Eriri Decision


Eriri naturally called out the boy's name, her face flushed, she hurriedly wiped away her tears as she didn't want to look embarrassing in front of anyone.

She knew Eiji had been here since she and the others gathered, but she didn't expect that boy to still be here now!

He must have seen her crying for quite some time already.

So embarrassing!

Eriri's tsundere mentality began to rise, she stood up and looked around with a fierce expression.

"Come out Eiji, I know you're here! And don't get me wrong! What you saw earlier was just... I was just..."

"Just what? You're obviously crying like a heartbroken girl. But don't worry, I'll pretend I didn't see it."

The sound of footsteps was heard from beside Eriri, from the darkness suddenly the figure of a handsome silver-haired boy in a school uniform gradually appeared. A normal person would think the boy was hiding in the darkness before, but Eriri thought Eiji was using his superpower to make him invisible before being discovered by her.

After hearing his inner voice all this time, she naturally knew Eiji and some of the protagonists weren't actually ordinary humans, they had superpowers just like the characters in the anime.

[How did Eriri know I was here and watching? Obviously I've used invisibility magic to hide my presence.]

The corners of Eriri's mouth raised slightly, what she was thinking was true. With eyes that were slightly red from crying, he looked at Eiji in disbelief.

"Pretending? Huh!" Eriri snorted and said, "You've seen it! I can't believe you'll keep your mouth shut about what you saw after leaving here!"

"So?" Eiji stood in front of Eriri, he looked at the girl in confusion. Not even bothering to ask directly why the other party could find her or even trying to comfort her. The two of them had a tacit understanding, it was just that Eriri did not know that he knew she could hear his inner voice.

Just like the other heroines.

"So I want you to shut up. Y-You... You can't tell others what you see and hear." Eriri said while folding her arms, her flat chest did not sway, only her twin ponytails swayed slightly.

She really felt embarrassed that Eiji saw her crying and cursing Tomoya earlier.

"Isn't the situation reversed? In this situation shouldn't I be the one to say..."

"Eriri, you don't want people to know, do you?"

Eiji with an evil smile said to the blonde girl. He was just pretending of course and wanted to know what Eriri would do.

Eriri's reaction seemed a little exaggerated, she took a few steps back and looked at him warily.

"What do you want?! You, do you want to threaten me and force me to do something obscene? You want me to serve you with my body?! Eiji, you lewd beast!"

"Just with your mouth and without any evidence. Do you think I'll be afraid? You're dreaming!"

"That's quite detailed. But no, you're thinking too much. I didn't even bother filming one of the second year school prima donnas crying from a broken heart watching the boy she likes confess to another girl in front of her eyes. Hiss! Although it would be interesting to see the reactions of the students in this school after finding out what happened to you, I'm really not interested, I want to go home right now."


Eiji said and waved his hand at Eriri before turning around and walking towards the exit.

However, someone grabbed his hand.

"Wait!" Eriri was dumbfounded, this was wrong. Even though she had thought of several plots in her head, but she didn't expect Eiji to just leave right away.

Eiji looked at Eriri strangely. Could this girl be thinking about what he said in his inner voice earlier? He also expected this, but he didn't expect Eriri to pretend that he was threatening her.

No wonder the girl was saying things that villains in hentai franchises usually do.

The girl didn't scold him, she was actually giving him evil ideas.

[Worthy of being a doujinshi artist, Egoistic Lily. Don't tell me in this situation you actually want me to threaten you to do something obscene?]

"What's wrong? Eriri, I've said it clearly. You don't have to worry, I really accidentally saw you earlier and I have no interest in threatening you just because of this."

"Who do you think I am? I'm a good student. Besides, I have several beautiful girlfriends and fiancées to do something like that if I want to."

This boy is too honest, right? Eriri was silent, Eiji didn't even bother to lie and admit that he had many women in front of a girl.

She had always thought Eiji was a handsome man who lusted like an animal. As long as a girl showed him her panties or a soft piece of meat, the boy would immediately become a wolf and eat the girl.

But now... She seemed to have misunderstood?

Even so, she was also surprised that Eiji could guess what she really wanted to do! Eriri of course wouldn't admit it, actually after hearing what Eiji said in his inner voice about how to make a man regret rejecting the woman who loved him.

