Lucifer's death

Lucifer couldn't see anything now.

And although devils did not need to breathe to the extent that they could breathe in water or space, he was now experiencing symptoms of shortness of breath because his body was being crushed by so much dirt and rocks!

In his current state, the regeneration of his wounds was hindered and it was difficult for him to release his demonic power.

'Damn it! Damn it! I'm Lucifer! When have I ever experienced this much humiliation?!'

'Those bitches... I'll impregnate them and torture them until they go crazy! System! System! Can you do anything to help me? I don't want to admit it, but these women are too strong!'

Lucifer gritted his teeth, he was so desperate that he couldn't resist asking the thing called the system for help.

He thought it could help him but...

[Sorry host, I am the "Many Children Many Blessings System", I can only help you grow strong as long as you impregnate women. I have no ability to help you in this situation.]

[It's your fault for not being alert enough and being ambushed by the subordinates of your target, Eiji Seiya.]

Lucifer's face darkened even though inside this so-called artificial planet it was already completely dark, he wanted to curse this dog system.

But he suddenly realized something...

Eiji Seiya?

Wait, the one who commands those crazy women is the one called Eiji.

So that boy wanted to kill him?!

That was the target of his mission from the start! He wouldn't have been given a second chance by that mysterious bitch if not for the fact that she wanted him to kill the boy called Eiji Seiya!

Lucifer admitted he originally underestimated the boy and thought he could kill him in the process of conquering him as if killing an ant on the road.

However, he did not expect that the other party seemed to know about him and told his subordinates to kill him!

"Eiji Seiya! So it's you, you damn boy!"

Lucifer shouted like a bitch, but none of the people outside could hear him.

The demonic power inside him surged due to the anger and humiliation in his heart.

If given time, it could escape Alpha's "Planetary Devastation" magic. However, the beautiful women outside were not planning to wait for him.

After Alpha managed to seal Lucifer with his magic.

Beta pulled the bowstring again, an arrow with concentrated lightning magic at the tip was aimed at Lucifer who was buried alive.

Liala was ready to cast her black and white energy that became a giant spear.

Haqua made a giant holy fire spear with the help of Longinus: Incinerate Anthem.

And the Demon God from another world, Samantha Bella raised one of her hands to create a dark portal above the sky that was larger than Alpha's artificial planet.

The sight was terrifying, it was somewhat similar to what Eiji was able to do using the "Black Hand Of The Goddess" artifact to kill Ornis.

The difference was... What was inside the portal that Bella created was a giant red eye that was about to shoot out purple light.

All the attacks were unleashed on Lucifer's location.


A powerful explosion lit up the red sky of the underworld. The sight could be seen and felt by creatures from tens of kilometers away.

Strong winds blew away many trees and rocks. When that happened, the women of Shadow Garden even had to create a magic barrier for themselves.

Put aside the reactions of Eiji and the other women including Lilith who seemed to be enjoying the scene as if watching a movie.

"Magic fluctuations of this magnitude... Some ultimate class creatures are fighting in the middle of the forest, who are they?"

Since the forest was closest to Astaroth's territory, Ajuka who happened to be in his personal laboratory certainly sensed the battle that was going on there.

He frowned.

At that time he was talking about something with his niece.

"Ajuka-sama, should I lead people to check it out? That forest is Astaroth territory after all."

Latia Astaroth volunteered to check on the mess Eiji's subordinates had made.

As the designated heir of the Astaroth clan after Diodora's death, she had an obligation to check on what was happening in their clan territory.

Ajuka wanted to give the young woman permission. But at this moment, his magic communication device beeped. He checked it and saw it was a message from Serafall.


"Ajuka-sama?" Latia called out to Ajuka again because the man suddenly fell silent.

Ajuka sighed and said, "You don't need to go there, Latia. It's a battle between Eiji Seiya's subordinates and a terrorist who threatens the peace of the underworld."

"Eiji Seiya? Isn't that..." Latia seemed to remember something that made her pretty face have a slight blush.

She certainly knew who Eiji was because he was a man famous for his power and his status as the fiancé of Rias and Sona, her two childhood friends.

And not long ago, there were rumors that the heiress of the Agares clan, Seekvaira was also engaged to that man. Lord Agares himself announced the news.

But put that aside.

What made Latia react like that was the memory of the man who fucked Maou Serafall Leviathan in the restroom and Seekvaira happened to be with her at the time.

