Confidential letter

"So you're a messenger from the Demon Realm..." Celis just found out about this was a little surprised, but she soon calmed down.

Although she was still angry at the Village elders who didn't even tell the Vatican about this.

"Cough, Celis. The arrival of the messenger from the Demon Realm was also actually too sudden. She showed up just as I was picking up Basara and the others."

"So that's it."

At the explanation Shuuya gave, Celis understood. Her gaze was fixed on the messenger from Demon Realm.

"Continue. You said the contents of the letter could silence the Vatican Pope? For a messenger, your words are less than polite."

Sapphire ignored Celis' dissatisfaction. If the girl wasn't her son's childhood friend, she wouldn't mind teaching her a lesson. "Whatever. I'll talk about the contents of this letter, listen carefully... We demons— these long-winded political words are unnecessary, right? I'll get straight to the point so we don't waste time."

"In my opinion, conveying the contents of the letter properly is the duty of the messenger..." Celis said with an exasperated expression. Is this the messenger the demon leaders sent? They chose a messenger with a bad mouth.

Sapphire snorted and said, "No need to act like an elite. If you want to hear some formal political speech, you can read the letter yourself later. For now let me do my duty."

Looking at Celis and Sapphire who were glaring at each other. Eiji found it amusing, one of them did not realize that she was arguing with her future mother-in-law in the original work. The other didn't realize that she was arguing with her future daughter-in-law.

Their initial meeting was not very good, unlike in the original work where they did not meet at all. This would be a disadvantage for Basara, but not for Eiji of course.

Eiji just couldn't wait to have the two women call each other 'Sister' in bed. He anticipated the beautiful future eagerly without noticing the girls' gaze on him.

[Mio: Eiji must be thinking of something bad.]

[Maria: Fufu, I bet he's thinking of Sapphire-sama and Celis-san! He wants to make the protagonist's mother and the protagonist's childhood friend serve him together, that's so hot! As expected of Eiji-san, his appetite is bigger than a Incubus!]

[Venelana: Oh my~]

[Akeno: Ara Ara. So we'll be getting two new members soon.]

[Mai: I feel like Basara's protagonist is pathetic because he has two younger sisters who are excited to see his mother fall into Eiji's hands.]

[Mio: Mai, don't equate me with this perverted Succubus! I'm not as excited as Maria, okay?]

[Maria: Puhehe~ I can't wait to video Eiji-san's next hot scene and add to my collection of protagonist's mom and childhood friend.]

[Kurumi: Loli-Ero Succubus, you're so perverted... control your salivation!]

Kurumi silenced Maria's drooling mouth with her handkerchief.

The movements of the two girls were not really noticed by the people in the room, even Eiji felt it was a normal sight. After all, one of them was Maria who must be thinking of perverted things in this situation.

[Host, aren't you the same?]


No, Miss System, no. What he's thinking about is definitely not the same!

It's just a sweet scene in bed...

"Let's see. With the death of the previous Demon Lord, the truce condition of the previous great war was a mere cover. This time after the Moderate Faction and Demon Lord Faction reconciled, we once again offered the heroes a truce. This time it is a true truce... Something like that."

"Hmm... I see." "Yes, that's it."

[I see. Miss messenger, you really are too lazy to read that letter, aren't you?]

Shuuya and Basara nodded, their eyes sparkling. The contents of the letter were definitely good news. As for the girls? They couldn't help but stare at Sapphire because the protagonist Basara's mother turned out to be that kind of person.

Even Celis, her lips twitched. This messenger really didn't like beating around the bush. She agreed with what Eiji said.

Sapphire wasn't embarrassed by the girls' gazes, but hearing what Eiji said... Somehow a little embarrassed and tried to read more.

Although she had originally pretended to be a messenger so that she could meet with her son in this way. Sapphire suddenly thought how would Basara react when he found out his mother was an abusive woman? She should perform better as a mother.

She was doing it for her son, it definitely wasn't because she was worried what Eiji would think of her.

"However... The peace between the moderate faction and the demon lord faction was largely due to the achievements of Mio Naruse and her friends, especially her fiancé Eiji Seiya, who had participated in the war of the two factions and resolved the crisis of the rise of Chaos in the Demon Realm."

"F-Fiancé?! Da-, uncle did that... Why didn't he tell me first?" Mio blushed, she almost revealed Ramusas' true identity as her biological father, both her father and her aunt, Sapphire. Both liked to pretend and hide their true identities.

Mio glanced at Eiji. Although becoming fiancées after they had sex many times and got to know each other's bodies seemed a bit late. Mio was very happy because with this she had a status not inferior to Lala, Rias, Sona and the other women who were engaged to Eiji in the harem!

Her status increased and Eiji didn't seem to mind this either.

Feeling Yuki and Kurumi's envious gazes, Mio raised her plump breasts proudly.

[Mio: Those who aren't engaged to Eiji yet, sorry. I'm joining those who are already engaged.]

[Yuki: Cih! Mio, don't be arrogant.]

[Kurumi: Yeah! It's just a fiancée, it's not like there's much difference between us. Hmph!]