Thinking of the scene of Tomoya confessing to Megumi with affection. Besides being sad, jealous, and angry. She also had a bit of resentment towards Tomoya. After all in the past, Tomoya seemed to have forgotten. But she always remembered that she and Tomoya had promised to work together, just the two of them to create many works that would shake the world of otaku. The two promised that in high school after they practiced in their respective fields, they would form a two-person group.

She who in fifth grade elementary school already liked Tomoya thought it would be a two-person world. She with her manga/doujinshi drawing talent, and Tomoya who would be her assistant. After that, Eriri even thought the two would get married in the future.

But when they met again in high school, Tomoya became a nerd and had no shame in admitting that he was an otaku to everyone at school. At that time Eriri was also a person who cared about reputation and hid her Doujinshi Artist identity. Due to differences of opinion, her and Tomoya's relationship became cold until the boy invited her to join his group.

Blessing Software.

There Eriri thought it was just her and Tomoya, she was happy that Tomoya at least remembered the promise they made. But no, Tomoya also invited the girls. Kasumigaoka Utama and Kato Megumi.

She often fought with Utaha to get Tomoya's attention, but Tomoya was very dense. He a piece of wood until today, that boy confessed to Megumi in front of her eyes.

The girl she had never considered as an opponent was actually the winner.

Although from Eiji's inner voice she had already been told about this, she still held hope and that hope eventually collapsed.

Don't know if Tomoya did it on purpose or not, but whatever it was. Eriri who was tempted by what Eiji said, she wanted to make Tomoya regret what he did.

Even if she had to do obscene things with Eiji. After all, besides Tomoya, the other boy she knew and had an impression of was Eiji. Eiji was also very handsome, she had actually drawn several male characters with faces and figures similar to Eiji in her doujin.

Eriri blushed, she pinched her skirt with one of her hands, her other hand squeezed Eiji's hand which was bigger than her.

Speaking of bigness, he wondered how big Eiji's was in the...

"....." Seeing the girl's gaze slowly fixed on his pants instead of answering, Eiji thought a girl like Eriri was actually already a pervert, even if he didn't do anything of her stimulating heart. If Tomoya didn't have a plot armor that protected the heroines from other males in the original work, that boy would've had a green hat for making his childhood friend wait so long.

"Ahem! If there's nothing else, I'm leaving. Eriri, you should also go home soon." Eiji certainly wouldn't miss this opportunity, but it was still important to keep his image from being too disgusting. So at this time, he said softly and smiled gently at Eriri.

This was completely different from his indifferent and malicious attitude towards Eriri earlier which left the girl dumbfounded of course.

¶{Eriri's little heart skipped a beat, she did not expect that the evil man in front of her who was usually rude to her would suddenly become so gentle. The words and gentle smile that the man gave her, made her dazed.}

¶{This distinct contrast made her blush hard! The harem halo didn't remain silent either, he made the girl bolder! Vooggh!}

...Miss System is so cheerful, she must be in a good mood.

Are you sure that's what Eriri was thinking?

By the way who are you calling a evil man?

¶{Of course it's you, host. And see? Although it's not 100%, I'm sure Eriri is getting more and more willing to give the protagonist the green hat!}

"That's... E-Eiji, sorry I seemed to misunderstand you. But can you help me?" Eriri bit her lip, her white cheeks colored by a blush, there was no longer the fierce girl, now there was only the girl with a soft, pleading gaze.

Eiji stepped back slightly, he looked at Eriri in surprise.

[Hey who are you? Did I hear you wrong? Eriri apologized?! Are you still the tsundere Eriri Sawamura Spencer?]

"Favor? What favor? I have to rush home... Even so, I'll take a moment for you. So tell me, as long as I can do it. I'll do it."

Even if it's something obscene.

I'm willing to lend my body to you.

The last two of course Eiji didn't say, only he and Miss System knew.

Would it be so surprising if she apologized? Eriri did not admit it, but she knew she was a tsundere. Even so, that didn't mean she couldn't apologize!

But put that aside.

Eriri who saw Eiji suddenly being so kind to her was a little suspicious, but she felt comfortable being treated gently like this. Tomoya had never even been this gentle to her, she...she felt Eiji was getting more and more pleasant to look at.

