Miko Yotsuya's request

[Miko Yotsuya? From her appearance... I feel familiar. Where have I seen her before?]

The heroines...

Especially Yukino and Yuigahama in the club room.

When Eiji said that, usually the girl in question became one of them.


They looked at Miko and wondered if the girl had heard it too?

Surprisingly, the girl was still sitting there and staring at Yukino silently as if waiting for her response.

Yukino knew she had to answer the girl's question immediately, she nodded with a faint smile and said.

"So your name is Miko Yotsuya? Yotsuya-san, you're right."

"People with skills will bless those without skills. Those people are called 'volunteers', they lend a helping hand to those in need. And this is what this club does. Welcome to the Service Club. We will fulfill the task assigned to us by fixing all your problems."

"So Yotsuya-san, what problems do you have? Please tell us about your problem first."

[Why do I feel like Yukino looks like a consultant? But we're volunteers, huh? If this isn't a school club, let alone others, even I'm reluctant to work here without a dime's salary.]

Eiji... Can this guy shut up for a while and not think about things in his head? Yukino who heard the voice inside her head felt her scalp itch a little.

Even so, her gaze was still fixed on Miko, she watched the girl's expression as if to see if there was any change in her expression? Unfortunately no, the girl just smiled at her, with a strangely stiff gaze.

Did this girl really not hear it?

Yukino felt that the other party was a bit strange.

"Are you sure you want to help me? I don't mind telling you my problems, but can you believe my story even if it sounds absurd?"

Not only Yukino, Yuigahama, and the protagonist Hachiman. Even Eiji looked at the girl in confusion.

If Eiji had a photographic memory, he would definitely have no trouble remembering Miko's true identity.

Unfortunately, Miss System had never given him that kind of ability.

"As I said before. It is our duty to help students who come to this club for help. If we are able to solve your problem, we will of course not refuse."

"As for how implausible your story is. As long as you don't make up stories, we will try to believe you and think of how to solve your problem."

Yukino said that, all the service club members nodded as if agreeing with what she said except Eiji. Eiji just stared at Miko who was sitting in front of Yukino with an interested look.

Even after feeling his gaze, the girl did not flinch at all and said to Yukino.

"If senpai says that, then..."

Miko recounted the problem, it only took 5 minutes for that because the girl also recounted how she originally had the ability to see things that should 'not exist in this world' or so she said.

In short...

"You can see ghosts?!"


"Miko-chan, what about inside this club? Are they here too?!"

The first ones were Yukino and Hachiman who doubted what Miko said. After all they were talking about ghosts here, although they had seen monsters like wild demons, did ghosts also exist in this world? Only girls like Yuigahama who looked scared and excited to ask if there were ghosts in the service club.

"I know you must find it hard to believe, right? None of my friends believe it either."

"If I said there was a 2-meter tall ghost with black skin, long black hair, and many hands behind that senpai too. I'm sure you wouldn't believe me because you can't see it..."

The senpai Miko was referring to was Hachiman, she said that without turning to the boy and looked straight at Yukino with a wry smile.

"There's a ghost behind me?!"

"No wonder Hiki has always exuded a gloomy aura and has a gaze that looks like a dead fish!"

"No, Yuigahama. I'm sure the things you mentioned have nothing to do with ghosts."

Hachiman wondered if the orange-haired girl was looking for a fight with him? She wasn't taunting him with that scared expression while staring at the wall behind him, was she?

Speaking of which, was there really a ghost behind him? He got goosebumps, not from seeing or feeling the existence of the creature, but because Miko's words made him a little scared.

Especially at this moment, the atmosphere inside the club was also rather dark as the sky outside was cloudy and it seemed like it was going to rain soon.

It wasn't just Hachiman who was actually a little scared, the girls in the room also actually felt that the atmosphere inside the club had become a little horrific. Yuigahama had even moved his chair and sat next to Yukino.

Yukino was confused, not that she didn't trust the Miko, she didn't think the girl was lying either, especially from her wry smile that seemed to be tired about something.

"I won't disturb senpai's time anymore. I will return to my class, thank you for listening to my story."

Miko got up from the chair and bowed her head slightly before walking towards the club's exit.

"Wait! Yotsuya-san, why are you in such a hurry? I haven't even said anything to refuse." Yukino said, Miko seemed to be a very emotional junior and too skeptical of them.

