Protagonist's childhood friend arrives

As it turned out, there were not just one, but two people who had just stood a step away from the door.

One was a man wearing a dark blue suit and glasses.

The other was a girl who had just asked about the situation in the room. She was wearing a golden design robe that was long enough to reach her ankles, her face covered by a white hood.

Basara, Yuki, and Kurumi narrowed their eyes at the sparkling emblem hanging from the girl's robe.

"People from the Vatican? Why are they here?" Kurumi wondered, just like the others, she was also a little surprised. She and her older sister hurriedly got up from Eiji's lap.

Except Eiji of course, he who knew the plot was not surprised by the arrival of the two people.

And Shuuya, he answered his youngest daughter's question awkwardly.

"A few days ago I had gotten word that the Vatican would send their people to supervise your meeting with the elders in the Village."

"Dad, why are you only telling us now?" Asked Yuki with some dissatisfaction.

On the way here, the man had not said anything about this.

Shuuya smiled wryly. "The elders asked me to keep it a secret. You know I still obeyed their orders before."

"Hey don't ignore me, I'm asking what's going on here! And Shuuya oji-san... Where are the elders?"

The girl with the hood walked towards them, the man who came with her following behind. She asked impatiently, especially when she saw the large hole in the charred location of the elders' seat...

Seen from anywhere, it was clear that there had recently been a battle in the ceremonial room.

Eiji controlled his Qilin flames well back then. Otherwise, the entire village could have been burned due to his earlier attack.

The girl did not know this, she removed her hood which made Yuki, Kurumi and Basara who saw her face surprised.

"They..." Shuuya was at a loss for words. Not long ago they agreed to kill the elders and take ownership of the Village. Should he say that?

The other party was people from the Vatican, this would definitely be problematic...

Fortunately his good son-in-law stood up and answered the other party's question for him.

"Girl, what happened here is as you can see. There was a small fight going on in this room before you came and the elders you are referring to are already dead."

"Small fight? ...I see. Where are the Four Gods? We didn't see the Village barrier when we came here."

"You didn't see it of course because those gods are also dead."

"I see..." The girl didn't seem to understand what Eiji was saying, her brain was a bit slow to process his words because it was hard to believe.

But soon she widened her eyes, she pulled Eiji's collar, brought the boy's face closer to her beautiful face and shouted frantically.

"Wh-What are you saying?! The elders and the four gods are dead?!!"

"Celis-nee..." "Celis..." "Celis? Is that you?"

Kurumi, Yuki and Basara called out the girl's name.

Once her hood was removed, it didn't take long for them to recognize her familiar appearance.

With brilliant blonde hair and beautiful emerald eyes. Although it had been many years since Basara and the others had seen her again and her figure had evolved a lot, she was their childhood friend.

Just like Basara and the others, she was also a member of the Hero Clan. However, she was from the Vatican and they knew her because in the past that girl often visited the Village to exchange techniques and tactics. If I'm not mistaken it was before 6 years ago.

Different Basara who was surprised to meet his childhood friend again after a long time.

Yuki and Kurumi who saw Celis' face so close to Eiji fell silent. I understand you're surprised by the news you just heard, but do you need to make your face so close to Eiji?

And Eiji, stop staring at Celis' face without blinking!

[This girl is quite aggressive. I remember in the original work she was also one of the heroine.]

Celis is also a heroine like them?!

Yuki and Kurumi were surprised.

Sapphire was confused. Heroine? What is that?

Celis turned her gaze on her three childhood friends, she sighed and smiled. "Yuki, Kurumi and... Basara. You guys still remember me? I'm glad, you all look well."

Although she spoke words of reunion, she looked again at the boy's face in front of her seriously. However, there was a slight blush on her cheeks as she just realized the boy was too handsome.

"But put that aside. Is everything you said true, Eiji Seiya?"

"Oh you know me?" Eiji pretended to be surprised and did not answer immediately. Secretly, he enjoyed the fragrant scent of the girl, especially the warm breath coming out of her pink lips.

He could have brushed off Celis' hand, but forget it. Staring at the other party's face from this close distance was not bad.

As one of the heroine and future wife of Basara in the original work.

Celis was undoubtedly a very beautiful girl.

[Catch her, my King!]

[Because we've fallen too deep into the rabbit hole, host. Just catch her and don't leave her for the protagonist or any other man.]

Eiji ignored what the two women said, he neither rejected nor accepted.

"Of course I know you, the Vatican has a lot of information about you... Ahem, sorry. I should introduce myself first." Celis removed her hand from his collar and apologized to everyone.

Eiji was a little disappointed that the girl let go of him. Of course, he noticed the gazes of Yuki, Kurumi, Mio and Maria who were looking at him flatly.

There was also Basara who looked a little uncomfortable and relieved when he saw Celis moving away from him.

Tsk, a harem protagonist is still a harem protagonist. Even if Basara and Celis were just friends, he felt uncomfortable when he saw the girl in too close contact with another man.

However, Eiji could only apologize to Basara in his heart. Unlike other men, he was the Harem King.

