Chisato is no longer clean, Ornis vomits blood

"Chisato sensei, Eiji?"

Of course, the ones who came were Chisato and Eiji. However, seeing a teacher who often gave him advice and welcomed him well whenever he visited the school health room. Seeing that woman now flying in the sky with Eiji holding her.

Basara didn't know why, he felt that he had lost something that made him feel uncomfortable.

Basara was still much better, but what about Ornis? Seeing the woman he loved being embraced by another man, he himself had never even touched Chisato to that extent.

How was Ornis feeling right now? He was angry of course!

Even though he was a god, his heart ached as if he had a mental attack that made his jealousy explode!

"Eiji Seiya, how dare you touch her with your dirty hands!"

"Let her go right now!"

"Even if it's you, I'll kill you! You demon and lowly human!"

"Creatures like you are better off disappearing from this world!"

Ornis lost his composure, the divine spear that was previously aimed at Basara, now it was aimed at Eiji. Having observed Chisato all this time, Ornis naturally knew who Eiji was and how famous he was in the supernatural world.

So he increased his attack power and didn't hold back at all!

Seeing the spear shrouded in divine power flying towards him. Eiji wondered if Ornis hadn't seen Chisato in his arms? If he attacked him in that position, he might also hurt his goddess.

Still, maybe this was what happened when a dog licker who had been licking for years, but had never touched the woman he loved in the slightest. The green feeling of seeing Chisato embraced by another man, drove Ornis crazy and lost some of his IQ.

Eiji chuckled which made Chisato wonder if he didn't panic at Ornis' impending attack? If Eiji didn't move, she herself could block the attack.

"Your dog is cute, Chisato."

Chisato's lips twitched, Ornis was basically a servant of the gods who had also served her in the Divine Realm. She was certainly aware of how Ornis looked at her, how he was so obsessed with her. She had always treated him coldly, but he never seemed to listen to her.

It didn't seem wrong to call Ornis a dog.

Before Chisato could reply, she saw Eiji extend one of his hands forward. She thought he was going to make a barrier to block Ornis' attack. But no, she misunderstood because Eiji actually caught Ornis' spear with his bare hands!

Precisely Eiji pinched the tip of Ornis' spear and the spear immediately stopped. The divine power that had previously enveloped that thing also disappeared. With a slight pressure from Eiji's hand, the spear even shattered into pieces.

"....." Basara and Chisato.

"N-No way! How could a filthy creature like you capture and destroy my sacred spear?!" Ornis roared in disbelief.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm stronger than an ugly creature like you. Are you really a god? No wonder Chisato was never interested in you." Eiji said with his hands still hugging Chisato's slender waist in the air.

Despite not showing it on her face, Chisato was actually feeling a little embarrassed at the moment. She of course wanted to break away from Eiji's hand, but considering what she had promised the man, she didn't do it. Her face was expressionless and looked at Ornis coldly. Fortunately Basara looked fine, they at least didn't come too late.


Ornis' pain point was pierced by Eiji's words. His blue body covered in armor trembled. It was true that his appearance was not very good for a god, even compared to the other gods in the Divine Realm, the human-like creatures he often despised had a much better appearance than him!

Even so, Ornis was always confident and thought power was everything in this world. As long as you choose power, appearance is not important. However, Eiji's words made him rethink his appearance and look at his goddess who obediently let the man hug her.

Chisato... The Arifureia he knew never allowed herself to be touched by any man. Ornis knew many male gods in the Divine Realm also pursued her, but none of them succeeded. They were all always coldly rejected by Arifureia which made Ornis feel relieved.

Although he was also among those who were rejected, he was content to be a servant serving Arifureia until today.

But what did he see now? How could Arifureia not resist being hugged by Eiji?!

The killing intent and jealousy in Ornis' eyes intensified, his blue eyes shone brightly, brighter than a LED flashlight. He could not refute what Eiji said, so he glanced at his goddess and asked. "Arifureia-sama, why are you here? Why are you letting that filthy creature hug you! Hurry up and get away from him right now!"

