Protagonist who feels betrayed

Eiji was certainly not affected by the protagonist's shouting, he turned his gaze on Eriri who blushed as she looked at him. That girl must be remembering the perverted things they had done.

Utaha looked at her excitedly. After he helped her with her novelist problem. He knew that the girl sometimes came to his class to invite him to have lunch together. But unfortunately, at that time he happened to be absent from school many times due to other plots he had to complete.

Although this was not the first time he had seen Kato Megumi, it was the first time they had come face to face. The girl was still expressionless, but she was looking at him curiously.

There was also a girl with shoulder-length purple hair, he remembered her name as Michiru Hyodo, one of the heroine in the original work. She was pretty, but that was it.

Eiji was full these days, he was not interested in focusing his attention on a heroine. If he could get everything in this plan, he was sure the girl would take the initiative to approach him.

"Slander? I remember your name must be Tomoya. Are you the president of this club?"

"Yes! I'm the president of this club, and these girls are also my club members." Tomoya looked arrogant as if he was showing off in front of him.

Eriri and Utaha frowned. Although it was not wrong, they were not happy to hear Tomoya's tone as if he considered them his property. That was disgusting.

Eiji looked at the protagonist who was barking without knowing what would happen to him with a cynical gaze. He threw the papers in his hand onto the table and said.

"Then they must all belong to you. As the president of this club, you have used the club's budget to buy unknown things without informing the school."

"According to school rules, such actions are against the rules. And based on the amount of loss the school has received due to your misappropriation of money. If you don't immediately admit your mistake and compensate all the club's budget that you have misused."

"The school won't mind punishing you severely, Tomoya."

"What?!" It wasn't just Tomoya. But the girls in the room were also shocked, they naturally stared at the papers Eiji threw on the table. They wondered could it be evidence or something?

"Lies! That must be a lie! All of you, don't believe what Eiji says! This guy must just want to frame me!"

Tomoya denied all the accusations, but people could see that his face was panicked and his hands were trembling slightly. Perhaps because Eiji said he would be severely punished by the school, he was most afraid of being expelled from school because he might have a guilty conscience.

Eiji smiled, he saw that girls like Utaha who were curious started to examine the papers on the table.

"If you don't want to admit your mistake, that's fine. The school has evidence after all. Those papers I got from the student council contain the club's financial report in them."

"Unlike other clubs that explain what club necessities they bought with their clear club budget. This game creation club is very vague. The student council suspects that the people in this club are misusing their club budget."

"Actually not only Tomoya, but everyone in this club is also suspected."

After Eiji said the latter, only then did the girls panic and stare at him in disbelief.

Especially Eriri and Utaha, both of them were probably wondering if they had done him wrong?

[These girls... Don't look at me like that. I'm just doing things that the student council has to do. Even though I'm not a member of the student council, Sona told me to do this task. I can't take sides, cough. Everything must be fair and just!]

[Of course I'm sure Eriri and Utaha had nothing to do with the misuse of the club's budget. Megumi and Michiru who are also heroine in the original work, I'm sure they're good girls and not that brave to do something illegal.]

[So as long as they prove themselves innocent, this plot will only leave the protagonist Tomoya because in the original work he was supposed to use the club budget to buy his personal needs.]


[Sona: There's such a plot? But I'm surprised that this time Eiji also targeted the heroines.]

[Utaha: Shitori-san, do we have a grudge?]

[Eriri: I already said I'm not interested in Tomoya anymore, why are you targeting me?! Sona senpai, you...]

[Sona: Wait, why are you guys blaming me? Oh, actually it's not wrong. After all, you're also a member of the game creation club which is to blame for using the club's budget. But since we already know the protagonist Tomoya misused that money, there's no need to panic, just blame the boy.]

While the other heroines in the group chat were busy being spectators.

Eriri and Utaha who had read the club's financial report immediately looked at Tomoya instead of Eiji.

"Tomoya! Quickly admit to what you bought with the club's budget."

"Eriri! Why are you accusing me right away?"

"Why?" Eriri certainly could not say because she knew the plot, but she had another, more plausible reason. "Of course other than me who is not short of money and never uses the club budget. You who always keep the club budget in your pocket!"

"Who else besides you?"

Megumi and Michiru naturally turned to Tomoya.

