Dating with Asia

"It's enough, right? I've done it!"

The protagonist completely gave up under the villain's threat, he knelt down in front of everyone, confessing what he had bought with the club's budget and apologizing under the disappointed gazes of girls like Megumi and Michiru.

Tomoya felt that this was the worst day of his life. Previously when dealing with Eiji, he was just shocked to see him do those things with Utaha and Eriri. But just that, it was nothing compared to the humiliation and embarrassment he was currently feeling!

Ah! Ah! He certainly didn't forget to vow that someday he would take revenge on Eiji!

"Using that much of the club budget to buy action figures... Tomoya, do you know that with that much money a club like the soccer club could buy over 100 new balls and other equipment?"

"With that kind of money they can train more efficiently and hone their skills to participate in inter-school competitions and make the school proud."

"So that's not enough, you must at least do it again 100 more times so that the people in the other clubs feel their hearts are balanced! And after that we can talk about the next punishment." Eiji said that, under the surprised gazes of the girls, and Tomoya who was looking at him angrily.

"Eiji! Don't go too far, how can you connect the problem with this to other clubs? Why do I have to make those people's hearts feel balanced? They don't even know!"

Eiji looked at the protagonist who was still kneeling on the floor, he shook his head in disappointment and said as if speaking to the girls in the room. "Is that not possible? All the club budget you used to buy action figures can be used to support a club so that the club can contribute to the school."

"As far as I know since the club was founded. The game creation club has never once made something truly useful for the school."

"This is actually a waste. Even if the club president didn't make the mistake of misusing the club's budget. Do you know the service club? The people there barely have any activities in their club, but they can at least still help with the problems that the students who come to the service club have!"

"They contribute to the school by helping other students! Compared to that club, what use is this club to the school?"

Eriri, Utaha, Megumi and Michiru felt that what Eiji said made sense. They were a little embarrassed for being members of this club!

This made them stare at Tomoya and urge him.

"Tomoya! Just do it!"

"Tomoya-san, it's just apologizing while kneeling 100 times. And that's still in front of us. You've done it once before, what's so hard about doing it again?"

"Aki-kun... There's no need to be embarrassed. We already know what you did wrong anyway."

"Tomoya, just do what Eiji says. It's to lighten your punishment."

[These girls are so nice... Protagonist Tomoya is cornered by his own heroine!]

[Utaha: Isn't this what you wanted?]

[Sona: What's going on?]

[Lala √: I want to know too~!]

[Utaha: Well... Eiji just told Tomoya to apologize while kneeling 100 times in front of us.]

[Akeno: Ara Ara. Sure enough, Eiji just wanted to harass the protagonist.]

[Kuroka: Is it fun? I suddenly want to watch too, nyaa.]

Tomoya gritted his teeth, who knows how many times he called the girls bitches, betrayals and so on.

Arguing with Eiji was also pointless, the boy would only continue to attack him again with verbal attacks that would put him at a further disadvantage.

So while kneeling down, he started apologizing again with an ugly expression 100 times.

"I'm sorry! I will no longer abuse the club's budget!"

"I'm sorry! I will no longer abuse the club budget recklessly!

"I won't break school rules anymore. I'm sorry!"

Tomoya's heart bleeding, he clenched his fists and restrained himself from going crazy after he saw the girls' gazes. Some of them dared to look at him as if he was funny. And Eiji, that boy didn't even try to hide his laughter when he saw him finish what he asked.

Eiji laughed, not because he found Tomoya funny. He admitted he was a little amused to see the protagonist kneeling and apologizing in front of him, but more than that.

He was actually happy to see girls like Megumi and Michiru looking at Tomoya with disappointment, the latter even looking at the boy while holding back a laugh.

As for Eriri and Utaha? From the beginning he knew those two girls were on his side. This plan was going well, after this he just needed to wait for the next stage of the plan.

"Alright you've done it. Tomoya, as I said. I represent the student council here, I will commute your sentence."

"So to make up for the club budget you used. I'll give you 3 days to do it."

"If within 3 days you can't make up for all the money belonging to the school that you used."

"I can only leave your problem to the student council president who would probably rather call the police."

"This is what you mean by easing my punishment? Eiji you cheated me!" Tomoya who was already standing roared at Eiji, he raised his fist at the boy.

The girls in the club panicked, but Eiji caught the fist that was about to hit his face and looked at Tomoya with his slightly glowing red eyes.

"I didn't cheat you. Isn't it good to have 3 days to return the club budget you used? Otherwise, this school wouldn't be so patient and immediately punish you with a harsher punishment."

"By the way if I report your actions to attack other students. Your problems will be even more severe, are you sure you want to fight with me?"

"Tomoya... As a victim, I can certainly defend myself to hit you. At that time, I probably won't hold back and hit you hard."

Not knowing why, since seeing Eiji's slightly glowing red eyes, Tomoya felt very scared, his body shivered involuntarily and his body instinctively retreated.

