Ravel is very sweet

The heroines who heard Eiji's inner voice fell silent.

This man just bragged about himself, right?

But still, none of them disagreed. It was actually not the gods who were too weak, but Eiji who was too strong! As a time traveler with hitherto unknown strength, he also had many means to benefit himself and those around him.

The latter was actually the main factor why many of them were willing to become Eiji's women before they finally fell in love with the man and were willing to do anything for him.

Many of them knew they were no worse than the original work, but so what? Following Eiji was at least better than following the protagonists.

With mysterious powers and knowledge of the plot that made women curious. With his looks that needless to say, are very handsome.

Which woman could resist?

Even Chisato, although she didn't want to admit it, the feeling of relying on a man like the one she was currently feeling actually made her heart flutter. There was a feeling of comfort that until now did not make her want to break away from that man's embrace.

But because of the situation and Basara, after they landed on the ground. Chisato hurriedly detached herself from Eiji and tried to display her calm and cool teacher image.

"Basara, glad you're okay."

Basara deactivated his Brynhildr, he looked at Chisato and Eiji with a somewhat awkward smile. Despite having seen the ambiguous relationship between the two, Basara felt warm that they had come all the way here out of concern for his safety.

"Thank you for coming, sensei. Eiji, you too."

"Well... Fortunately Chisato sensei realized you were kidnapped, so me and him who had cleaned up the mess at school went straight to look for you." Eiji said while ignoring the gaze of Chisato who was staring at him flatly.

I mean how can you have such a thick face to say that?

If she herself hadn't persuaded him and promised him something, Chisato was sure Eiji wouldn't have bothered to look for Basara.

"The chaos at school? That's right... Earlier many students were controlled by that creature. Are Mio, Maria and the others okay?" Basara was worried about his younger sisters and definitely Yuki, and Kurumi who had recently transferred to his school was also included.

Eiji waved his hand. "Don't worry, they're fine. Actually right now they're stronger than you think."


"Yes, before I had given them a little training to increase their strength."

"When? Why don't I know..." Basara was a little surprised. Didn't that mean Mio and Maria had spent time with Eiji without him? This feeling again... Basara felt like he had lost something.

"...." Chisato didn't really know the details either. But as a heroine who could hear Eiji's inner voice, she knew the training the man was referring to must be something perverted.

Chisato felt that her nephew was pitiful... That boy had basically lost his future harem member. If it was her before, Chisato would have wanted to do something to help Basara by warning Eiji not to touch the girls around Basara.

But now? Her first kiss was taken by Eiji. Although her heart had not yet fully fallen, her body had almost fallen completely and it was only a matter of time before the man claimed her.

Eiji had no idea what Chisato was thinking. Whatever it was, he would not let her escape. In this life, Chisato could only belong to him. Call him the same disgusting protagonist as the others, he didn't care. The winner gets it all, the loser has to be happy with what he already has. And Basara...

He patted the boy's shoulder and said: "Not long ago, maybe when you weren't home. Mio and Maria invited me to your house to train."

"What kind of training did you give them?"

"Just magic and martial arts training."


Although he was curious, Basara knew this was not the time to ask for details. He was uncomfortable knowing Mio and Maria were actually inviting other men to his house in his absence. But what could he do? Fortunately the man was Eiji, at least after this incident, he was sure the man was not a bad person.

Still, just in case, Basara thought of asking Mio and Maria later.

... Basara looked at Chisato doubtfully and could not resist asking.

"Before we go, sensei. Can you tell me who you really are? Why did Eiji say I was your nephew?"

Before Ornis died, how could Basara not hear the conversation between Eiji, Chisato and Ornis? There seemed to be another reason why Chisato treated him well at school.

Basara slightly guessed, maybe Chisato was his aunt! And to make a god like Ornis respect her and call her "Arifurea-sama", that woman might be too...

Unfortunately after Basara managed to guess, he suddenly lost his consciousness and Eiji certainly wouldn't let Chisato catch the boy. He used his magic to make Basara float beside him.

Chisato who had just used her magic to erase Basara's memory of this incident did not comment on what Eiji was doing.

"Yosh, let's go back to school." Eiji said.

"You didn't ask why I did that to Basara?" Chisato was confused.

Eiji rolled his eyes. "Do you want me to ask?"

[In the original work. After Chisato killed Ornis and managed to stop Brynhildr's rampage. She also did the same thing, she erased Basara's memory of that plot.]