Tomoya was getting panicked, he glared at Eiji who was smiling as if watching a show with hatred in his eyes. He immediately looked back at Eriri and said, "Eriri, I did use the club budget given by the school. But I used it to buy supplies for our previous project!"

That must have been the game project before Fate/Stay Night, the girls knew, but they didn't know what exactly Tomoya bought back then because they weren't even told.

Utaha looked at the boy coldly. "If you're talking about the previous project. I remember each of us never used a dime of the club's budget. The tools we used were our personal tools. Tomoya-san, I also don't know what you actually bought for our project."

"If you did wrong, just admit it and don't drag us down with you."

A heroine does not hesitate to tear her face with the protagonist. The protagonist sees this as a form of betrayal.

This is how Tomoya felt right now. On the surface his face was still panicked and sad as if asking for help, but since no one helped him, he roared in his heart and scolded the girls.

{You bitch! Even if I did do something wrong, can't you defend me and not immediately blame me just because of Eiji's words? What about the things we did together to make the game all this time? You really don't have the slightest bit of affection for me? Even after I'm willing to share various cakes with you? Ungrateful wicked woman!}

{Eriri, you're just as bad as Utaha! Both of you are siding with villains like Eiji! Forget those two girls, I'm sure Megumi and Michiru will at least still care about me in this situation. Unlike the other two girls who've been soiled by Eiji, they're still clean and only there for me!}

Utaha was still staring at the protagonist coldly. If she didn't know what Tomoya really wanted for the various cakes with her. She would have thanked him, but after hearing his inner voice all this time. Instead of being grateful, she only grew more disgusted with the boy.

Eriri also felt the same way as Utaha. Compared to Eiji who was hypocritical but meant no harm, Tomoya who secretly cursed them in his heart when he made a mistake could not even compare to Eiji.

Thinking of the last boy, she glanced at him and unconsciously looked down at his pants. She swallowed and tried not to show the strangeness on her face. But she didn't realize Utaha was staring at her with a narrowed and annoyed gaze.

"Utaha senpai... Forget it. It's hard to convince you and Eriri who have been deceived by Eiji." Tomoya snorted at the two girls and looked at the other two girls. "Megumi, Michiru. Unlike the others, you guys believe in me, right? I didn't do anything wrong! All the club budget I've used so far has only been used for our club's needs!"

"Then tell me what you bought and where they are now. I'll check if it's useful for the club? Tomoya, I've already decided. The girls in this club don't seem to know anything about this matter, you're the most suspicious one here."

Eiji shot Tomoya again, the protagonist's mentality was hit so hard that his expression looked ugly. He pointed at Eiji and said: "Eiji, you just want to accuse me, right? Just say it! You don't like me, so you set me up with this method!"

"What a bad person, Eriri and Utaha are blind for thinking you're a good person."

"Tomoya! Who are you calling a bad person? You did wrong and still want to drag us down with your dishonesty."

"Sawamura-san is right. Tomoya-san, even if Eiji is not a good person. In this situation, you're no better either."

[I admit I'm not a good person, but Utaha. Do you have to say it? Tomoya is a troubled protagonist after all. Unlike Basara, he still has the idea to find trouble with me. As someone who knows the original work, I don't hesitate to torture him with methods that would make any student despair.]


[Mai: Methods that can make any student desperate? I wonder what exactly Eiji wants to do to protagonist Tomoya.]

[Utaha: Sakurajima-san, I think Eiji is planning to expel Tomoya from school.]

[Kuroka: Wouldn't it be better to kill him, nyaa? That would be faster.]

[Sona: Kuroka, you don't understand. Did you forget Eiji's hobby?]

[Kuroka: Nyaa?]

[Run: Which hobby?]

[Mai: I want to know too.]

[Akeno: Ara Ara. I might know~]

[Rias: Sigh... It's kind of similar to Akeno and Sona. It's just that Eiji...]

[Mio: Can you guys stop being mysterious? Just say it!]

[Kyouko: I agree with the Demon King's daughter. Just say it!]

[Miko: Ano... I also want to know Eiji senpai's hobbies.]

[Mai: Alright this is too long. Sona, say it.]

[Sona: Many of you really don't know and haven't realized it yet? Well... From the way Eiji dealt with the protagonists in the past. Isn't it obvious? Eiji's hobby is harassing the protagonists! In short, he's a sadist!]

