Protagonist's counterattack plan

"You're saying that item has the ability to destroy anything it touches? I guess... It's dangerous for me, I will refuse." Ai, who happened to have an empty schedule, refused the Sacred Gear. The girl seemed to be worried about accidentally blowing up her fans during a concert.

"Destroying everything it touches? Like creating an explosion? Sounds strong but not feminine. Just like Ai, I don't want it either." Run said.

"It's a bit strange to see a witch like Magical Kyouko blowing up things she touches. I'm the witch type, I prefer to use ranged attacks." Kyouko said, basically refusing.

Eiji nodded, not forcing that the girls. What about the other girls? He looked at them one by one.

"My Twilight Healing is rarely even used, I don't want to hurt people with explosions. Sorry Eiji-san, please give it to the others." Asia said regretfully.

"Don't worry Asia, I'm not being pushy. I'm offering you this Sacred Gear for those of you who feel like adding power to protect yourself."

"Next." Eiji said and his gaze fell on Kuroka who was watching lazily on the sofa.

Kuroka noticed her gaze and said, "I'm Nekomata, nyaa. Not a human, nyaa. Can't Sacred Gear only be used on humans or half-humans?"

"Well... With my abilities, it doesn't matter if you're human, cat, devil, alien, or any other race."

"...On second thought, I just don't like this Sacred Gear that blows things up. I refuse, nyaa."

Eiji's lips twitched.

[Obviously the first time I took out this Sacred Gear, many of you stared at it with interest. Why are many of you reluctant now?]

[Although not as powerful as the original Longinus, Variant Detonation is a top offensive Sacred Gear. Don't tell me you're all reluctant just because it doesn't look feminine? But indeed, Heracles himself uses this Sacred Gear with his melee fighting style and large body to punch and kick people. This image is not suitable for a woman.]

You yourself realize that, so are you still asking?

Rias and Sona who had previously debated the Sacred Gear were also reluctant. They said it probably wouldn't help much with their current power.

That's right...

Grayfia and Serafall who were no less powerful than Rias and Sona were the same, they didn't need Sacred Gear, at least not of this offensive type.

Lala and the others also refused. Only a girl like Nana seemed interested, yet she was too tsundere to say that she wanted it. If she didn't say it, he wouldn't give it to her either. There's a saying that you don't just want to be fed, if you want to eat, make an effort to get the food yourself.

¶{I'm hearing a saying like that for the first time. Are you sure it's not something you made up yourself?}

No comment.


At this moment, when everyone was despairing, a blue-haired hero raised her hands vigorously. Her twin hills that grew bigger due to frequent massages by him every time they exercised, swayed and bounced in the air.

Nana looked envious at the sight.

"Eiji-sama! Me! Can I have that Sacred Gear! I want to try combining it with my sword techniques. With that thing, won't every slash of mine trigger an explosion?!"

Xenovia was smart when thinking about this, even other tomboyish girls like Irina didn't want Variant Detonation, only girls like her were excited to slash and blow people up simultaneously.

Whoever enemies Xenovia faced in the future, Eiji felt a little sorry for them, just a little. He brought the ball of light on the table to the girl and pressed it against her chest. At first Xenovia thought he wanted to play with her breasts, she almost took off her clothes in front of everyone. Fortunately he quickly stopped her and said he just wanted to insert the Sacred Gear into her soul. The process was a little ticklish according to Xenovia, but it was painless.

Xenovia who had just received the Sacred Gear was stunned for a moment, she naturally understood how to use the thing. Instantly, a fire-like orange aura covered her body clad in school uniform. The other women in the room exclaimed when they saw the glowing Xenovia.

Like a teacher, Eiji explained. "Variant Detonation, unlike other Sacred Gear, has no physical form. When used, it appears in the form of an aura that envelops the body of its use. That aura has explosive power, please be careful when you use it, Xenovia."

For some reason, Xenovia gave him a salute before deactivating her Sacred Gear. "I understand Eiji-sama, I'll be careful!"

"Irina, let's go to the courtyard and fight!"

"Eh! Xenovia, I don't want to! Also, shouldn't we go to school? We're already more than an hour late."

When Irina said that, Eiji and the girls who remembered they were students looked at each other. Except for Eiji, they were actually a little worried about being punished by the teacher, but they immediately calmed down when they saw Rias and Sona.

"....." Rias and Sona sighed.

These people were abusing their status, right?

But yeah... They were also late for school, there was no way they would let those teachers punish them, right? Who was the real boss of Kuoh Academy anyway?