"Ornis, I'm the one who should be asking. What do you want to do to Basara? You want to kill him? You know that woman's blood is in him and you still dare to kill him?" Chisato asked, her green eyes glowing golden which proved that she was very angry. There was killing intent in the woman's eyes.

Seeing the woman he loved staring at him with such a look, Ornis panicked of course and hurriedly said, "Arifureia-sama I did it for your sake. Rather than continuing to live in this disgusting human world.

"You should return with me to the Divine Realm! Therefore, I must kill Basara for you! And Eiji, I will also kill―"


Before Ornis could finish his words, his body was thrown and hit a large rock that happened to be not far behind him. Chisato did it, she had just waved her hand at Ornis and he bounced off.

"Stop calling him a filthy creature. Ornis, you're presumptuous! You dare try to kill Basara for me? You..."

"Chisato..." Eiji whispered something in her ear.

"...." Ornis was dizzy watching his goddess continue to be desecrated by Eiji.

"...." Basara was confused, there were many questions about why Chisato seemed to care so much about him. He was happy with the woman's concern for him, but was uncomfortable seeing her and Eiji's intimate contact.

Chisato was a little uneasy when she felt Eiji's breath in her ear, the masculine smell that wafted by her nose also actually made her a little dizzy. She opened her mouth several times before saying: "You also dare to interfere in my male and female affairs with Eiji. Ornis, be more self-aware. Can you even beat Eiji?"

"W-Wait! Arifureia-sama, what do you mean man and woman relationship? There's no way! There's no way you and Eiji..."

"I said it's none of your business. It's up to me to choose any man I like."

"Pufft!" Ornis who was already badly injured just because of Chisato's hand wave, now he was vomiting blood hearing what that woman had to say.

Blue blood spurted from his mouth, his body staggered forward.

The words "man I like" from Chisato's mouth were like a sledgehammer that hit his heart to shreds.

All this time, he had always thought that Arifureia was not interested in men because she wanted to focus on performing her duties as the highest ranking goddess in the Divine Realm.

There was also a guess that no man could enter Arifureia's eyes because they were inferior to her.

But Ornis seemed to misunderstand, he kept convincing himself all this time with the above reasons. But in reality? Chisato was in fact willing to resign from the seat of the Ten Gods ruling the Divine Realm and descend to the human world with a mortal body just for a cursed child like Basara Toujou. This had already been going on for 15 years.

And now? Now Ornis knew Chisato was degrading herself even more by liking a human like Eiji! According to the information, Eiji was also actually a demon, but that was the same to Ornis since both of them were lesser beings than gods!

Even if Eiji was strong, Ornis simply couldn't accept the goddess he loved and admired the most all this time falling into that man's hands.

Many magic circles appeared behind Ornis, she looked at Eiji who was hugging Chisato madly.

"Arifureia-sama, you're joking, right? You must have been bewitched by Eiji! I will save you and purify you in the Divine Realm. For that, I will definitely kill Eiji!"

"Ornis, sometimes I wonder if you're deaf or stupid?" Chisato felt she had wasted time, it was better to kill Ornis right away than to continue this nonsense.

But before she did so and before Ornis was about to fire his magic.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone including Chisato.

Eiji turned Chisato's body towards him and kissed her passionately.




Ignoring Ornis who shouted "Ah! Ah! Let go of Arifureia-sama!" repeatedly while vomiting blood again and failing to fire his magic.

Basara shifted his gaze to another direction. Damn! Eiji was so brave, he kissed the teacher at his school! Although Basara was somehow a little jealous and felt like he was missing something important. He ignored that feeling because it didn't make sense, right? Unlike Eiji who might have an ambiguous relationship with Chisato. He was just one of the students who received Chisato's kindness while at school.

'What is this man doing? Eiji!'