The decision in her heart was getting stronger.

She wanted to try if Eiji's idea that wasn't said directly from his mouth would work?

"Then... From what you've seen, you must have known my problem, right?" Eriri asked even though she knew Eiji already knew her problem, she still had to pretend because she couldn't say what his inner voice said.

Eiji nodded. "Incidentally I also saw when a boy confessed to a girl named Megumi. That boy is also Utaha Senpai's junior, I know him."

"His name is Tomoya, right? Eriri, you like that boy, but the other party actually likes a girl named Megumi and confesses to her."

Eiji shook his head, he looked at Eriri as if he was pathetic.

"Don't look at me like that!"

"Okay, I won't stare at you like that. Continue."

Eriri snorted, she folded her hands again, the gentle girl from earlier was gone and now the tsundere girl appeared again.

Eiji didn't complain about this, actually in this situation, he would rather bully Eriri who became a tsundere girl.

If Eriri knew what Eiji was thinking... Forget it. She looked at Eiji and said: "You know. So I want you to help me take revenge on Tomoya!"

"Help me make him regret not choosing me, his childhood friend who has liked him since elementary school!"

To further convince Eiji, Eriri told a little about the relationship between her and Tomoya so far even though the other party obviously already knew.

Eiji who heard everything held his chin, outside the moon was already shining and the room was only illuminated by the moonlight from the window.

This situation gave Eiji a vibe that was familiar with...

[Damn. Why do I now feel like the protagonist in that JP novel with a school romance theme. A heroine asks for the protagonist's help to take revenge on the boy she likes for hurting her feelings by confessing to another girl in front of her eyes.]

[Oh my... This drama wasn't gory, but it was a bit mentally draining so I got a bit of a stomachache.]

[...Just kidding. I'm healthy, my ammunition has been restored since last time, I can exercise all night.]

Eriri who had also read novels with such themes in the past nodded mentally. It was true, her problem was somewhat similar to some of the heroine in the book so she found it a little funny. She didn't expect that one day she would do this kind of thing.

Life was so unpredictable.

But Eiji, what does that last one mean? Ammunition? Exercise? As a doujinshi artist, Eriri vaguely understood what Eiji was saying and she blushed. Her fists clenched, she refrained from attacking Eiji with her twintail attack.

Bah bah! On the surface his face looked very serious, but inside he was thinking of perverted things!

Eriri felt her body a bit hot, with her hands, she made a motion to fan her pretty face.

"Is it hot here?" Eiji asked.

"Yes, it's a bit hot." Eriri said, she loosened the tie on her school uniform slightly and made her white neck exposed more.


¶{This little girl is quite interesting... Host, it's time to eat!}

This woman... I don't know why she is more excited than usual.

Do you now understand the fun that comes from eating the heroine and giving the protagonist a hat? I think so.

And Eriri, are you feeling hot? I can't believe it! Even though all the air conditioners in this room are turned off, the night breeze blowing from the window is enough to make your panties cool.

By the way how long has it been? Eiji realized that he would be late getting home tonight.

"Um... Eiji, how do you answer? Will you help me?" Eriri asked, she got this idea from Eiji, but she wasn't sure if the boy was willing to do it with her or not.

Although her breasts were disappointing and not as big as a fat cow like Kasumigaoka Utaha, Eriri was confident in her other assets. As a heroine, she is also an above-average beauty!

With silky blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, soft snow-white skin, and slender legs. Tomoya would definitely regret choosing Megumi over her!

"Sure, leave it to me. Eriri, I understand what you want to do. I'll help you." It actually didn't take long for Eiji to agree, just three seconds after Eriri asked, he immediately agreed which made the girl speechless.

"So what should we do? Even if I say that, d-don't go too far, okay? I want us to do it slowly." Eriri asked with nervousness and embarrassment on her face.

Eiji smiled, the blonde twintail girl looked very cute now. Tomoya, even after you got system, you are still the herbivorous protagonist.

After confessing to Megumi, you can actually still get Eriri easily as long as you persuade the girl harder with sweet words.

But what did you do? You just gave up and went home.

Because of that. Don't blame other men who preceded to eat your childhood friend.

"Don't worry, I have an idea. First, can you call Tomoya with your cell phone? Use video call."


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