking for trouble with them.

More precisely, from what she had heard while eavesdropping on her father's conversation with two of her elite underlings - Maul and Smutts.

She knew that the trouble-makers were one of her sister's suitors from another universe.

"Well we should probably just wait for the situation out there to normalize. Otou-sama will also definitely not forever forbid his people from going into space."

Momo looked confident, and she suddenly remembered something.

"By the way Nana. Onee-sama recently contacted me to send her recipes and ingredients via D-Dial."

"She seems to want to cook something for her fiancé."

Surprisingly, Nana laughed at this.

"Hehe... Ane-ue's cooking? Pfft! Haha Eiji Seiya will definitely suffer!"

Seeing her older sister seemingly laughing and rolling around on the bed. Momo also knew what her eldest sister's cooking skills were like, but she didn't understand why Nana seemed to dislike Eiji Seiya somewhat?


"Kuroka, you like eating fish, right? Come help me eat this."

"No Nyaa!"

"Kuroka... Don't cats like to eat fish?"

"I'm Nekomata!" Kuroka who was originally sitting on Eiji's lap in her beautiful black-haired woman form suddenly changed into her cat form and ran towards the living room.

However, how could Eiji let that woman go? If it was another day it would be fine, but right now....

[Kuroka, you have to help me!]

"Nyaa!!" Kuroka who was about to run to the living room, suddenly found herself teleported and her cat body held in Eiji's arms.

If it was any other day she would have taken advantage of this to be spoiled, but right now...

"No Nyaa!! I'm fine eating regular fish, but that fish? I'd rather eat cat food."


Eiji's lips twitched, he looked at the pink-haired girl who was currently still waiting for him to eat the food she made with an expectant gaze.

He was relieved that the girl didn't understand Kuroka's mocking words, but he groaned mentally because did he really have to eat this?

I mean the fish soup on the table that I don't know what fish is made of, but the fish is brownish-black with small antennae on top of its head and the soup itself is red like lava.

"Lala, have you tried your own cooking?"

"Eh, no. I made this especially for Eiji~! So I won't eat it."

Lala innocently said that, she played her fingers behind her back and added, "Besides, this is a surprise I prepared for you! This is one of the most popular dishes on planet Deviluke~!"

"I followed the recipe and used the ingredients Momo sent me via D-Dial. So unlike the cuisine on earth, I'm sure my Deviluke cuisine isn't as bad as usual~!"

"Eiji~! Now I can cook~!"

Yes, yes, you can cook, but are you sure about the taste of your food?

"....." Eiji held the spoon in one hand with a slight tremble.

He knew Lala had gone this far just to cook dinner for him. Normally he would refuse, but this time he found it hard to resist!

If he refused to eat the food Lala had prepared this time, he knew it would definitely make the pink-haired girl sad.

As for the Momo that Lala mentioned? He knew it was one of Lala's younger sisters, and he actually refrained from complaining about the girl for giving Lala the recipe for making food like this.

Maybe on the planet in Deviluke this dish would still be edible, but when the one making it was Lala...

"Nyaa! Nyaa! Eiji, let me go! I don't like fish!" Kuroka rebelled in his arms.

"Then eat the cat food beside me."

"What? No way!"

"Didn't you say you prefer cat food to fish?"

"...." Kuroka.

That was obviously a lie! She's never even eaten cat food and she only said that because she didn't want to eat the fish Lala cooked!

Knowing the girl's background, she knew this fish was probably one of those alien fish from who knows what planet and she didn't want to eat it.

From its appearance and scent alone, he knew it was something inedible! As a Nekomata, she was also a picky eater, okay? She doesn't just eat randomly like a normal cat!

"Ah, I have also prepared some for Kuro... Meow-Meow Black-Kun."

Lala placed a smaller bowl for Kuroka in her cat form on the table.

Kuroka wanted to complain at the way the girl called her name, but she froze at the sight of her own portion of food.

"Um... Lala, I don't--mmf!

Her small mouth was gagged by Eiji's finger. She turned to the boy only to see the other party looking at her with a smile.

[Lala has made this food specially for me. Even if it doesn't taste good, I'll still eat it.]

