The Shadow Garden members who trampled Lucifer

Hearing what their master had said, the women of Shadow Garden naturally would not refuse.

They would do whatever Eiji wanted, for example they were now waiting for Lucifer or whoever it was to heal their wounds before any of them continued the attack.

And a beautiful elf with long purple hair and sleepy eyes raised one of her hands to the sky. Eta who was serving as the cameraman was actually controlling more than a hundred anti-magic drones to Lucifer's location which was now filled with smoke and flames.

"I don't know if this ant is lucky or not because Eiji-sama told us to hold back and torture it rather than killing it right away."

"But since that's what Eiji-sama said..."

The screen now captured the figure of Lucifer who was charred and missing several limbs from Beta's attack.

The guy was lying on the blast site like a dog with his breath panting and wounds regenerating at a speed that the eye was used to seeing.

"He has the same wound regeneration ability as the devils of the Phenex Clan?" Lady Phenex who was also sitting on the sofa in a dress that accentuated her breasts and curves asked.

As a devil of the Phenex Clan, she was naturally very familiar with her clan's special abilities.

Also, those watching this live broadcast had already been told by Eiji that the person being besieged by Shadow Garden was Lucifer reborn.

Just as Lilith was the mother of all devils, Lucifer was arguably the father of all devils. However, none of the devils in Eiji's house sympathized with the original Lucifer.

He was a bastard!

After doing all that to Lilith, he deserved it!

They were actually happy to see Eiji's subordinates torturing that man.

"Hm... In the past, Lucifer also had the ability to regenerate. But it wasn't as strong as it is now."

Lilith was also a bit confused, she thought that after Lucifer was reborn, although his power had decreased, some of his abilities had become stronger.

She didn't even know why her bastard ex-husband could be reborn.

The gazes of everyone in the room were fixed on Eiji.

"...." But the man was busy eating and drinking from Rias and Sona's hands which left them speechless.

"Eiji~" Several women called out to him, Eiji who almost kissed Sona's cherry lips because the girl was too pretty froze.

Sona was also a little embarrassed, she averted Eiji's face with her hand at everyone and Rias snorted in envy.

"Ah you guys are asking about Lucifer's regeneration ability which is similar to my two Phoneix birds? That's natural."

The pronunciation of 'my two Phoenix birds' was definitely referring to Lady Phenex and Ravel.

The two women smiled and looked at the man coquettishly.

"That's natural?" Venelana asked.

Eiji nodded. "Yes, natural."


That's it? Give us an explanation!

Eiji knew these women were curious, he wanted to tease them a little. But seeing their gazes that seemed to want to eat him if he didn't give them an explanation right away, he pretended to cough and said while glancing at the screen.

"The reason why Lucifer has the same abilities as the devils of the Phenex Clan. It's because not long ago he had impregnated some devils from that clan and gained the same special abilities as them."

The women including Lilith were still confused.

Eiji continued, "Not only wound regeneration, you saw earlier that he is able to use wind magic which also has the same characteristics as the devils of the Phenex Clan, right?"

"Now that Eiji-sama has said it, he does have it." Ravel said and the other women just realized it.

Except for the special magic that the devils of the 72 Pillars and extras had. All devils can actually use all magic attributes except light or holy power with different levels.

But Lilith who knew very well what abilities her ex-husband had said that Lucifer didn't have such a strong mastery of wind magic.

Eiji revealed the secret of Lucifer's reborn power.

"It's actually because Lucifer now has an thing called the 'Many Children Many Blessings System'. It's a kind of golden finger that protagonists in novels usually get."

"Lucifer is using that system's ability that basically as long as he impregnates powerful women, he can gain the same abilities those women have and at the same time increase his strength."

All the women in the room were shocked and showed expressions of disgust.

None of them doubted what Eiji said.

"What a pervert ability!" Seekvaira.

"Really disgusting, is this our reborn ancestor?" Rias.

"With abilities like that. He must have an idea to impregnate the powerful women of the underworld." The intelligent Sona guessed Lucifer's evil intentions.

"That guy could have been thinking of us, right? After all, many of us beauties are famous in the underworld."

Instead of being narcissistic, Serafall mentioned the fact that all the devils who joined Eiji's harem were women who were famous for their beauty and power in the underworld.

Especially her, she was one of the ultimate class Maou and devils! At least that's what ordinary people thought about her power because now she could actually enter the top ten list of the strongest creatures in the world.

"Lilith, I'm sorry. But your husband..." Grayfia didn't want to be rude like those girls and Serafall, but it would be a lie if she didn't feel extremely disgusted with Lilith's husband.

Lilith was not angry at the girls mocking Lucifer, she did not lose her faint smile and said. "Don't call him my husband, he's now just my ex-husband and I don't want anything more to do with him. I'll just be happy to see him suffer and die again in a painful way."

[Lucifer was amazing to make his wife who loved him so much in the past say that about him.]