That man was Eiji Seiya!

And Latia did not expect that Seekvaira who was peeping along with him at that time had also joined his harem.

Still, the people who were making trouble in her clan's territory were his subordinates?

"Yes, that's him. Serafall just told me." Ajuka said with a bitter smile. He did not say the details of the message the woman sent him of course, as he felt it was too embarrassing and unnecessary.

After all Serafall basically said not to disturb what Eiji's subordinates were doing, she called the boy her boyfriend with an asterisk at the end of the sentence.

But since it was his best friend's request and Ajuka himself knew who Eiji was after everything that had happened so far.

He agreed not to interfere with what happened in the forest.

"So that's it..." Latia nodded before asking again. "If I may know who the terrorist is that Serafall-sama is referring to?"

"That is..."

Ajuka himself didn't know. Serafall only said it was a terrorist who threatened the peace of the underworld.

Ajuka wouldn't have thought that the terrorist Serafall was referring to was the ancestor of the devils, Lucifer who was reborn and was currently dying from being beaten by Eiji's subordinates.

"Cough, cough!"

Lucifer coughed up blood many times, this time he was getting closer to death.

After the explosion earlier, now he was once again lying on the ground with even more horrific injuries than before.

Although his wound regeneration was still working to regenerate both his legs and right hand, he knew it was only a matter of time before these women started torturing him again.

They would cast magic on him and make him lose a few more limbs!

"This guy is still alive?"

"Well even though we're holding back so that he doesn't die immediately as Eiji-sama wishes."

"Fufu. Onee-chan wants to give him more pain and drive him crazy."

"Liala, you crazy woman."

"I don't want to hear that from a mad dog who likes to cut people with her big sword."

"What did you say?! What did you call me?! Grrrr..."

"Delta, Liala, don't start fighting... Now do we have to wait for this guy to recover again? His wound regeneration is very slow and not as fast as ours."

Alpha did not mean to insult her enemy although her words hurt the little heart of Lucifer who heard their conversation. But with their Master-Servant contract with Eiji, even if they were injured or lost a limb, they could recover within a few seconds.

It wasn't that their Master-Servant contract was too strong. Well, that was also one of them. The main reason was because their master was too strong!

"Hm... How about I heal him with my healing magic. After that we can beat him up again and keep healing him again." Gamma said her idea which made the other Shadow Garden members' eyes light up.

Lucifer who heard the crazy idea the woman had shuddered.

These women really wanted to torture him rather than kill him.

Cruel! So cruel!

He had never met Eiji Seiya and as far as he knew he had not provoked him, but that boy had already ordered his subordinates to torture him.

Now that Lucifer didn't think Eiji was human, he must be a devil just as cruel as himself!

"Hmph! Okay Gamma, what are you waiting for? It's my turn next! I want to test my scythe on this ant." The beautiful woman with long blue hair tied into a twin tail style said as she pointed at Lucifer who was lying not far away on the ground.

It was Epilson with the scythe in her hand.

Whatever that woman wanted to do to Lucifer.

Lucifer didn't want to!

"W-Wait! Can we stop here? I surrender! I admit defeat!"

When people are cornered and stepped on more than they can take, they often lose their pride and willingly beg.

The same thing happened to Lucifer who had only been stepped on and humiliated by his enemy to this extent for the first time. Moreover, the ones who did all this to him were the women he had initially looked down upon.

Alpha and the others just winked their eyes at Lucifer's request.

Epilson looked at Lucifer who was like a dying dog with a disdainful gaze. "Ant, do you think we're competing or something? We're here on Eiji-sama's orders to torture you and make him and his women enjoy watching your pain."

"You're surrendering, admitting defeat? That's no use. You can only blame yourself for being Eiji-sama's enemy."

"...!" Lucifer who had just recovered his arm raised his face to look at Epilson and the other Shadow Garden members with a hate-filled expression. "Enemy? When did I offend the boy who is your leader! He was the one who attacked me first! You're all being unreasonable!"

"I'm Lucifer reborn, but I'm sure I've never attacked or hurt anyone related to Eiji Seiya!"

Epilson snorted, she twirled the scythe in her hand and was too lazy to talk to Lucifer.

The other Shadow Garden members were the same, they would continue the torture and make Lucifer continue to show his ugly appearance on camera.