Then eat it yourself. Don't drag me!

Kuroka complained, she really didn't want to eat that "food". She doesn't want to eat that!

Unfortunately, her body was not her own as if a force was forcing her to sit in front of the bowl and slowly making her bow her head into the soup.

Didn't know why, but seeing the pink-haired girl's smile also made her feel bad if she refused. At least try a little.

Lala was happy to hear what Eiji's inner voice said. She was even touched, and was looking forward to her fiancé actually trying her cooking this time.

Eiji and Kuroka were about to open their respective mouths to try Lala's cooking.

But they stopped because one of them, Kuroka to be precise, suddenly raised her head and looked around.

"Where's Asia?"

"...Now that you mention it. Shouldn't Asia also at least eat with us?"


It wouldn't be fair if only the two of them suffered!

"Ah... If you're looking for Asia. Actually when I was cooking in the kitchen with her, she tried a bit of my Fish-Fish Hell-Kun Soup and for some reason she hurriedly said she wanted to go to the bathroom."

"Until now somehow she hasn't come back."

Putting aside the name of Lala's food which sounded horrible just from the name.

"..." Eiji and Kuroka looked at each other.

Asia... It's not that the girl doesn't want to suffer with us.

Yes, it turns out that girl has done it first. She's a good girl.

Un, it looks like she suffered enough in the bathroom.

Un, so what are you waiting for? Shouldn't we catch up with her too?

Unlike Asia who is just an ordinary human. We probably won't suffer too much with our strength.

Ah, you're right! Although it looks dangerous, we'll definitely be fine!

Eiji wanted to say that Kuroka was raising the flag, but he didn't and stopped the mental communication using magic.

They didn't know for sure what Asia was going through in the bathroom.

They would probably find out soon.

They opened their mouths and finally tasted how good Lala's cooking was tonight.





"Mikan, I'm leaving for school first. Remember to be careful on your way to school."

"Eh? Okay, Rito be careful on the way~!"

Staring at the back of her older brother who had already left the house. Mikan, who was still wearing her junior high school uniform with an apron, wondered what made her brother look so excited this morning?

Even so, she breathed a sigh of relief that Rito finally did not continue to be sad anymore because of the mental attack a few days ago.

Rito set off for his school in high spirits. Although he still couldn't forget what he went through a few days ago because of the white-haired bastard who fucked the two women he loved.

"Shit! Shit! Eiji... how dare he do that to Lala and Yui..."

He still couldn't even help cursing every time he thought of that incident.

However, he quickly took a breath and won himself over. After being hit by mental attacks several times, he naturally began to develop resistance to mental attacks.

Although the two women he loved had been tainted by Eiji.

Although his head had two green hats.

Although the relationships with the women he loved had not made any progress, but he was very confident today!

Right after he woke up from his sleep this morning, he felt the Void Dragon bloodline in his body suddenly get stronger as it sensed something in outer space calling out to him.

It seemed like something was happening out there, especially in that place.

Rito was naturally a little worried because after all that was where he could become stronger.

The inheritance of the Void Dragon in that place was very important to him.

But since he couldn't even go out in space, especially since he hadn't managed to get Lala yet.

To get Lala, he knew it would be very difficult. That girl had even been defiled by that bastard.

Even so...

"It is not too late for a man to get back the woman he loves, even if he is already green because another man preceded him."

Don't know where he remembered these words, maybe it was from one of the dramas his younger sister had watched on TV and he happened to hear it at that time.

He felt that these words were very suitable for her. It even motivated him, and brought him out of the depression of his mental attack this morning.

The point is that Rito has now recovered his protagonist mentality and he is very confident!

{Lala, two have been tainted by Eiji. But don't worry, it's just two green hats. As a man who in his previous life had fought many alien races in space as the Galactic King. I'm fine as long as you guys come back to me!}

"...." The heroines.

Wow...this one's protagonist is finally online again this morning.

However, what made them a little surprised was that this person had recovered his confidence again!

After being hit by mental attacks many times...

Rito could still recover in a few days?