Chisato was surprised, she didn't expect Eiji to kiss her in front of Basara and Ornis. And it was her first kiss! After all before this, Eiji was actually the only man who had this much physical contact with her. Chisato of course rebelled and wanted to push Eiji's body away, but the man's strength was too strong.

Eiji dominated her completely!

The thought of releasing the seal of her goddess power ran through her mind, but felt Eiji's tongue invading her mouth wildly. Chisato's eyes blurred slightly, her and the man's tongues entangled. Their saliva mixed with each other and the taste was actually very good.

Is this what a kiss tastes like? Chisato just found out and felt a little addicted. The pungent masculine smell through her nose and Eiji's burly hands hugging her body didn't help either―she felt humiliated and strangely she didn't hate it.

At this moment, being forcibly kissed by Eiji actually excited Chisato. Chisato certainly denied what she herself was thinking, but her body was more honest. Her hands began to wrap around Eiji's body and hug him tightly.

Her tongue also began to move to fight with Eiji's tongue inside her mouth. The lewd sounds of their kiss and Ornis who kept shouting were ignored by her.

Chisato was beginning to think she was a lowly goddess. Maybe what Eiji said about her in the original work was true. It made sense that she would willingly become her cousin's son's sex slave. Based on the way Eiji threatened and forced her, she was originally just reluctant and didn't really hate the man. In short as long as she doesn't hate the man who did this to her, or she herself who originally took the initiative.

She would fall...

Whoever is the fastest, he will get the goddess bitch...

Chisato's thoughts were chaotic, but she knew after this, she would probably never escape Eiji's hands.

Just like when he kissed her greedily and hugged her possessively now, she could only belong to him in this life.

¶{Hehe host, your painting style has changed. But hey, it's not bad. Conquering the heroine by force! Hahaha look at the villain's green face and the protagonist's confused one.}

¶{I like it a lot!}

Eiji wasn't sure when, but Miss System who was originally fine now had her brain contaminated with a deadly poison that made the woman a pervert.

Who influenced that woman? It definitely wasn't him.

By the way Chisato is very fragrant! Eiji was happy that the woman was starting to cooperate obediently. After kissing for more than five minutes, their lips parted with the bridge of saliva slowly severing.

Chisato's face was slightly flushed and panting as she was also lacking oxygen after kissing for that long. Her expression was not cold, but she looked at him absentmindedly and did not say anything.

Eiji grinned, he shifted his gaze from the beautiful woman in his arms and looked at Ornis who was stupidly just staring at them while kneeling as if his world was shattered.

On the other side, Basara was just staring at him awkwardly. Good protagonist, don't worry, I'm sure there are many beautiful girls who are willing to be your girlfriend later. Besides the heroines of course.

"Did you see it? Ornis, right? I see you seem to like my woman. Too bad you can't have her because she only belongs to me."

"Not only do you dare to try to kill my woman's nephew, you also want to kill my friend, Basara?"

"I don't like saying this, but you seek death."

Who are you calling your woman? Chisato rolled her eyes, this guy was so shameless, but she didn't say anything to refute his words.

"Um... Glad you came Eiji." Basara said although he wasn't sure whether to be happy or not with Eiji's arrival after seeing him kiss Chisato in front of his eyes.

Eiji gave the boy a thumbs up. "Basara, we're friends. Of course we have to help each other. Besides, in the future we might also become family."

"Eiji, shut your mouth. What are you saying..." Chisato complained.

"Sensei, that's what I said." Eiji said.

[Basara still doesn't know Chisato is his aunt, right? It was only a matter of time. And it's not just you, Chisato. There's also Mio and Maria. Basara will become my brother-in-law in the future.]

[By the way Basara also doesn't know his two younger sisters have become my women, right? Should I tell him now? Well, I'll leave this matter to Mio or Maria later.]

"...." Chisato didn't know what to say. But at least it was better than seeing Eiji antagonize Basara.

[Mio: This man leaves the problem to his woman?]

[Maria: But Mio-sama, it might be better if we tell Basara-san.]