But at this moment—

Someone tapped Epilson on the shoulder. "Alright that's enough Epilson. All of you too, I'm tired of watching this 'Lucifer Who Was Reborn to Be Miserable' movie."


Epilson and the other Shadow Garden members exclaimed respectfully.

Epilson's previously haughty expression instantly turned into that of a shy girl when her master came over and touched her shoulder.

For the women in Shadow Garden even though they were also Eiji's women. The way they looked at Eiji was different from the other women in his harem, they looked at Eiji as if he was a god because he was the one who gave them a home and pulled them from their previous world which was decaying and on the verge of destruction.

Of course, not only admiration and respect, they also loved Eiji to the point that they wanted to give birth to his child. Especially Delta, she drooled when she saw her master, she was like a dog in heat and her tail was wagging left and right.

Ignoring the adoring gazes of his beautiful subordinates, Eiji walked up to Lucifer who was lying on the ground and was looking at him in surprise before showing murderous intent and hatred towards him.

"...You are Eiji Seiya?"

Eiji stuffed his hands into his pants pockets and smiled faintly. From his position, he looked down on Lucifer. "It's me, and this is the first time we've met. About what you did shout out earlier... it's true, you haven't offended me."

"What? Then why are you doing this to me?! Eiji Seiya, you evil boy! You oppress the ancestor of all the devils in the underworld, Lucifer!"

Lucifer roared, his legs almost recovered and he wanted to attack Eiji who was quite close to him using his demonic power. However, the pressure as heavy as a planet suddenly pressed his body into the ground until his bones and internal organs crumbled and the ground beneath him shattered into pieces!

Lucifer vomited blood for the umpteenth time and if Eiji hadn't immediately pulled back the oppression of his magic, Lucifer would have died on the spot.

Lucifer's heart skipped a beat, not out of love but out of fear for his enemy that made him tremble for the first time!

He raised his head to look at Eiji's face and all he saw were his golden eyes that looked like reptiles. Vaguely, Lucifer had the illusion that he was being stared at by a snake so large that it made him look like a grain of dust in front of him.

Now he somewhat understood why that woman made him reborn with the system just to kill the boy in front of him.

Lucifer admitted he had underestimated Eiji earlier. From the beginning the target of his mission was a human-shaped monster more terrifying than Trihexa that made the God of the Bible have to sacrifice himself to seal the beast.

"Boring." Said Eiji who saw Lucifer frozen in fear in front of him. He snapped his fingers and an instantaneous circle of teleportation magic appeared beside him.

"To answer your question. I'm not the one who actually wants to see you tortured to this extent, although I and the women of my house also enjoy watching your suffering, I do it for the woman you know."

"Unlike you who was reborn, she is still alive and has experienced many painful things because of the things you left behind for the now dead Hades."

Lucifer was initially frightened when Eiji created the magic circle, but he seemed to want to teleport someone here and what confused him was what he said.

A woman wanted to see him suffer pain and humiliation to this extent...

And she had something to do with the things he left behind and Hades?

Lucifer knew Hades was the god of death and he was a little surprised to hear the skull was dead.

He didn't care about Hades' death of course, he was just confused. Who was that woman?

Only when a very beautiful and familiar female figure emerged from the magic circle and looked at him expressionlessly did Lucifer widen his eyes.


"Lucifer, a man who is as cruel as you and treats women as nothing more than his tools still remembers me? That's unexpected."

Lilith's beautiful voice sounded amused, and right in front of her ex-husband's eyes she started to become a natural actor.

She moved her plump body to the side to fall into Eiji's arms.

"...." Eiji certainly wasn't going to push away the beautiful woman who threw herself at him. He wrapped one of his arms around Lilith's waist and yes it felt very good.

Put aside the heroines who were enjoying watching from Eiji's house.

Everyone's gaze was fixed on Lucifer's face which was now turning green. Whether it was a TV effect or a camera, they weren't sure but it was very funny!

His expression when he saw the woman who was supposed to be his wife throw herself into the arms of another man looked very ugly and not only that.

Lucifer was so shocked that he felt a strange feeling of pain flow into his heart. He treated Lilith as his tool and did not love her even though she was his wife.

But in this situation, he was furious.

"Lilith! What are you doing?! Why did you throw yourself at that boy?! How dare you let your body be touched by a man other than your husband! Remember your status, you are Lucifer's wife!"