It's the two of them.


Time passes.

In the game creation club room. It's been a while since we've seen him, but right now protagonist Aki Tomoya was sitting in the club leader's chair looking at the girls sitting in front of him with a gloomy expression. Especially when looking at Eriri, after seeing what Eiji did with her in the auditorium, he hated that girl. Utaha too, he had seen that bitch kissing Eiji which made him angry and jealous.

However, for the sake of his game development, he knew he needed their help and he had to beg them for it! Although reluctant, even after getting the system, Tomoya knew he couldn't make the game alone. The copy of the game he got from the system, too, would be problematic to sell if its origin in the public eye was unclear. For example, who is the scriptwriter? Who drew the illustrations? Who made the soundtrack of the game? At least real people are needed for that.

Of course, there are ways to enjoy the cake alone. But at the upcoming Summer Comiket event, having members who make games is important. For the sake of his goal to become the Otaku King, Tomoya couldn't give up just because his head was green!

"Tomoya, you told us to gather at the club during the lunch break. What do you want? I've already finished all the illustrations I promised, we don't need to waste time together except for the upcoming game sales."

Eriri folded her arms and snorted, ever since tasting Eiji's milk, her feelings for Tomoya had grown thin and almost non-existent except for their friendship as childhood friends and coworkers.

"Eriri... That's not it, I actually have something else to tell you. It's about the new project." Tomoya held back his anger, he no longer wore glasses, his hair was pomaded and styled in a way that made him more handsome than his nerdy appearance in the past.

He had a slight hope that Eriri might still have him in her heart, so he tried to dress up harder for her and the other girls in this room. At least before his goal was achieved, he should not tear his face off clearly in front of the girls.

"New project? Tomoya-san, I've said before that I'll quit this club after our first project is finished. So I won't be taking part in this."

Utaha said that, and stood up from the chair to quickly leave the room.

"Hmph! Me too, I have the same idea as Kasumigaoka Utaha. I'm not interested in the new project and will quit the club after our first project is completed."

"Heh, Sawamura-san. I didn't expect you to copy what I did." Utaha did not forget to mock the blonde girl.

Eriri's twin pigtails swinging, Utaha dodged that low-level attack by taking a step back to get out of the attack range.

"Don't get me wrong! I've been thinking about it for a long time, I'm just saying it now!"

"Oh? Really?"


Seeing the two begin to fight as usual.

Megumi wanted to stop the two, but her presence was so thin that the two girls didn't realize she was telling them to stop.

The purple-haired girl, Michiru Hyodo stared at the two bickering girls with an interested gaze as if watching entertainment, but she soon looked at Tomoya and wondered if the cooperation offer he had told her about would be canceled before it started?

Tomoya knew he had to quickly stop and change Eriri and Utaha's minds, he quickly took out an object from his bag and placed it on the table before saying.

"Stop! Eriri, Utaha, at least give me a chance. I'm sure after you guys see this, you'll change your minds."

Eriri and Utaha who were about to exit the room while arguing looked back only to see Tomoya and the flashdisk he had placed on the table.

Utaha's gaze became cold. "Tomoya-san, what is that? Are you threatening us with our lewd photos that you secretly took?!"

"What?! Tomoya, how dare you! I didn't expect you to be such a person!" Eriri roared.

Megumi and Michiru stared at Tomoya in disbelief.

Tomoya panicked and said, "You misunderstood! This flash drive contains games! New, finished games that we just need to copy as much as possible! I want you to help me recognize the things inside as your creations!"

"In short, you want to share the cake?" Utaha looked at Tomoya skeptically, she couldn't believe this boy would be that good. Also, where did the game the boy mentioned come from?

Tomoya nodded with a confident smile.

{Opportunity! I'm sure as long as Utaha, Eriri and the others try to play this game first. I'm sure they realize the value of the game and will be tempted. By then, after they've tasted the sweetness of my cake, there's a chance that those two bitches will come back to me.}

{Right! Hahaha I'm a genius! Although Eriri is already dirty and Utaha is probably just as dirty. I'm confident that with my current appearance and charm, I can win their hearts! As for the green hat on my head? I also shared it with Eiji! That bastard, wait for my revenge!}

{I'm the protagonist! It's time to start counterattacking the villains! Hahahaha!}

The heroines:....

[Serafall: Wow~ Is this boy named Tomoya looking for death? Eiji had ignored him for so long before, but now he's taking the initiative to look for trouble.]