[Sona: I think in order to prevent things from getting worse, you should tell Basara properly.]

[Rias: Don't let Basara be impulsive enough to attack Eiji because if he does he's done for.]

The heroines in the group chat are quite noisy.

Ornis who heard Eiji and Chisato's conversation that seemed to be flirting with each other almost fainted from a mental attack.

He no longer had the illusion that his goddess was under magic or something.

He was heartbroken and felt betrayed.

Because of that, he...

"Eiji Seiya! Arifureia! You two are a pair of dogs! The gods of the Divine Realm must feel anger and disgust after knowing this!" Ornis roared with hundreds of magic circles once again created behind him. He no longer even called Chisato respectfully. Chisato didn't care of course and just looked at the man with disgust.

"Ornis, do you think me who has resigned will care about what those people say? Even if I were still part of the Ten Gods, I wouldn't care."

"Arifureia..." Ornis wanted to ask why? But he shook his head. Her expression distorted and roared again. "I want you all dead!

All of Ornis' magic circles fired. Not only targeting Eiji and Chisato, he also targeted Basara. Actually he just wanted to destroy whoever was in front of him after seeing his goddess being kissed by another man in front of him.

That woman also did not refuse at all.

His goddess is already dirty!

Basara tightened his grip on Brynhildr, he was actually a little insecure to fend off Ornis' attacks.

But considering there was Eiji, and Chisato who seemed to be no ordinary person either. They might be able to―

"Aghhh!! No! No! Why? Why am I still losing? Arifureia, Arifureia-sama. Isn't your goddess power sealed? Why are you able to use it?! If only that hadn't happened, I would have been able to kill all of you!" Ornis shouted like an incompetent and stupid person.

Why? It was because all his attacks had been neutralized by the many silver chains that appeared from the golden magic circle. The silver chains were one of Chisato's abilities that had loosened a bit of her power seal.

Chisato who had divine power emanating from her body snorted. She didn't want to bother talking to Ornis anymore, extending one of her hands towards the man. A multi-layered magic circle appeared in her hand, she was about to launch a penetrating attack that would kill Ornis in a single strike.

But Eiji suddenly stopped her by saying "Let me do it". Chisato didn't know what was wrong with her, but she obeyed what he said.

She saw Eiji himself extend his right hand to the sky, that arm suddenly enveloped in a jet black glove with an ominous dark purple aura. Even a goddess of the highest rank like herself shuddered as she felt the evil power contained within the glove.

"Dimensional Corridor."

Eiji used the black hand of the goddess, he actually wanted to try a little bit of the power of this thing.

After he said that, a giant dark portal with many pairs of eyes peering from within opened above the island.

Except for Eiji, everyone froze.

Chisato unconsciously hugged Eiji tighter.

The normally very brave Basara could not help but shiver. The Brynhildr in his hand even trembled, the soul of one of the strongest valkyries who had hunted many evil spirits―for the first time she was afraid of whatever might be inside the portal.

Fortunately they were not the target of the thousands of pairs of eyes peering through the portal. The one who was most frightened and limp at the moment was Ornis!


It was difficult for Ornis to speak properly as he looked up at the dark sky with many pairs of eyes staring at him.

As if pulled by an invisible force, Ornis' body flew inside the portal.

Ornis of course didn't want to, he screamed and begged Eiji to stop. But it was useless, no one cared about him. After he was swallowed and the portal closed by itself.

Shortly before the portal closed, Basara and Chisato could faintly hear Ornis' terrified screams as if he had seen something terrible. The man sounded in pain and even cried like a child begging for his life.



Basara and Chisato's faces were slightly pale.

I don't know what's inside there, but whatever it is. Being Eiji's enemy must be really bad.

That's what the two of them thought.

Eiji had already put the black hand of the goddess back into his system inventory, he was satisfied to see the slight power that his new toy had just displayed.

[As expected of me. The gods of this world are nothing more than that.]

[Very easy to defeat.]


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