As expected... Is this the protagonist? Although his brain is a bit troubled, his mentality is something that ordinary people can't replicate!

Even so, isn't it a bit pathetic to say you're fine with two green hats?



Huh? Why isn't this guy saying anything!

Usually at this time, he would at least give some comments to the confident protagonist, right?

"Everyone, please pay attention!"

The homeroom teacher of class 2-A said that in front of the class and all the students, including Rito who had finished talking a little with Haruna who was inexplicably talking to him rather awkwardly - they all felt the familiar vibe of this situation.

"No, sensei. Don't tell this class..."


The female homeroom teacher pretended to cough with a wry smile.

Rito was excited, he seemed to be thinking about someone.

However, glancing at some specific seats, especially that bastard's seat.

He wondered where Eiji was? Asia and Lala too. They all didn't go to school today!

{It's fine if that bastard doesn't go to school, but Lala and even Asia? Why aren't those two girls coming to school?!}

{It would be great if I could seduce Lala and Asia when that bastard isn't around...}

It wasn't just Rito. Yui, Haruna, and even Risa were also wondering where those people went?

Somehow, a class without them feels a little lonely.

Protagonist Rito even lost his spirits a little, but his spirits returned again easily. This person was not normal, and he seemed to smile at the sight of a person in a school uniform who had just entered the classroom and was standing next to the homeroom teacher.

{This plot... I know this plot. It's a good opportunity! Hahaha! Eiji, that bastard isn't even in school and "she" has come today.}

{Setting aside Lala and the others, I should at least get "her" back like in my previous life!}


Yui and Haruna stared at a student in a male uniform standing by the homeroom teacher strangely.

They wondered if they had heard wrong or did Rito really have such a hobby?

Yui had been disgusted with Rito from the start, so she wasn't too surprised. And her mind was currently filled only by the white-haired boy who was currently inexplicably not going to school.

But Haruna was different, she was now increasingly doubtful and felt unable to maintain her love for Rito if that boy really had such a hobby.

The homeroom teacher patted the shoulder of the student standing beside her and looked at her students who were staring at her as if to say "I knew it."

She felt a bit awkward, even so she still did her duty as a teacher.

"Students. Our class has another transfer student..."

"I knew it! But sensei, why isn't the transfer student a pretty girl?!"

"Saruyama-kun, don't be unreasonable. Since when did transfer students always have to be girls?"

"But usually..." Saruyama Kenichi wanted to say something more, but the homeroom teacher gave him a sharp look.

He quickly sat back into his seat.

"Sorry, sensei. Please continue."

The homeroom teacher nodded. "Good."

"Sensei will not punish you this time, Saruyama-kun. And... Ren-kun, please introduce yourself."

The transfer student walked up to the blackboard and started writing his name. His appearance could be considered handsome with gray-white hair and a little black at the back and he also had red eyes!

Many girls in the class were mesmerized by the transfer student's appearance. Since the appearance of the two was somewhat similar, they couldn't help but compare the transfer student to Eiji who wasn't currently coming to school.

But they felt that Eiji was still much better looking, especially when the boy also had a more athletic and taller figure. As for the transfer student, he looked slim and rather thin.

Even so, he was still a handsome boy! So many girls in class 2-A were excited and some of them also had their own ideas.

Yui and Haruna didn't really care about the transfer student, even if he was handsome.

Risa was a little interested, but that was it and she was quietly reading a book that had no idea what it contained with a rather lascivious smile. The book was a gift she got from Eiji, and she seemed more excited to read the book instead of paying attention to the transfer student!

Mio Sawada, who was sitting next to Risa couldn't help but be interested in seeing her best friend seem to be having fun reading something. So she leaned to the side and peeked at what Risa was reading.

Rito was excited at the sight of the transfer student, he looked no less excited than the girls in the class who had ideas on transfer students - it made Haruna silently stare at him with furrowed brows.

All that inner drama actually only lasted 3 seconds and the transfer student had already finished writing his name on the blackboard which now read: レン・エルシ・ジュエリア

He then turned around and looked at all the students in the class with a smile on his handsome face.

"My name is Ren Elsie Jewelria. Greetings everyone."


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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