The things that might happen between him and Celis in the future could not be predicted.

Cough, cough. Basara should be satisfied that he had given him the vampire girl.

Celis didn't know her actions made a wolf interested in her, she faced everyone and placed her hand on her chest.

"Greetings to all of you."

After a slight pause, she continued. "Celis Reinhartd. Came here by order of the pope from the Vatican to be the Hearing Officer in the trial of Mio Naruse, Eiji Seiya and Basara Toujou."

Then she pointed at the man who came with her. "This is my adjutant, Cleo Angeles."

"...." The man called Cleo Angeles didn't say anything and just nodded at everyone.

Eiji who knew who the man was from the original work asked Miss System to add Celis to the list and said in his heart.

[Cleo Angeles, this person is actually one of the villains in the original work. Celis didn't know her adjutant actually had another Identity. This is only revealed in the novel version, but in the anime version that man is one of the followers of the Demon Lord Leohart whose name is Balflear. He's a double agent!]

[Celis, this girl doesn't know that soon he will be stabbed in the back by her own adjutant. Should I tell her? Because she's Yuki and Kurumi's childhood friend. Of course, I'll save her when the time comes.]

"...." Celis who was about to continue her words fell silent. She was dumbfounded and glanced at Eiji who did not open his mouth.

Noticing her gaze, the boy looked confused. "What's wrong Celis?"

"Nothing... I might have heard wrong... Wait, what did you call me?"

"Celis. You can call me, Eiji. There's no need to be so formal, we look about the same age anyway." Eiji smiled.

Mio and the girls who had already fallen for his smile and rhetoric in the room rolled their eyes.

The man moved very fast whenever he saw a beautiful woman, especially if it was a heroine.

Not long ago he was seducing Basara's mother, now that Celis had arrived, he was turning his target on the girl.

What a bastard! But what could they do? They have already fallen in love with her and are ready to add more green hats to themselves.

The protagonist Basara who witnessed this scene actually hoped that Celis would politely refuse. Somehow he would be happy if his childhood friend did that.


"...." Celis was silent for a while before nodding which made Basara smile wryly, she didn't realize it. Although it was impolite for people who met for the first time to call each other by first name, but remembering what pope had said before coming here...

"Of course Eiji, I know you have a good relationship with Yuki, Kurumi and Basara. I hope we also have a good relationship in the future."

'Like being my girlfriend?' Eiji wanted to say this but he refrained. There was no need to rush because the iron wasn't hot enough yet.

Celis faced everyone again. She didn't know why Yuki, Kurumi and even the Demon Lord's Daughter and the Succubus were looking at her strangely.

The girls could guess that Celes' unusual reaction just now must have something to do with Eiji's inner voice.

That meant she could hear it too! This was probably the first time for her.

In fact Celis was sure she had just heard Eiji's voice and it was coming from inside her head.

She suspected that the boy was deliberately using telepathic magic on her.

But if that was the case, she would have already realized it and blocked his magic. However, that was not the case. She didn't feel anyone else's magic on her body.

And what Eiji said sounded like he was talking to himself while saying things related to her and her adjutant... It's like his inner voice?

Celis reached this conclusion quickly because she was a smart girl to begin with.

Still, if what Eiji said was true and put aside why she could hear his inner voice.

What did he mean about the original work, the novel and anime versions?

There was also her adjutant... Cleo...

Eiji obviously knew something. Why didn't he tell her and choose to save her when the time came?

Celis was confused and because of the boy's words, she became alert when her adjutant tried to whisper to her, she reflexively distanced herself from him.

"Celis-sama?" Cleo was surprised, he didn't know why the girl suddenly seemed wary of him. Before coming here she had been normal. Had his identity been revealed? No way! "Are you tired? Maybe we can continue this conversation tomorrow and rest first. You're in a hurry to come to this country anyway even though we're supposed to come tomorrow."

They traveled from Europe to Japan by plane. Cleo wasn't really worried about the girl, he was just checking whether he misunderstood her or not.

"N-No, I'm fine. Cleo. I was just thinking about who the person was who dared to do all this."

Celis looked at the ceremony room which was half destroyed and had terrible burn marks. Vaguely, she could feel traces of an extremely powerful spiritual power still remaining in the room.

The elders and the four gods died.

The person who could accomplish this feat was obviously one who was not afraid of the Hero Clan and possessed a power that could not be underestimated.

Of course, what she told her adjutant was a lie. Even if he suspected her because of what she heard from Eiji's inner voice, she wasn't stupid enough to question him directly in this situation.

"...." Cleo did not say anything else. He felt that what the girl said made sense because he also felt it. Actually, ever since coming here and seeing Eiji, he had been so nervous!

He suspected that what was happening in this room had something to do with that boy.

He didn't show it on his face. But when he was still Balflear in the Demon Realm, he who had witnessed Eiji's power knew that he couldn't mess around in the Village when that monster was here.

Under normal circumstances (the original work) where Shiba was still alive and Cleo was his subordinate, he betrayed Leohart and Celis, in this visit he would help Shiba to be released from the Village prison and steal the Four Gods so that the man could devour them and become stronger.