Miko looked back and looked at Yukino. Not knowing why this girl was staring at Yukino more than anyone else in this room since she sat down and did a Q&A with Yukino.

"But... Yukinoshita senpai, and the other senpai don't really believe my story, right? You can't see what I see either, so how can you help?"

"That..." Yukino thought she really couldn't trouble Miko, after all, she didn't know how to exorcise ghosts or anything like that! But at this moment, she remembered someone in this room who might be able to do something about Miko's problem.

She looked at the white-haired boy who was playing on his cell phone!

"Eiji! Stop playing with your cell phone. Can you help Yotsuya-san?"

Miko and everyone in the room naturally looked at the boy in question.

Eiji raised his head at Yukino before putting his cell phone in his pocket and looking at Miko.

Miko and Eiji looked at each other.

The girl looked at him with an expectant gaze.

Eiji smiled and said, "Miko, can I call you like that?"

"Eh yes, you may, Eiji senpai."

"Hm... I like the way you call me. Not many juniors in this school call me senpai. They're not like you. Miko, you are so cute."

"....." Yukino, Yuigahama, and Hachiman.

Miko blushed, she didn't know what to answer.

Yukino looked at Eiji coldly and was actually a little jealous. "Eiji, seriously. This is not the time to tease your junior."

"Yukino, are you jealous?"

"I'm not!"

Protagonist Hachiman felt sour, he clenched his fists as he saw Eiji and Yukino seemed to be flirting with each other. Obviously he was the protagonist, complete with a system, why wasn't he in Eiji's position.

Eiji pretended to cough, he ignored Yukino who snorted and walked towards Miko.

Miko who saw Eiji standing in front of her felt nervous, she saw the boy lower his head slightly so that their eyes were aligned while ignoring the screams of Yukino and the other girl behind.

"Eiji! You..."

"Wawawa Eiji, Miko-chan is your junior, how can you..."


[Can these girls shut up? Take for example the protagonist Hachiman who just looked at me silently with an envious expression on her face. Also, I just looked at Miko's face closely. I didn't do anything to her. Don't make others misunderstand!]

[I'm being serious here! These eyes, this pretty face, these soft-looking pink lips. Ahem! Make no mistake, Miko Yotsuya is the heroine!]

[Not a heroine with a destined protagonist, she herself is actually the main character in an anime called "Mieruko-chan" which tells the story of a girl with the ability to see ghosts and she will always pretend that she doesn't see ghosts when ghosts bother her.]

[This is a horror-themed anime, but it also has comedy in it. Well basically this girl has a problem, one day she has a high spiritual awareness to make her able to see beings in other dimensions called ghosts or spirits of people who have died in the human world.]

[Actually, I've never seen a ghost myself. With my powers, I should be able to do so, but how? That's why I need to see how the spiritual energy in Miko's body works.]

[As long as I succeed, I should also be able to help with the problems Miko has.]

The heroines...

[Rias: Heroine with the ability to see ghosts! Are there ghosts in this world? We devils can't even see them.]

[Mai: You devils can't even see them? What about aliens?"

[Lala √: Deviluke doesn't either.]

[Akeno: Ara Ara. But I'm surprised Eiji can't see it either. He said he didn't know how and was learning it from watching Miko.]

[Momo: By the way can that girl also hear Eiji-san's inner voice? She's a heroine after all.]

"Eiji senpai, y-you're too close." Miko was too embarrassed to see Eiji's face so close to hers.

"Sorry. I'm trying to help you right now, can you believe it? On your body, I saw a transparent black aura that seems to attract the attention of creatures called ghosts."

"Of course, if you have a problem seeing me this close. I'll stay away."

"No, I don't mind, please continue!" Miko said with a rare excited expression on her face. It was like someone who saw a lifesaving straw after a long time and of course she wouldn't miss the chance to catch that straw.

Eiji nodded, he was holding his own chin while staring at Miko's beautiful reddened face and her gaze was also looking straight at his face from a very close distance. Heh, this girl is so cute.

¶{Are you serious? Host, you're not making anything up, are you?}

Miss System, do you suspect that your host is deceiving this girl? How could that be...


They say to make people believe, it's better to act than just talk. Eiji made a serious expression this time, he ignored the gazes of the three people behind him who were looking at him doubtfully.

If not hearing Eiji's inner voice, honestly right now Yukino wanted to pull the boy's ears to get him away from Miko. After all, from any point of view, staring at a girl that close for a long time was tantamount to sexual harassment!