Eiji's sarcastic remarks made several women giggle.

Even Tearju who originally wanted to hide in her room began to enjoy watching the livestream.

"Tearju, why are you still wearing teacher's clothes? Better change into a thin dress like us."

"N-No! I'm fine with these clothes and Shizuka, you're the one who pulled me here before I chose a nightgown to wear after bathing..."

"Tearju, just use the bracelet Lala made. You can change your clothes automatically, like this."

"Chisato, the clothes you chose for me... is this a babydoll?!"

Eiji wanted to give a thumbs up to Chisato who was also there. She and the other beautiful teachers were sitting on the same sofa.

Tearju whose clothes turned into a purple babydoll hugged her own voluptuous body and looked at him shyly.

The cheeks of the blonde woman wearing eye glasses turned red.

"Eiji, what are you looking at? D-Don't stare at your teacher with that kind of look.

"How beautiful, Tearju-sensei."

"B-Beautiful? Eiji, don't tease your teacher! Stop looking back, look forward! I can't get married again..."

"Sensei, I'll take responsibility."

"No, you don't say that, we're teacher and student..."

Many of the women rolled their eyes at Tearju who still considered herself a pure teacher after living with them all this time.

But those who knew Eiji were actually a little surprised that until now he hadn't eaten that woman.

Eiji stopped teasing Teraju, he admitted he had ignored her for quite a while because he was busy with other women. After this arc was over, he should probably try to seduce Tearju and Yami.

After all, who wouldn't want Oyakodon from those two women?

Eiji wanted it of course.

Back to the ongoing battle.

Lucifer who had recovered all his injuries within two minutes was flying with 16 devil wings covered in hellfire on his back.

His face was distorted by anger and hatred, especially when his gaze fell on the women who were deliberately waiting for him to recover.

The humiliation he felt because his enemies were being merciful to him made him very uncomfortable.

"You will all regret waiting for me to recover! I Lucifer will make you all pay!"

A large magic circle appeared in one of Lucifer's hands. From within that magic circle a hundred meter wide tornado of fire flew towards Alpha and the others.

Even so, none of the women panicked in the face of what looked like a natural disaster.

"Let me do it." The woman known as the Demon Lord's elder sister from the Demon Lord Faction in Demon Realm stepped forward.

She flew with what looked like angel wings even though she was known as a demon.

That was because she wasn't a demon to begin with.

A white and black aura exploded from Liala's body. In Highschool DxD, she was now emitting ultimate-class power capable of blowing away the tornado of fire that Lucifer had unleashed.

Lucifer was dumbfounded. His attack was parried that easily.

These women... There's no way they're all ultimate class, right?

Before he had time to think whether he should run away or continue fighting. Although running away from his enemy was not his style, Lucifer did not want to lose his second chance just because of his arrogance.

However, at this moment—


Liala unleashed her own attack on Lucifer.

The mountain-sized mass of white and black energy seemed as terrifying as the Power of Destruction.

Not only that, he could sense an energy similar to the holy power of the angels that could somehow merge with the darkness from it.

Lucifer panicked.

He quickly tore through the space beside him with the ability he got from the female devil of the Agares Clan to avoid the attack!

"Even my clan's special ability..." Seekvaira was surprised. Didn't that mean that one of the women in her clan had been eaten by the pig, Lucifer?

Also, although she did not want to admit it, she was a little envious that Lucifer's space manipulation was much better than hers which annoyed her.

Obviously she was the next heir of the Agares family, she lost to her bastard ancestor who was reborn.

But right now Eiji hugged her waist and made her sit on his lap. "Don't worry, I can help you improve your space manipulation. We'll work hard tonight."

"Work hard? Work hard for what... Eiji, you pervert." Seekvaira pinched the boy's muscular chest. The hard work Eiji was referring to was obviously relying on the Master-Servant contract and of course they had to do lewd things to increase her power.

Seekvaira's cheeks flushed slightly, but she didn't resist and continued watching the livestream in her lover's arms. By the way her father who had found out his daughter had been eaten by Eiji and lost her virginity in the boy's hands was laughing while crying when he first learned this news.

Seekvaira couldn't tell if the man was happy or sad. Either way, he thankfully didn't mind and supported his daughter's relationship with Eiji.

"Oh you managed to avoid it? Fufu. Onee-chan is not happy~"

"Too bad, if you don't dodge, you won't be able to regenerate again like a lizard."

Liala smiled with the aura of a demon and an angel on her body.

Except for her who was an exception because of her race, devils and demons were both weak to holy power, the attack she released earlier was definitely enough to block Lucifer's wound regeneration.

It would also blow off his hands or feet at the same time.

Liala restrained herself as per the request of her lover and master; Eiji. Otherwise, she could kill the so-called devil ancestor with a single strike.

"Eta, where is he?" Alpha asked the purple-haired elf because she was the best sensory among them.