From the beginning Cleo was a loyal follower of Shiba, he was an agent who had gone undercover to get information from the Demon Lord faction and the Vatican for many years.

But now that Shiba was dead, he still wanted to use this opportunity to steal the Four Gods. However, the news of the elders and the four gods being killed by someone clearly thwarted his plans.

Celis didn't know her adjutant was so scared when he saw Eiji.

Eiji who heard the girl's words was not afraid and confessed honestly. "Everything that happened in this room was caused by me. I was the one who killed the elders and the four gods."

"...Wh, what did you say?!" Celis shouted again with shock on her beautiful face. In fact when she and Cleo had almost reached the Village, they had indeed seen a huge explosion of red-colored spiritual power.

The dimensional barrier of the Village even broke because of that.

Could that be Eiji's doing?!

It was hard to believe, but when considering that the information about Eiji was already known by the Vatican and she herself had heard of all his achievements in the supernatural world so far.

Indeed, one who probably wouldn't be afraid of offending the Hero Clan for daring to kill the elders and the four gods— of all the people here, only Eiji and perhaps that suspicious robed woman.

"...." Sapphire.

Under normal circumstances, Celis should be angry and immediately arrest the person who dared to do all that. After all, this village was one of the branches of the Hero Clan which was under the rule of the Vatican. The elders and the four gods were quite an important existence, at least to the pope.

However, since the person who did it was Eiji. What should he do? Celis looked at the boy who was more handsome than Basara with a complicated look.

In fact on the one hand she was a little happy that Eiji killed the elders because they were the reason why she separated from Basara, Yuki and Kurumi six years ago. It was because those elders drove Basara out of the Village and she herself was forbidden to come to the Village if it was only to exchange techniques and tactics with the heroes there.

Celis knew the elders were stingy people, even if they were subordinates of the Vatican, they did not want to share with outsiders too much.

On the other side, it was her duty to ask Eiji in this situation.

"Why did you do it?"

"It's because those elders wanted to execute me, Mio, Maria and Basara for some unreasonable reason."

"Oh what kind of reason is that?"

"They called us here to assess whether we were a threat to the Village or not. But they didn't even confirm anything, they didn't ask us any questions to get to know us better and just decided that we were too dangerous to be left alive."

Like an actor who won an Oscar, he shook his head with a pained expression at receiving such unfair treatment. The sadness and bitterness on his handsome face was very natural before he continued.

"Those elders are evil and cunning people. They deliberately brought us to this room where the Village's dimensional barrier power is very strong to suppress our power. If I wasn't strong enough to resist back then, they could have killed us easily."

Those who witnessed firsthand how Eiji easily and arrogantly killed the elders were dumbfounded.

What was this man saying? What he said was not wrong. But their situation back then wasn't that bad because Eiji quickly slapped down the elders with his power.

Why was he that sad? Instead of a victim, Eiji was actually more like a cruel person who was very vengeful.

After the elders' plan failed.

He insulted and killed the elders and the four gods while hugging Yuki and Kurumi.

The man was clearly acting right now! Yet none of them dared to say anything about it.

"They did that?! How dare they, they even deliberately accelerated the trial time early without informing the Vatican!"

Celis gritted her white teeth and clenched her fists. She was obviously angry because if Eiji wasn't strong enough and she came as promised which was tomorrow. Her childhood friend Basara would die at the hands of those old men!

[Celis +15]

Eiji wanted to smirk, but he restrained himself and feigned innocence even though he was completely innocent. He knew in the original work Celis was a girl with a strong sense of morality and justice in her heart. She wasn't like the other hypocritical heroes out there.

... She is as beautiful as Yuki and Kurumi, her breasts and ass are also big.

Eiji sighed and said, "I did it. Celis, what are you going to do? You want to kill me? Because you are the Hearing Officer sent by the Vatican, knowing the elders and the four gods died at my hands. The Vatican will probably not be happy and you as their officer have an obligation to punish me."

"Eh no, I..."

Celis was confused, what Eiji said was not wrong. But, but... Instead of blaming Eiji for what he had done, her sense of justice said the boy was a victim.

He had even protected her childhood friend for which she was grateful and respected him.

Still, as a Vatican Inquisitor. Celis sometimes had to put her personal feelings aside. And actually before coming here, she was always anxious because if the results of the trial said that Eiji, Mio and Basara were too dangerous...

She herself would have to draw her sword to kill them.

Of course, that was if they were too dangerous and dangerous alone was not enough to make her so cold.

At this moment, a fake coughing sound was heard.

It was the miss messenger, Sapphire who was seen holding a letter in her hand.

The woman opened the letter in front of everyone and said to Celis.

"Introduce, I am the messenger sent by the leaders of the Moderate Faction and the Demon Lord Faction to deliver this secret letter. I originally wanted to show this letter to those old men to prevent them from committing moral kidnapping on Mio Naruse and her friends. I believe your Pope can also be silenced by the contents of this letter."


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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