The protagonist's misunderstandings and delusions

The room was silent for a few moments before Tomoya finally said with a puzzled look on his face.


[Why do you protagonists like to say "why" so much in situations like this? Can't you guys say something else? By the way, I'm also a little surprised that Megumi rejected the protagonist's confession. That's amazing! Unlike Utaha and Eriri who licked the protagonist in the original work, Megumi is different.]

[In the original work she never even licked the protagonist, she was the one the protagonist licked! Looking at her now, Megumi is indeed better than Utaha and Eriri.]


How dare you look down on us!

Utaha who was proud of her beauty and herself, she looked offended to hear Eiji say Megumi was better than her. If it was any other man, she wouldn't have thought much of it. But Eiji, he had taken her first kiss! There was dissatisfaction in her heart when he said the other girl who happened to be in the same group as her was better than her.

Unlike before, this time she was looking at Megumi with a hint of jealousy in her eyes.

Also, who licked Tomoya?!

Eriri was just like Utaha, she also felt offended hearing what Eiji said. Not only did her childhood friend choose Megumi over her, but somehow she was also upset to hear Eiji praise the girl.

Both of them looked at Megumi with jealousy in their eyes.

Tomoya again misunderstood, he thought Utaha and Eriri were jealous and angry because Megumi refused the confession of love they wanted.

{It's true... Utaha Senpai and Eriri liked me a lot, even after I confessed to another girl in front of them. They were still angry at Megumi for rejecting my confession. Ah... I'm so touched. But Utaha Senpai, Eriri, you two have nothing to worry about.}

Utaha and Eriri wondered what was wrong with Tomoya? Who is worried?

{I've decided that you two will also become members of my harem. No need to fight with each other to get my love.}

What Tomoya said in his heart disgusted the two girls. Unlike before, this was the first time they heard Tomoya say something as delusional and disgusting as Issei's protagonist in the past.

Utaha who had previously given up on pursuing Tomoya now felt a real need to stay away from the boy. Once their project was finished, she would quit the group later.

Eriri was dumbfounded, she didn't expect her childhood friend to have the idea to open a harem. Just now she was heartbroken because of that boy, hearing what he thought of her and Utaha, for the first time she felt disgusted at Tomoya. Actually compared to Tomoya in the past, she felt that the current Tomoya was different than usual.

She felt that her childhood friend had become a bastard like Eiji!

Eiji: ???

If Eiji knew what Eriri was thinking, he would argue and say he wasn't that bad, okay? At least he wouldn't let the girls know how perverted he was inside and wouldn't say things like Tomoya in his heart.

The key was that he was good at acting.

Those things lasted no more than five seconds, Megumi of course immediately answered Tomoya's question, even after hearing the boy's inner voice, she didn't feel disgusted and her mind was clear like a holy girl.

She looked at Tomoya and said, "Aki-kun, I only like you as a friend. So if you want me to be your girlfriend... Sorry, right now we can only be friends."

"Can only be friends? Friend zone?!" Although Tomoya was comforted to think Utaha and Eriri still liked him, but still. Being completely rejected by Megumi made him sad and depressed.

Even so.

[Ding! Congratulations host, you have completed the quest.]

[You received a copy of the Visual Novel Fate/Stay Night (Full version). The item has been stored in the system's inventory, you can check it anytime.]

Hearing the system notification, Tomoya's mood became better. At least he was still making money after confessing to Megumi in front of Utaha and Eriri and being rejected.

However, Tomoya still couldn't believe Megumi rejected him. Obviously he was already very handsome now, with the rewards he just got from the system, he would also surely make a lot of money and become rich. As long as he became handsome and rich, wouldn't girls like Megumi, Utaha and Eriri also throw themselves at him?

Tomoya suddenly remembered his eye ability, he looked at Megumi and activated his "Eyes of the Heart".

On the surface Megumi rejected, but inside? Who knows the girl was actually just shy so she rejected him and now she feels very sorry!

A pink screen that only Tomoya could see appeared around Megumi and displayed what the girl was thinking.