[Rias: What, what's going on? Mio is now Eiji's fiancée too? It seems so... Congratulations Mio!]

[Lala ✓: Yeay! Mio, you're also Eiji's fiancee? Congratulations~!]

[Mio: Rias, Lala. Thank you.]

Yuki and Kurumi gritted their teeth.

Maria giggled, unlike the two girls who were so jealous of Mio that they wanted to slap her big breasts.

Maria wasn't jealous at all, she was happy for Mio and actually instead of being Eiji's fiancée...

Loli-Ero Succubus would be happy as long as Eiji married her along with others in the future and made her his sex slave at the same time.

If Sheila found out what her daughter was thinking, she would not be surprised. Maria was really her daughter.

However, she did not know why. When she heard that Mio was engaged to Eiji even though she already knew that boy had many women according to the information obtained by the Vatican, Celis felt a little sour in her heart.

She didn't show it on her face of course, but Eiji who saw Leme's system notification panicked a little.

[Celis -1]


[My king, just like a wife who doesn't really love her husband anymore after they've been married for many years. The positive level of those women can certainly still decrease due to certain factors.]

[However...! Leme is the Lesser Key of Solomon, in addition to helping you become the Harem King, she can also help you to maintain the affection of the women in your harem for you! Because of that you only need to increase a woman's positive level to 75 and after that their positive level will not decrease unless you take extreme measures to make them hate you.]

That's a very convenient feature. Eiji understood, and actually even though he missed 1 point from Celis, it didn't mean that he couldn't raise it again to 75 or so which would be very relaxing after that.

Leme really is a golden finger made especially for harem protagonists!

[How about me, host?]

Well... Miss System, you are...


You're a system tailor-made for OP protagonists! You made your host too strong quickly.

... Awesome!

[Hmm... I feel like you're being insincere. Is it just my imagination?]

It must be just your imagination.

As Eiji communicated mentally with his two golden fingers. Unlike many other protagonists out there, he had two golden fingers.

"In short, if someone uses Mio Naruse's power exclusively, there is a high probability that conflict between the two sides will occur again. The leaders of the moderate faction and the demon lord faction agree that basically, everyone included in this truce must not harm Mio Naruse in the future. This also applied to her fiancé, Eiji Seiya. And others like Basara Toujou, Maria Naruse, Zest, Sheila, Lucia..."

Everyone except Eiji was dumbfounded at the list of people specially protected by the peace treaty. Some of them were not here, but they were also mentioned.

However, what was unexpected was...

"And finally there are Yuki Nonaka and Kurumi Nonaka who also have a relationship with Eiji Seiya, although they are both from the Hero Clan, our demon leaders value the contributions they have made to Demon Realm."

Previously, the two girls also helped Mio in the war between the moderate faction and the demon lord faction. They also helped defeat Chaos who was summoned by the Demon Council back then.

Ramusas and Leohart knew how to return favors, especially Leohart who had been given a green hat by Eiji and his dear older sister, Liala must have made him obey and help Eiji as much as possible.

That is why the contents of this secret letter are more extraordinary and without loopholes than the original work.

[In the original work because Yuki and Kurumi were not included in the terms of the peace treaty between the demons and heroes. Shiba Kyouichi who was still alive at the time used this loophole in the agreement to threaten Basara with the lives of the two girls.]

[Shiba forced Basara to fight with Celis without restraint because after hearing the contents of the letter. Celis, who could no longer execute Basara and his group, was stubborn to at least become their overseer. She fought over the right to be the overseer of Basara and the others with the Village elders.]

[Shiba who was on the side of the elders proposed that Basara duel with Celis. If Celis had enough power to suppress Basara and his group, then the elders would give up. In the end it ended with...]

... What?

The women who were enjoying listening to the spoilers of Eiji's inner voice including Sapphire and Celis almost shouted for the man to continue.

The other women were used to Eiji's bad habits, but Sapphire and Celis were definitely not used to it at all!

Now they understood that Eiji seemed to have the ability to see the future. No, rather he knew the future from what he called his 'original work'! They didn't know how it worked, but most likely what he said was real and not fake since he didn't know the inner voice could be heard by them.

Sapphire and Celis thought that way.

And since the current situation was different from the things Eiji had said in his heart, it must be because he had changed the future by killing the elders. That man named Shiba Kyouichi too, they knew he died at Eiji's hands about two months ago.

Although it was a bit annoying, they were also getting curious about Eiji. In their view, that boy was very powerful and mysterious.

[Sapphire +5]

[Celis +7]

Without them realizing it, their curiosity made them like a cat that would fall in love because it was too curious about a man.

Moreover, that man was Eiji, not only was his appearance like a Male God aesthetically, he also had the harem halo buff that Miss System gave. Any woman, especially the heroine naturally easily had a good impression and fell in love with him.

"..." Basara did not know why, even though the contents of the letter the messenger read out were good news for them.

He was relieved and happy, but what was with this uneasy feeling? It felt like someone was getting closer to stealing his belongings.