He looked at Eiji with fear. He honestly just remembered, even with his physical strength slightly enhanced by the system. He still couldn't beat Eiji! If it wasn't for feeling so emotional that he dared, he wouldn't have the confidence to beat Eiji in a fight.

Just like he had a system, he felt Eiji was no ordinary person either!

Although he didn't know how to return all the club's budget that he had used to buy action figures, he nodded with a trembling voice.

"Understood. I understand. Please don't report my previous actions. I'm impulsive, I will definitely return all that club budget in 3 days."

"Since you said that. I'll tell the student council president to be patient."

At the time Eiji said that, it just so happened that the second break had also ended. The bell rang and it was time for all students to return to class.

He said goodbye and walked out of the club room. But not only him, girls like Eriri, Utaha, Michiru and even Megumi came out of the club room with him.

They walked to class together while chatting, especially Michiru. The purple-haired girl whose figure was not inferior to Utaha's was somehow very proactive and asked for his contact number under Utaha and Eriri's unhappy gaze. Eiji did not forget to introduce himself to Megumi, the girl was surprised that he remembered her existence and seemed to be happy about it.

None of them talked about Tomoya who had been left alone in the club room.


Time passed. The sun had begun to set.

The orange sky and a few crows that occasionally passed by decorated the sky above the school.

Eiji was used to seeing this kind of scenery. At this moment, he no longer even thought about the things he had done to Tomoya. Although he gave Tomoya 3 days to return the club budget he had used.

In fact, he was sure Tomoya wouldn't be able to return the money. With the sub-system, he had told the thing to deceive Tomoya and do things that would bring the boy to the ending he wanted.

This has something to do with the Fate/Stay Night game he set up for Tomoya.

He just needed to wait.

"Eiji-san, where are we going?" A girl who was holding hands with him asked curiously.

Her silky blonde hair was as beautiful as ever, but her green eyes were no longer innocent, now they contained many things and the way she narrowed her eyes looked seductive to the opposite sex.

Although on the surface she still looks innocent.

"Asia, I heard that there's a delicious ramen shop that just opened around here. I suddenly want to try it. By the way you can consider this a date, I've never asked you out, right?"

"Eh! D-Date with Eiji-san?"

"Yeah, don't you want to?"

Asia shook her head frantically, smiled sweetly and said: "I'm willing! I'm willing to date Eiji-san!"

The girl held his hand tightly and even hugged him, she looked excited, and seemed to deliberately emphasize her chest which had also grown bigger from the first time they met.

It didn't take long for them to get to the ramen shop they were looking for. It was located in a shopping center, and they deliberately walked to enjoy the date atmosphere.

The ramen shop looked ordinary, the building was mostly made of strong Japanese tree wood and Eiji didn't know what kind it was. What did it matter anyway? He was just here to ask a girl out.

"Wow! It's quite crowded inside, Eiji-san. Do we still have a place to sit?" Asia looked at the people who had arrived before them.

Many of the people seemed to be office workers and students who ate here before going home.

Eiji looked around, ignoring the gazes of the few customers who were casting curious glances at him and Asia. Then, he found an empty table in the corner of the shop and pointed at it.

"There's one over there. Let's sit there."

Asia nodded, she followed him obediently. And perhaps because of the gazes of the people who were interested in their appearance, the thin-skinned Asia had a tinge of red on her cheeks.

[Funny thing~ I just remembered to ask Asia out now. She's such a cute and pretty girl, I should pay more attention to her.]

[Rias: Even though I was told about this date before school, I'm still jealous of Asia.]

[Lala √: Jealous? Didn't you have a date with Eiji before, Rias?]

[Rias: I did do it once in the underworld, but I want more!]

[Lala √: Eh... Only one time? Eiji and I have dated three times.]

[Rias: Lala, you're not showing off, right?]

[Sona: Lala, I have the same question as Rias.]

[Akeno: Fufu~]

[Mai: Are you guys dating?]

[Kyouko: Speaking of dating, Eiji and I went straight to the last step before a date.]

"Wawawa... Eiji-san!" The embarrassed Asia almost fell off her chair. Seriously?

"Be careful, you can't press your butt too much into that chair. It's the kind of chair that will retract itself automatically if you press it too much, but you just need to lock the height." Eiji said as he ordered two bowls of ramen from the waiter.

"Lock? Which lock?" Asia looked down at her own chair in confusion and looked at him as if asking for help.

"That's the little object on..." Eiji had to get up from his chair and check the chair Asia was sitting on. He squatted down just to check because usually the shopkeeper would have arranged the chairs in the shop before they opened, right? But for his own woman, he checked just in case.

He was completely unaware of Asia pressing her smooth thighs against his head and looking at him with a look that was anything but innocent.

"This is pre-arranged. Nothing will happen if you sit as you please."

"Thank you Eiji-san."

Asia smiled, Eiji nodded and returned to his seat. The ramen they ordered also came at that time and they ate. While eating, not knowing why, Asia often glanced at him several times.