[(Aki-kun... It's not that I don't like you. I'm glad you confessed to me. But I don't understand what love is. I just don't understand what I really feel for you. So rather than hurting you by accepting your confession without being sure that I feel the same as you.)]

[(I'd rather reject you and let myself regret it. I hope, I can learn soon what feelings I have for you. If it's love... In the future, I will confess to you.)]


Tomoya didn't expect that behind Megumi's expressionless face, there was a girl who would hurt herself rather than hurt him.

Tomoya's eyes reddened, he looked at Megumi. Actually when the girl rejected him, there was also hatred in his heart, but now... There was only great fondness for that girl.

{Megumi, I will definitely wait for you! I won't refuse you when the time comes, so take your time.}

"....?" Megumi.

Tomoya then glanced at his childhood friend, Eriri. He was also curious as to what the girl was really thinking. On the surface the girl was now looking at him with a hardness and disgust on her face that surprised him.

But he was calm, he remembered that his childhood friend was a tsundere. So what she showed on the surface was not necessarily what was inside her.

[Why are you looking at me like that? Stop... Don't give me any more hope. Don't you like Megumi? Even though that girl rejected you, you must still like her. Since we were in elementary school I've actually liked you, Tomoya. But now... I'll give up! I'll try to hate you for choosing another girl even though it must be hard.)]

Eriri... Tomoya almost cried!

This was hard, before he only vaguely knew Eriri liked him, but he did not expect that the girl had even liked him for a long time. Even before he received the system and was still a nerd, she already loved him!

What about Utaha? That girl looked even colder to him. Seeing that the two girls were also actually pretending, he was sure that Utaha was also actually harboring a deep love for him.

[(Rinri-kun... No, I can't think about Rinri-kun like before. Eiji-kun, he'll... Tomoya already has a girl he likes anyway. I'm sure Megumi and Rinri-kun will get together eventually. The two of them actually suit each other. And me? I'll back off, there's also a threat from Eiji-kun. If I keep chasing Rinri-kun, he'll be in danger!]

[I don't want anything bad to happen to Rinri-kun.]


Tomoya shed tears that confused the girls, they thought Tomoya was just sad because Megumi rejected him.

Megumi felt a little uncomfortable making a boy cry, she was about to say something but Tomoya's inner voice made her stop.

{Eiji, you bastard! I know, now I know why Utaha Senpai... Wowowo! Senpai, you really like me. Your love for me is not even less than Eriri and Megumi's!}

Excuse me, who loves you?

Utaha, Eriri, and Megumi were staring at Tomoya as if he was crazy. Eriri who was already heartbroken had lost her love for Tomoya, not all of it of course, maybe half. But it was enough to refute what Tomoya said in his heart.

And why was Eiji suddenly mentioned? That boy wasn't even seen here even though he was here. Tomoya must not know, so it was a bit crazy if he suddenly scolded the other party in his heart.

Utaha who was now being stared at by a teary-eyed Tomoya was annoyed. If that boy dared to approach her and touch her, she would not hesitate to throw the book in her bag at his face.

Fortunately Tomoya was just standing there, but what he was thinking made her even more upset.

{I don't know the details, but to protect me. Utaha Senpai, you are willing to sacrifice your body. It turns out that all this time Eiji Seiya wasn't threatening you using your nude photos or anything like that. That bastard used me, the junior you love the most to threaten you!}

{Ahh!! Don't worry Senpai! Wait for me, soon I'll definitely save you from that bastard's hands! I'll make Eiji pay for using me to threaten you.}

Utaha was getting a little dizzy from Tomoya's misunderstanding and delusions about her and Eiji's relationship.

Who sacrificed her own body for you? You're so narcissistic!

"Enough! Now it's over, right? I'm going home." Utaha said that, she actually left this time and walked out of the room with her school bag.

"W-Wait, Utaha Senpai. Can we talk for a moment?" Tomoya who was moved by Utaha's sacrifice wanted to comfort the girl.

But Utaha who had already reached the door only turned her head slightly and said coldly. "No!"


After Utaha left, Eriri also walked to the exit, she said "I'm going home too, Tomoya." without looking at Tomoya. Her eyes were red from sadness and anger at Tomoya after everything that happened.