Eta immediately pointed in a certain direction. "East, about 900 meters from here. He tried to escape and tried to destroy my wisdom barrier."

She snorted when she said that, there was a trace of contempt in her eyes. Before they teleported Lucifer here, Eta who was proficient in technology and magic and was able to create artifacts no less than Sacred Gear had used one of her inventions to create an extremely powerful barrier and isolate a two kilometer area of the underworld forest.

Hearing what Eta said, they would naturally pursue Lucifer. And because of their physical strength, Delta and Zeta ran in the forest at a terrifying speed. The first carried a large sword and the latter carried two machetes in her hands.

Lucifer who was trying to destroy the transparent barrier with his power was a little desperate. What kind of barrier is this? Why is it so strong?!

He was an ultimate class devil who was half a step away from reaching his peak power and breaking through to the super devil class. A pure magic barrier should not be enough to stop him.

But what happened here?

"These women are crazy... Who is that man named Eiji? He's the leader of these women, what grudge does he have with me? How dare he do this to me... I'm going to kill him!"

"Just wait, after I survive this siege, I'll..."

Eiji shook his head. This Lucifer was too arrogant, it would be fine if he had enough power to support his arrogance, but he clearly didn't have it and wasn't even able to break the magic barrier created by Eta.

The women in the room frowned, they were clearly not happy to hear Lucifer's words.

Want to kill their husbands? You don't have the ability for that!

And I doubt you can survive the siege... Look behind you, your two executioners have arrived.

Lilith didn't realize her lips were forming a smirk when she saw her ex-husband's desperate expression.

Lucifer who felt two strong presences approaching him from behind naturally looked back in horror.

"Wait a minute, I don't know why your leader hates and wants to kill me. Can we-"

For the first time in his life, Lucifer was forced to have a conversation to plead for his life. His expression was ugly, he held back the humiliation that welled up in his heart.

However, before he finished his words.

Zeta moved as if she had teleported and cut off Lucifer's left hand with her machete which was able to penetrate the physical defense of the ultimate class.

"You bitch!" Lucifer cursed the beautiful gray-haired woman with large cat ears on top of her head.

His demonic power exploded on a large scale and released hellfire to burn the woman.

However, Zeta suddenly disappeared. Her physical strength as a descendant of one of the heroes was even more terrifying than the Ultimate-class Creatures and Heavenly Dragons. She instantly jumped backwards to avoid the flames that would at least burn her clothes.

Zeta didn't want her naked body to be seen by any man other than Eiji.

Don't know when, but Delta suddenly appeared behind Lucifer with her jet black colored greatsword that emitted blue magic.

The sword was huge, almost as tall as a tree in the underworld and she swung it in the same way as a person hitting a baseball.

Lucifer screamed and spewed blood, his back was broken and he was thrown into the sky at a speed that exceeded sound.

As his Phenex's wound regeneration worked hard to quickly heal his wounds, he opened his wings again and tried to stabilize himself in the air but...


As if pulled by an abnormal gravitational force.

The ground within a radius of five hundred meters under his feet suddenly broke into many pieces and flew rapidly towards him.

All the earth, rocks, and trees buried Lucifer's small figure in the sky until soon a small planet-like mass appeared before the eyes of everyone watching.

In Eiji's dictionary, this is somewhat similar to the ninjutsu called Chibaku Tensei in the Naruto franchise. Only instead of creating a center of gravity with chakra, this was pure gravity magic capable of lifting the surface of the earth within its reach.

"Wow... Whose magic is that?"

"I'm curious too..."

"Come to think of it some of the women in that show strength no less powerful than a goddess."

"That's amazing magic."

Maria, Celis, Nyx and Meredith commented. The last three had not recently joined his harem, naturally they did not know much about his beautiful subordinates.

Eiji humbly explained. "The one who created something similar to that planet is Alpha, her power is second only to mine in the Shadow Garden organization. Well after all she's the vice leader in my organization."

"She should at least be that strong and the other women are the same, they are all subordinates that I have trained. Except for Haqua who is a new member, all of them have magic and physical strength equivalent to an ultimate class or SS rank creature."

Some women exclaimed in awe and others were numb to all the things Eiji possessed.

The man himself was already very powerful.

The women in his harem were also very strong.

And as if that wasn't enough, he had subordinates who were not only beautiful, but also so strong that their power was enough to make people in every supernatural faction in the world tremble.

If only the protagonists and villains out there knew Eiji's power as much as they did, many of those people would not dare to provoke him anywhere.

Even Lilith, she gulped. She did not expect the power of the boy who had helped her so far to exceed her imagination.

Eiji is so...

[Lilith +18]

So handsome and strong and so far he seemed to treat his women gently, in stark contrast to her ex-husband, Lilith could not help but be mesmerized by a man much younger than her.

Despite not showing it on her face, she was a little envious of the women in Eiji's harem.

Eiji was trying not to smirk now.

[Host, you're already smirking.]

'I know, Miss System, I know...'


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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