[Lavinia: Isn't that bad? What about Tobio's fate? Tobio is also the protagonist...]

While the heroines were busy typing to reply to Lavinia's message and Sona gave the woman advice. Sona is talented at being a wingman.

At the same time.

Still in the game creation club room.

Eiji felt his nose itch and wanted to sneeze, but he managed to hold back. Surprisingly he often felt the same way these days.

¶{That's natural. You've been showing off in front of a lot of people lately. Killing Poseidon in front of many Demons in the underworld, appearing as a Demon King actor on TV, and defeating Thor in his cage while being witnessed by many gods from Norse mythology.}

¶{You're in a popular phase, host. Nothing's wrong!}

Popular phase? People are out there talking about me, right? Okay... That makes sense.

By the way Eriri and Utaha stood in front of him as if to show that they were on his side which made the protagonist Tomoya stare at him jealously. If there was a jealousy measuring device, Tomoya's jealousy right now was probably as high as the school roof and was prone to doing crazy things if he had the chance.

Only Megumi and Michiru were looking at each other confusedly in their seats.

They looked at Tomoya doubtfully. Tomoya felt his heart ache at this moment.

"Sorry Aki-kun, it's not that I don't want to defend you. You're my classmate after all, but still... How do you prove your innocence?"

"We're talking about the school's money right now. The consequences will be serious, Aki-kun. Please don't play around with the school's money." Megumi said, basically not being on Tomoya's side.

"Eto... Tomoya, sorry. But as Megumi said. No one else but you is suspected of being guilty of misusing the club's budget. You'd better admit your mistake honestly."

"Maybe the student council or school will commute your sentence, right?" Michiru was just like Megumi, not siding with Tomoya. But to make Tomoya even angrier, he saw her asking Eiji with a flirtatious expression.

{Michiru, you too? You bitch! Ah! Ah! And Megumi, why don't you defend me too?! Don't we have a special relationship?!}

We have a special relationship? When?

Megumi averted her gaze from Tomoya. How could she defend Tomoya when he said all that in his heart? Even a girl like her who was often called holy girl by her classmates, she didn't have a strong reason to defend Tomoya in this situation.

Unlike in the original work, Megumi only had a slightly better classmate relationship with Tomoya. And Michiru, although the same as Eriri because she is also Tomoya's childhood friend. Unlike in the original work, after hearing the inner voices of Eiji, Tomoya, and other protagonists. She didn't get too close to Tomoya.

If Tomoya had not persuaded her to join their group and offered her many benefits, she would not be here.

Eiji who received Michiru's gaze smiled and nodded. "What this beautiful purple-haired girl said is right."

"Michiru Hyodo, third year, I'm your senpai. I know you're Eiji from second year."

"Oh... So this is Michiru senpai." She turned her gaze to Tomoya and said: "What Michiru senpai said is right. Tomoya, I can persuade the student council to commute your sentence."

"Of course, the premise is that you first admit what you've bought using the club's budget over the past few months, which totals over 50,000 yen."

"After that apologize in front of everyone while kneeling, reflect on your mistake, and of course you'll have to reimburse the club budget you've used." Eiji said and added again. "Otherwise, with the personality of the student council president, I'm sure she won't hesitate to contact the police."

Tomoya could no longer contain his emotions, his body trembling. Feeling the gazes of everyone in this room, his face was red with anger and jealousy boiling in his heart.

He felt that the Eiji who smiled at him after saying those words was not human. He must be a demon! A cunning and hateful demon, he always appeared to thwart any good deeds related to those girls!

Regarding the threat of the boy, Tomoya felt scared. Even after he got the system, it was useless because in this situation he seemed to be pretending to be dead which made him almost crazy even though he had called out to him many times in his mind.

Isn't he the protagonist? The chosen one? Why was he always stepped on by Eiji in the end?!

However, in this situation, he was also afraid of this matter involving the police. Although he was very reluctant to admit the truth and actually didn't have much money to replace the tuition money he had used himself. In fact the reason he dared to use the school's money was also because he was confident in the sales of his games, especially his Fate/Stay Night game that would be sold later at the Summer Comiket.

But that was later! He hadn't started selling the game yet and didn't have the money to replace all the school budget he had used to buy every single one of his favorite action figures!

So all he can do now is...


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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