However, Tomoya thought she was sad because she had to give up pursuing her love for him in favor of another girl.

"Wait, Eriri. I..."


Eriri snorted, she immediately left without hearing what Tomoya had to say.



Tomoya looked at Megumi, the girl who had just rejected him was still looking at him as usual.

"Aki-kun, the sun is almost setting. We'd better hurry home."


Tomoya cried again, he was touched because it wasn't like the others. Megumi, did not immediately leave him and still invited him to go home together.

He wanted to hug Megumi, but the girl looked wary as he approached her.

"What do you want to do, Aki-kun?"

"No, sorry. Let's go home..." Tomoya smiled awkwardly, not knowing why, he felt Megumi keeping a little more distance from him.

Maybe it's just his feelings? Well Tomoya actually wasn't wrong.

Even for a holy girl like Megumi, after what she heard from Tomoya's inner voice today. Her liking for Tomoya had actually dropped a few points. Unlike before where she had a slight crush on Tomoya, now she just treated the boy as a good classmate.

Tomoya was lost in his misunderstanding, but who could blame him? After all, the things he saw with the eyes of his heart...

Eiji disabled the typing function on his system interface, the transparent keyboard in front of him disappeared and he smiled.

"Today was very good."

Seeing that there was no one else in the school auditorium but him, Eiji did not rush home.

¶{Host, your typing skills are better than mine.}

"What do you mean, Miss System? I don't understand." Eiji pretended to be confused.

Miss System rolled her eyes. She really did because in the system interface there was also an emoji feature that could display her expression.

It wasn't her actual face of course, but it was enough to tell Eiji that she didn't believe what he was saying.

And there was really no need to ask. As the main system, her host's system also had the function to manipulate the sub-systems installed on a person. For example, in Tomoya's case, her host can also manipulate the "Eyes of the Heart" ability that the protagonist Tomoya has.

All those cool sequences of words that are displayed when Tomoya sees the girls' thoughts, are all actually fake! There was no telling what the girls were thinking, but they certainly weren't thinking what was written on the pink screen!

Those were just words written by her host, he manipulated the protagonist into misunderstanding and thinking the heroines really loved him.

¶{Continue pretending, it's up to you. You're also getting better at being a villain behind the scenes.}

"Villain? Shouldn't it be protagonist?" Eiji shook his head and said: "By the way everything I did today counts towards getting rewards, right?"

¶{Yes... Of course. Want to check the rewards now?}

"That's good. But no, let's do it later now..." Eiji stopped, he didn't finish his words because a blonde girl walked back into the auditorium in a hurry.

"Tomoya! Huh? I'm late...Tomoya is already home."

The plot was still unfinished.

Eiji was still using his magic to make him invisible, so Eriri who returned to the auditorium room still couldn't see him.

The girl looked dazed, the orange light from the window was almost extinguished as the sky began to darken.

The room had also become somewhat darker than before.

"Wuwuwu... Tomoya, you bastard! Until now you forgot our childhood promise and confessed to another girl in front of my eyes!"

"You bastard! You dare to do that to me!"

Eriri began to crouch down and cry, the tsundere girl was completely defenseless when she was alone. At least that's what she thought until Eiji's voice that sounded in her head made her freeze.

[Just now I was about to go home... This tsundere girl suddenly came back and cried because of a broken heart. Although the protagonist Tomoya seemed to already know Eriri's feelings for him, instead of trying to talk to her first, he went home with Megumi.]

[Romcom protagonists are still romcom protagonists, they're the kind of creatures who are very insensitive to a girl's feelings and don't know who to prioritize first.]

[If I were Eriri, I would definitely take revenge on Tomoya. Not to the point of killing people of course, but at least make that man regret not choosing her.]

[As for how? According to many plots from many franchises I've seen in my previous life and as a man. I know the most effective way to make Tomoya regret it is to make him see Eriri dating or doing things with other men.]

[Ahem! What was I thinking? I suddenly thought of those things... Hey, this has nothing to do with me anyway. I've finished watching the entertainment, it's time to go home.]

[As for Eriri? Sorry, I don't want to work overtime.]


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