[Sona: It's okay, Onee-sama. Isn't that good? It's been a while since the protagonist showed up again to give us a little entertainment.]

[Rias: Sona is M in Eiji's bed, but she's S when it comes to other people. She's a girl who likes to see people's suffering!]

[Sona: ...Are you done? Rias, your little provocation is pointless.]

[Rias: Tch!]

[Sona: By the way, do you think those girls named Eriri and Utaha will be seduced by the protagonist? If so, they're bitches. Bitches who stand by the side of the protagonist, the enemy of Eiji and us!]

[Xenovia: Slash them! I want to try out my new toy!]

[Irina: Xenovia, that's too cruel... But if they're Eiji's enemies, I'll do it too.]

[Asia: Don't kill, just make them suffer, isn't that enough?]

Meanwhile, the other heroines start sending +1s for Asia.

[Eriri: Wait! Who would be tempted by Tomoya? You guys are slandering me, even before I answer! I'm not a bitch!]

[Utaha: Are the girls in Eiji's harem yandere? Scary. Please don't misunderstand, unlike Sawamura-san, there's no way I'd be tempted by Tomoya after hearing what he said in his heart.]

[Eriri: Kasumigaoka Utaha, what do you mean?]

[Utaha: Sawamura-san has eye problems? Is my writing not clear enough?]

The other heroines who had previously appeared in the group chat were stunned.

[Rias: You two are here too? Hey from yesterday you guys were secretly watching the conversation in this group, right? Are there any other women still secretly watching?]

[Sona: Better confess before the situation becomes dangerous.]

[Lavinia: Um... Sorry, I've been here since last night too.]

[Nana & Momo: Lavinia-sensei!]

[Ai Hoshino: I'm okay, right?]

[Kyouko: Me too.]

[Mai: You guys are so noisy.]

[Yui: Sona-san, I'm here too.]

[Haruna: I'd rather be an audience.]

[Sona: You guys are okay, is there anyone else still hiding? I'm sure there are others, it's fine if you still don't want to talk right now.]

[Sona: For now. Eriri, Utaha, can you follow my plan? First agree to the game offered by the protagonist Tomoya, after that....]

Reading Sona's evil ideas.

Rias was right, Sona was S who liked to see others suffer.

Eriri and Utaha looked at each other for a moment before looking at Tomoya who was waiting for their response.

They nodded.

Tomoya was happy, he was excited, took out the laptop, installed the flashdisk containing the game, and played the game. He pushed the laptop at Eriri, Utaha, and the other girls.

"Try playing it first, the name of the game is Fate/Stay Night."

On the other side.

Eiji grinned, he happened to remember to visit the club he joined after a long time. He didn't know what the girls in the group chat were talking about, but from the inner voice of the protagonist Tomoya.

He knew his plan to hit five birds with one stone was starting.

Eiji just needed to wait for the right time to close the net. It was easy to kill the protagonist Tomoya, but directly killing him would not affect all the heroine in that franchise. Aside from playing a bit and seeing Tomoya's reaction later, he also wanted to break the connection between the protagonist and the heroines in the franchise completely.

After that, he could get everything easily.

"Eiji, stop with your evil smile. You're scaring our clients."

Yukino... Cold as usual. Obviously he had saved her life from the wild demon back then, couldn't she be more gentle with him? When he had just come to the club earlier, when he greeted, except for the protagonists Hachiman and Yuigahama who returned his greeting in a friendly manner, the black-haired girl was still as cold as an ice cube!

Was it because he ignored her for too long that the melted ice froze again?

"Yukino, who's smiling evilly? There's no way my smile would scare a girl, right?"

Eiji turned to the client Yukino was referring to, the client was actually a student who asked the service club for help. As members of this club, Yukino and them would first listen to the problems a student had before deciding whether they could give advice or help.

The girl Eiji was staring at, she was actually a pretty girl, it was just that her expression looked gloomy and she smiled awkwardly at everyone in this room.

With long black hair and amber eyes, she shook her head.

"No, you're not scary, y-you're actually handsome."

There was a slight blush on her cheeks, she was quite an honest girl.

Yukino, Yuigahama, and Hachiman were silent.

Eiji smiled at Yukino. "See?"

Yukino rolled her eyes. "Enough, no more jokes. Students, what is your name and what do you need from the service club."

The girl Yukino was staring at got a little nervous and said.

"My name is Miko Yotsuya from class 1-D. I heard that this club can help with problems that students have."

"Is that true?"


A/N : If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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