However, Miko didn't seem to mind either. Yukino was now sure that the girl must also be able to hear the inner voice of this act. Earlier, the girl was pretending so perfectly! She seemed to be used to pretending to be oblivious to the things around her.

"So that's it." Eiji inexplicably nodded and finally kept his distance from Miko. Miko breathed a sigh of relief, finally the embarrassing moment was over.

"How about it, senpai? Can you do anything about my situation?" Miko asked. She had indeed been able to hear the inner voice of the boy in front of her for a long time, and knew quite a lot about him.

Even so, there was doubt that Eiji could help her. It was only when hearing his previous inner voice just now that she felt there was no harm in trying to ask Eiji for help.

She and everyone in the service club waited for Eiji's answer.

Eiji opened his mouth and said, "I can do something to help you."

"Really?!" Miko unconsciously raised her voice.

"Yes, it's just that..."

"Just what?" Miko immediately thought Eiji was just reluctant to help her because he wasn't getting paid anything to help her. This... Should she offer some money? But as an ordinary high school student, she didn't have much money!

Also, does a person like Eiji lack money? Miko knew Eiji was actually a rich man who even had many women as his girlfriends and fiancées. She would not comment on this because it was none of her business, she just wanted Eiji to help her!

She was sick of being bothered by the ghosts she encountered every day at home, school, cafes, and other places she visited. Even in this club, it wasn't just the ghost behind the senpai named Hachiman, there were also other ghosts attached to the walls and walking randomly in the room.

Seeing Miko's nervous gaze, and feeling the gaze of Yukino and the other two who seemed to be judging him. Eiji rolled his eyes, these people misunderstood, did they think he was a bad person who would take advantage of a girl's innocence in this situation?

¶{You don't? I remember, you did something similar to Mai in the past.}

Eiji pretended not to hear what Miss System said. Also, in the past, back then he had only massaged Mai.

It was just a treatment to cure the girl's syndrome...

As for helping Miko's problem, though he still didn't understand how to get him to see ghosts. No, he might be able to do so if he studied while using White Ichigo's form which increased his spiritual awareness. It wasn't a matter of how high his spiritual awareness was because hers was definitely much higher than Miko's.

But precisely because of that, the amount of Miko's spiritual awareness was lower than his to a certain extent which allowed her eyes to see ghosts! This was actually just Eiji's theory, but he was sure that was exactly what happened.

So forget seeing ghosts, he just needs to make this girl unable to see ghosts anymore, right?

"Don't be nervous. I just wanted to ask if I could hold your hand for a moment?"

"Eh..just that?"

[Why do I feel like this girl is a little disappointed? Don't tell me you expected me to do something perverted to you like I did to Mai in the past to cure her illness?]

[Mai: Ahh! Why is this man mentioning it!]

[Nana: Hmph! Perverted man!]

[Akeno: I wonder what Eiji actually did to Mai?]

The other heroines sent +1, Mai was embarrassed and angry, she decided to go offline from the group chat and ignore them all.

Eiji held Miko's right hand, specifically her wrist for about 2 minutes. In this process, he was actually using one of Anos' spells, "Ji Gurr" which has the ability to separate any source or energy in a person's body. He intended to separate the black spiritual energy in Miko's body from the girl herself.

A purple magic circle glowed under both of their feet, leaving the other three people watching mesmerized. Although they knew Eiji was capable of using magic, seeing him use magic directly in front of them did not bore them.

After all, except for Eiji, Miko who can only see ghosts, and the protagonist Hachiman whose physical strength is slightly stronger after receiving rewards from the system. The others are ordinary people and they will still be fascinated to see things that should only exist in movies.

"It's done, can you still see ghosts in this room now?"

After finishing and the magic circle that shone inside the service club disappeared. Eiji released Miko's gentle hand, the girl looked around the club and it didn't take long for her to widen her eyes.

[At this moment, I actually want to ask for a kiss as a reward for helping a damsel in distress. But hey... Forget it. I, Eiji Seiya, only help people because I want to. Not because I want a reward.]


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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By the way, don't forget to throw power stones and leave a review to motivate me :)


Another note: Eiji can see ghosts. It's just that I didn't immediately make it possible because I felt a bit out of place. If he can see them, why didn't he eliminate the ghosts at school or elsewhere before meeting Miko, especially since he gained White Ichigo's power related to Shinigami and souls. This is wrong, so for further explanation wait for the next chapter.