Eiji couldn't help but smile, he would have laughed out loud if he hadn't hugged Mio and covered his mouth with her crimson hair.

Mio's hair smelled like roses...

Mio who was suddenly hugged from behind and had her head kissed by Eiji was confused. However, she did not resist and enjoyed her fiancé's embrace.

She did so while staring at Yuki and Kurumi of course which made the two girls furious.

"And..." Sapphire still didn't seem to be finished.

"What else? Aren't these conditions already too much?" Celis whose future actions had been predicted was numb. In fact after hearing the contents of the letter, she did have the idea to at least become the watchdog of Eiji and the others.

Sapphire rolled her eyes at the blonde girl and said, "Another condition for the new truce is that neither the demons nor the heroes should touch their 'shelter'. This is an absolute condition."

Before Celis opened her mouth, Eiji raised one of his hands like a good student who wanted to ask his teacher a question.

Sapphire turned her gaze on the boy and said, "Any questions, Eiji Seiya?"

"Miss messenger, please call me Eiji."

"...I'm sure it's not important."

"Miss messenger, don't be so cold. Call me Eiji."


"Call me-"

"Alright Eiji." Sapphire's large breasts under her robe rose and fell because she didn't expect Eiji to be so insistent. She was a little annoyed but patiently said, "So, what did you want to ask?"

"About the 'shelter' you mentioned. Can I choose to have it be my home? After all, Mio and the women on that list are my women. My house has many bedrooms and complete facilities..." Eiji started explaining the details of his mansion that was better than a five-star hotel which wasn't really important but he did it anyway.

This made the lips of the people in the room twitch, especially when hearing that all the deep women mentioned in the letter were his women!

Even Shuuya, the boy's father-in-law had just found out they were all his women. Although he already knew the boy his two daughters had chosen had a harem, his harem was bigger than he thought.

Eiji must have had a lot of orgies at night that would make a lot of men out there...

Shuuya shook his head. He was a little worried about his daughters' choices, but at this point it seemed too late to replace his future son-in-law with another.

After all, both daughters had already lost their virginity to that boy.

Celis looked dazed, hearing the detailed description Eiji gave of his house and women. The girl blushed, who knows what she was thinking to make her react like that.

Whatever it was, she was probably imagining Eiji's nightlife in his home.

'How can a man have that many women?! I know Eiji has a harem, but besides Yuki and Kurumi, there are also those women mentioned in the letter.'

'How many women exactly does that man have?'

Celis felt her head spin a little when thinking about these questions.

"You can. All of you are free to choose your shelter." Sapphire said and silently looked at her son with pity.

Girls like Mio and the others had no problem living in Eiji's house. Most of them were already living there anyway.

As for Basara? His shelter will be his own home.

... They thought that with this matter over, they could go home or have fun in the Village that had a nice natural scenery and hot springs since it happened to be late afternoon.


"Wait! Wait a minute, I haven't agreed to any of this!"

"Oh? Hero of the Vatican, you're sure your Pope and Holy King won't be interested in agreeing to this truce? Or..." Sapphire narrowed her eyes at the blonde girl. "You still want to punish Eiji and the others for killing those unscrupulous people? That will make our leaders unhappy and they will lead the combined forces of the moderate faction and the demon lord faction to war with the heroes."

"No!" Celis looked terrified when she heard what Sapphire said. Even so, she calmly said: "I myself have no problem with the deaths of the elders and the four gods because they deserved it."

"Hmm... Is that so? Continue." From this Sapphire and the others saw that Celis, this hearing officer representing the Vatican cared more about her childhood friends.

The slight hostility in Sapphire's eyes subsided. This girl wasn't bad, she could be her son's girlfriend.

Unfortunately, Sapphire didn't know. Celis was already booked by Eiji. So it was impossible for Celis and Basara to be together. Eiji would not remain silent when that happened.

"...." Eiji.

"...." Sapphire.

"Well... About the armistice offered by the demon leaders. I still have to tell my leaders to see their reaction. After all, it's impossible for me to make decisions for them, especially when the elders of the Village are dead."

Celis looked at Eiji when she said the last part. Who killed the elders?

Eiji didn't feel guilty at all. His face said that he was the victim which made Celis speechless.

"That makes sense. Then you can take this letter and show it to your leader." Sapphire handed the letter in her hand to the blonde girl.

Celis received the letter and nodded before reading it herself. Her emerald eyes shone as if confirming whether everything the messenger said was true or not.

Before long she let out a sigh of relief as the contents of the letter were true, the lining of the letter even had the seals of the moderate faction and the demon lord faction.

This is really an official political letter...

Originally Celis wanted to bring Eiji and the others to the Vatican, but the last condition in the armistice clearly didn't allow her to do that. That would make the demon leaders who learned the news probably unhappy and suspected they were going to do something bad.

Celis had to return to the Vatican immediately to report, she was a little reluctant since she had just met again with Basara and the others. There was also the matter of her adjutant, Cleo who was most likely a traitor.

If what Eiji said in his inner voice was true, sooner or later she would have to deal with him.


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