[Speaking of stopping the rampaging Brynhildr. I don't know if there's no other way, but that woman is actually using her body to do obscene things with Basara.]

[Fortunately now that situation didn't happen. There's no way I'd let Chisato who I've marked do something like that with her nephew.]

[That woman is mine after all after what she promised.]

This man...

Is it just me or is he getting more shameless and possessive?

He is also immoral.

By the way, what promise?

The heroines are curious.

Chisato wasn't surprised that Eiji didn't ask because he knew in the original work she also erased Basara's memories. But she was a little surprised that in order to stop Brynhildr's rampage, she actually used her body to do obscenely things with Basara? No way!

Chisato admitted she loved Basara because he was the son of her cousin, Raphaeline. Otherwise, she wouldn't be here and agreed to Eiji's request. But to stop Brynhildr's rampage, she herself actually had the kind of magic to forcibly stop it. There was also another, gentler way. Chisato in the original work seemed to choose the latter.

Chisato didn't know whether she should be relieved or not because even if she didn't do it with Basara in this life, Eiji would still collect her debt.

That man was more possessive than she thought. And after seeing the strength he showed earlier. Even she in her goddess form was not confident to defeat Eiji.

Seeing the man's heated gaze before taking her and Basara back to school.

Chisato knew she couldn't escape.


Eiji wanted to say being a harem protagonist is a very good thing for a man.

What cultured person would refuse to be a harem protagonist?


"Wait a moment, Miss System."

Speaking as a man who prefers sex toys to clones. Although it was troublesome, Eiji knew he had to divide his time and couldn't get everything done at once.

For example the promise he made with Chisato, he had to postpone it because before the previous plot happened.

Ravel had already come to him first. For a beautiful girl who took the initiative to transfer to the same school as him for his sake.

How could Eiji have the heart to forget her just to have fun with a pretty school nurse?

So after the chaos at school was settled. The memories of all the ordinary students and teachers had been erased by Rias and the others. Chisato didn't know, but Basara who just woke up and attended his classes as usual hadn't actually lost his memories. Protagonist is protagonist, Eiji himself wasn't sure how that boy could resist Chisato's memory erasing magic.

However, it was not important to him. Now he and Ravel were walking around the areas of the school. Ravel was a new transfer student at the school, so it was someone's duty to show her around the school so that she would not get lost in the future.

"Eiji-sama, Ravel heard that the facilities at Kuoh Academy are numerous. There are also a wide variety of extracurricular clubs that students can join. I wonder if Eiji-sama could recommend me a club?" Ravel walked beside him and asked sweetly. Her drill-style twin-tailed hair naturally swayed as she walked. Because it was golden blonde in color, her hair seemed to sparkle under the sunlight.

To be honest when Eiji looked at Ravel, the girl had a hairstyle similar to the villainess in some Korean novels. You know? Some evil young lady who likes to bully the female protagonist and laughs "Oh oh oh!" while covering her mouth with one hand.

¶{Hahaha! Ah sorry, I suddenly couldn't help but laugh.}

Sure, take it easy.

It just so happens that this is a relaxing plot that is not suspenseful.

Just about a girl.

"Haven't Rias and Sona told you yet? Forget it. Does Ravel have a hobby or something you like?"

Pretty sure Ravel was actually pretending. After all, before this, when Rias was still engaged to Riser. That girl must have visited Kuoh Academy many times, and before the Rating Game with a replica of Kuoh Academy as the arena. How could Ravel who in the original work was the strategist for Riser's team not learn the details of their battlefield?

Therefore, Eiji would not expose the girl. Ravel who did all this to try to get closer to him was also very cute.

What good man would expose the girl's acting?

Ravel didn't know Eiji saw through her acting, she pondered while putting her finger on her lips before looking at the side of Eiji's face shyly. "At home Ravel likes to make cakes and sweets."

"So cooking, right? There is a cooking club at this school. There's more than one if I'm not mistaken. Want me to take you to see that club?"

Ravel shook her head. She played with the curls at the end of her drill and tilted her head. "I can look for it myself later. Instead of that, which club does Eiji-sama join?"

"I joined the service club."

"Service club?"

Looking at Ravel was confused and didn't seem to know how the service club worked. Even after hearing his inner voice all this time.