Eiji was confused, he wondered if the ramen they ordered tasted bad? He himself who ate it felt that the ramen was better than most other ramen shops in this area.

"Is the ramen not good? Not to your taste?"

"No, Eiji-san. This ramen is delicious."

"Oh? Then why did you stare at me so many times while eating?"

"That..." Asia hesitated, but she said: "I was just wondering if Eiji-san could stop eating by himself and let me feed you?!"

The girl said it in a fairly loud voice. The other customers naturally glanced at them, some of them shook their heads and whispered "Oh young man".

Eiji could even see the ramen seller giving him a thumbs up at them and gesturing as if asking if he wanted to order more food? There happened to be hotpot for a couple in the shop's menu but he shook his head.

"Eiji-san refused? Won't let me feed you?" Asia looked like she was about to cry.

Eiji panicked and hurriedly said, "Who said I refused? I agreed!"

Asia immediately changed her face, she immediately smiled brightly and used her own chopsticks to feed him under the gaze of many other customers. Surprisingly, the girl did not seem shy while doing so. It was so different from when she first walked into the shop!

What was wrong with this girl? Eiji didn't know, especially when he opened his mouth to eat the ramen she gave him. Asia's gaze looked hot as she watched him chew the food she gave him.

'Miss System, did I miss something again?'

¶{What do you mean by again? But yes, you do often forget things.}

'... So do you know something?'

¶{You don't deny? Well... Actually I don't know either. Maybe Asia has learned a lot of things from the other girls in your house that made her have a dark side.}


After finishing eating ramen. Eiji and Asia didn't go straight home. The sun hadn't fully set yet, Eiji felt it was fine to take Asia around the shopping center for a while longer.

What Miss System said was useless.

Asia who was now holding his hand while pointing at several places with an angelic smile seemed to have nothing wrong with her.

She may not be as innocent as in the past, but she's still a kind and gentle girl, right?

Nothing is wrong.

¶{You raised the flag on purpose.}

Eiji pretended not to hear what the woman said. He took Asia to the places she pointed out and bought some snacks that interested her. The girl always wanted to feed him food, even on the road, Eiji did not refuse of course.

There was a saying that any food, as long as it was given directly from a woman's hand, it would taste better. Eiji didn't fully believe it, but as long as the food was worth eating and the one feeding him was a woman as beautiful as Asia. He felt it made sense.

Anyway those were the things he was thinking before they met a woman who walked out of the alley and fell in front of them.

The woman seemed to be injured, there was blood coming out of her stomach.

The wound wasn't big, but it was definitely enough to make an ordinary woman faint.

Because of this, their date was interrupted of course.

[This woman looks familiar.... Her blonde hair and pretty face. Then there's also her orange armor that reminds me of one of the women in the Hero Faction!]

[If I'm not mistaken, her name is Jeanne. Hey... What is this? Is this a new method to fight me? I suspect that this woman is deliberately pretending to be injured in order to gain my sympathy and for me to take her home with me.]

[Then after that she will stab me in the back. I already killed Heracles, so there's no way those people from the Hero Faction would approach me with good intentions. I'm honestly too lazy for this, but if I don't help that woman and eliminate her right away. The gentle and kind Asia probably won't like it.]

Just now Eiji wanted to pretend to be a good guy, but he was stunned to see Asia let go of his hand and immediately walked towards Jeanne.

He couldn't see her expression, but if he did.

He would definitely be surprised because now Asia was staring at Jeanne who was lying on the ground coldly! She even kicked the woman slightly as if trying to wake her up!

"Are you still alive?"

"H-Help me... Anyone..." Jeanne opened her eyes slightly only to see a blonde girl staring at her with a faint smile. However, she felt that the girl's eyes were not smiling at all... This was a bit wrong.

"I will heal you. After that you can leave here. Don't bother me and Eiji-san, okay?"

"Eh? But I seem to be seriously injured, I should be treated at least at..."

"I told you not to bother me and Eiji-san. I'll heal you here, right now, are you deaf?"

Jeanne did not expect the gentle-looking girl to speak so harshly to her. She glanced at Eiji who was standing not far behind and wondered if he himself would not move?

This scenario is wrong!

But before she could answer, her vision was immediately blocked by the girl's figure.

Asia crouched down, her hands glowing with green light, she immediately pressed her hands onto Jeanne's wound roughly which made the woman scream slightly.

"What is this? Sacred Gear? Isn't this Twilight Healing?! You're actually..." Jeanne felt her wound heal quickly, she saw the girl put a finger on her lips. She was still looking at her coldly despite healing her.

"Sttt... Don't talk so much. Make sure you leave after this. Don't disturb my date with Eiji-san. Do you understand? Please don't force me to hurt you."

Is this girl threatening her?!

Not only Jeanne, even Eiji also did not expect Asia to do that.

He wondered since when did his Asia become like this?!


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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