Lucifer thought Lilith would be afraid and obey his orders like in the past, he knew how much she loved him.

She was even willing to leave her then-husband Adam for him.

Lucifer was confident that Lilith would listen to him.

Lucifer seemed to forget what Eiji had just said about who the woman was who wanted to make him suffer to this extent.

Still, Lucifer didn't expect Lilith to laugh when she heard what he said.

The woman laughed while wrapping her arms around Eiji's neck!

"Your wife? Fufu. Lucifer, those are things in the past and in my eyes you're a man who's been dead for thousands of years and suddenly came back to life in someone else's body."

"I know you were reborn, but so what? I must have been blind before. I love you and was willing to be the factory that created billions of devils for you even though it was very painful I always endured it for you."

Lilith said with sadness on her face but it wasn't long before she smiled flirtatiously which gave Lucifer a bad feeling.

"But after I did all that you never loved me, right? And now I don't love you anymore either... You know that guy who's hugging me right now? I'm sure you're not stupid enough not to notice."

"That's right. Just like I left Adam for you, now I've found a new love and he's much better than men like you who don't know how to respect women. Lucifer... Don't call me your wife, I'm now Eiji's woman~"

Saying that, Lilith boldly stood on tiptoe and kissed Eiji's mouth passionately under the gaze of everyone including Lucifer.


"You... You bitch! Lilith, stop, I order you to stop kissing Eiji Seiya! Bastard, he is my enemy, your husband's enemy, how can you kiss him! Lilith!!!"

Lucifer's eyes were red, he was getting a green hat from his own wife from this close range. With his pride and arrogance as Lucifer, this humiliation was enough to give him a mental attack.

He vomited blood from his mouth. This time it wasn't from the wound on his body, but the wound on his heart from being betrayed by his wife.

Lucifer's face was pale, he had no idea how many women were now laughing at him in Eiji's house.

The laughter of the women from Shadow Garden was also inaudible to him because right now his focus was only on the woman who used to love him very much now kissing another man in front of his eyes.

That boy, Eiji even dared to hug his wife's body and squeeze her plump ass which made her moan.


Even so, Lilith did not resist Eiji's touch and continued to kiss him passionately.

Lucifer was now feeling what Adam felt when he snatched Lilith from him, but what Eiji was doing to him was definitely crazier!

Lucifer who was the victim of brutal netorare was even close to fainting now.

While enjoying Lilith's passionate kiss, Eiji was also greedily groping her body. He ignored the dozens of notifications from Leme that told him Lilith's positive level was now soaring.

Eiji was more interested in watching the decision of Lucifer who now had a green hat on his head.

The man could have attacked the two of them, but he seemed to be so shocked that he couldn't say anything else and forgot how to use his demonic powers.

How cute.

And Lilith, she's so fragrant!

Before coming here, Eiji had already given the woman an idea on how to make Lucifer suffer even more by letting him see his wife being embraced by another man.

The two of them were acting, but Eiji also did not expect Lilith to kiss him and proclaim herself as his woman. Since Eiji was not a herbivorous protagonist, he certainly would not refuse.

After five minutes passed, the kiss between the two finally ended. Lilith had a slight blush on her cheeks and her breathing was panting, she was similar to Albedo who was in lust.

Eiji who was still holding the woman's plump ass asked her. "You or I killed Lucifer?"

Lilith didn't even glance at her ex-husband anymore and said with a gaze fixed on Eiji's handsome face. "You or anyone else kill him, I don't care. I've had my fill of seeing Lucifer look so pathetic, and don't want to see him again."

"Then it's decided."

Eiji glanced at Lucifer who seemed to have just realized and wanted to go berserk and release his demonic power on a large scale, unfortunately it was too late.

Eiji moved faster, his eyes turned into Anos' magical eyes that glowed with crimson light.

Not only body and soul, he also instantly destroyed Lucifer's origin with his gaze until he could not be reborn for the third time and felt the pain that would make the gods beg for suicide.

Lucifer screamed so loudly that Lilith naturally glanced at him one last time.

She saw Lucifer's body slowly turn into black particles that disappeared in the air.

Although the scene looked gentle, Lucifer seemed to be in so much pain that his expression was horrifying.

Lilith dared not imagine what kind of pain Lucifer was feeling. Whatever it was, she knew Eiji had deliberately killed Lucifer with such a method for her.

She looked at the boy softly.


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