Eiji didn't blame the girl, after all the service club was indeed a rare club in any school. Only girls like Yukino made such a club and actually she also did it because of her loner nature which was impossible to join other clubs that already had many people.


In the service club room. Yukino suddenly sneezed which made Yuigahama take the initiative to give her a tissue.

"Yukinon, want a tissue?"

"No, thank you. It's just someone who might be talking about me." Yukino rubbed her nose slightly. She ignored Hachiman who was staring at them curiously in the corner of the room and stared at the club entrance.

That man, Eiji. Where are you? The man often skipped club activities and rarely saw her. Even after stealing her first kiss.

Thinking of this, Yukinon was in a bad mood and snorted until Hachiman dared not say anything.

She wondered should she take the initiative to meet the man?

Yukino knew there were many beautiful women around Eiji. Not that she was narcissistic, but she knew she was a beautiful woman too. But the man was a bastard, if she didn't take the initiative, she might be forgotten which made her a little anxious.

If it was her in the past, she wouldn't care. But now...

"The service club is a boring club. I don't recommend you to join my club. In my opinion, if you want to join a club. It's better to join the cooking club."

"I wonder how good Ravel's cake is?"

If Yukino heard what Eiji said, she might want to smack that man's head.

It's true that service clubs are boring because they rarely have activities unless there are students who need their help.

So why did you even join that club?

Eiji couldn't say that he joined the service club for the pretty girls in it, right? Especially Yukino, he was greedy for her.

"I-If Eiji-sama wants to taste Ravel's homemade cake. Sure, Ravel will join the cooking club!" Ravel immediately agreed and she suddenly used storage magic to take something out. "And if Eiji-sama wants to taste it now it's not impossible."


Eiji stared at the box in Ravel's hand. Because the lid was transparent, he could see a chocolate cake the size of a baking sheet with a white cream topping and some strawberries on top.

[Seriously? Ravel is very sweet. Probably early in the morning, she made such a big cake for me, right? What man wouldn't love a girl like that? I'm touched.]

[Ravel will be good wife material!]

The heroines...

Chisato who had recently been seduced by Eiji was annoyed. An hour ago that man was with her and kissed her passionately. Now in such a short time, he's already with another woman? If that's not a bastard, I don't know what is.

Even so.

"Isn't it just a cake? I can make them too..."

Chisato shook her head, what was she saying? Is she crazy? It was good that the man was busy with other women and not looking for her.

For now her chastity was still safe.

Ravel smiled brightly, she was happy with what she had just heard from Eiji's inner voice. They sat on one of the chairs in the school garden and she skillfully cut a cake for him.

Eiji certainly didn't refuse, seeing Ravel who wanted to feed him cake with a fork. Eiji opened his mouth and ate the cake under the gaze of its maker.

He made a dumbfounded expression and said: "Very delicious. Ravel, you are very good at making cakes."


"Yes, how could I lie?"


Miss System, this cake is really good.

¶{I know just by looking at it. You don't need to say it again. I know.}

What do you know?

The woman was silent, Eiji didn't care. He was happy to see Ravel happy because of his praise. To make a girl happy, woman or heroine. Eiji who was already a veteran in this matter could not fail.

And actually Ravel was really good at making cakes, he wasn't lying. Having one wife who is good at making cakes in the harem must be very good.

After finishing tasting Ravel's cake, Eiji who had taken the girl around the school. As they were about to exit the swimming pool facility, he remembered something.

"Ravel, about what you wanted to say at Rias's club. You said you wanted something?"

"Ah, that..." Ravel who had begun to get used to hanging out with Eiji began to blush again and looked at the man with embarrassment. But after their short date, traveling around the school with him. She became more and more sure of her decision and said:

"It's actually to repay Eiji-sama's favor. I know Eiji-sama doesn't lack money or treasure. So my family... No, actually I want to offer myself to become Eiji-sama's servant!"

"Ravel doesn't know if Ravel is worthy?"

[Silly girl, how could you not be worthy? Yare-yare. Alpha, good job! Not just a servant. Ravel, you are also worthy of being my woman. I like pretty and sweet girls with the appearance of a young lady villainess. I'll take good care of you!]


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


Replace "â" with "a" and search in your browser.

By the way, don't forget to throw power stones and leave a review to motivate me :)


A/N 2: Chisato's lemon still has to wait. There were Akeno and Shuri in the queue. And then there's... and... Geez, there are so many women in this book lol. We'll take it slow.