Chapter 90-Gaia vs Carbon, Part Two


Upon chanting his spell name, the steel floor beneath Carbon's feet begin to rise out of the ground and take the form of a dome of steel in front of Carbon, with a long, hollow barrel extending from the front of the dome, aimed towards Gaia. Gaia's eyes widen as Carbon places a hand to the back of his railgun.

"You can even combine your elements?"

"That's right!" Carbon cackles, "Steel plus plasma…equals MAGNET!"

A dull orb of plasma begins to form at the edge of the barrel of Carbon's railgun. As the purple light glows brighter, the orb grows larger.

"I need to destroy that railgun before Carbon's spell finishes charging," Gaia says to himself as he resumes his Charge Stance.

"EARTH CHARGE, LEVEL TWO: STONE FISTS!" Gaia shouts as he thrusts his wand towards Carbon, sending pillars of rock flying towards Carbon. Gaia's Stone Fists SMASH into Carbon's railgun, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Purple light begins to shine through the dust cloud, and once the dust settles, Gaia's eyes widen once he discovers Carbon's railgun to be perfectly unfazed. Not only that, but the orb of plasma charging up at the end of the barrel of Carbon's railgun is now not only larger, but brighter.



A flash of bright purple light envelops the area, and then…a HUGE laser beam of plasma EXPLODES from Carbon's railgun, and flies through the air towards Gaia nearly faster than the wizard-chef can react.

"E-Earth Charge, Level Three-!" Gaia stammers, "-Rock Shield!"

Gaia coats his body in rock in order to defend against Carbon's attack, but Carbon's plasma blasts smites straight through Gaia's Rock Shield, piercing Gaia, and sending the wizard-chef flying backwards, before falling to the ground in a pool of blood.

"Told you, I'm invincible!"

Carbon then resumes his Charge Stance, and a second orb of plasma energy begins to charge up from within his railgun.

"Crap…" Gaia weakly croaks, "I can't possibly take a second spell of that magnitude…"

"Magnet Charge, Level One-" Carbon begins to say.

"E-Earth Charge…" Gaia weakly croaks as he aims his wand at Carbon, "Pitfall."

"Hm?" Carbon asks as he raises an eyebrow at Gaia, "I can just climb out of that again, you kn-"

Before Carbon can finish, a huge pitfall opens up beneath Carbon's railgun, causing the E-Charger's eyes to widen as his railgun is swallowed up by the earth. As this happens, Carbon's railgun fires, causing a GIANT explosion of plasma from beneath Carbon, causing the E-Charger to scream in pain as he's scorched by his own attack.

By the time that the purple light fades, Carbon lays on the ground, soaked in blood.

"Not bad, Earth Charger," Carbon smirks.

"I can show you better," Gaia smirks back.

Carbon pops back up to his feet and resumes his Charge Stance.

"Magnet Charge, Level Two: Attraction!" Carbon shouts, and instantly, Gaia's body begins to fly towards Carbon, as if his body was a human magnet.

"Wh-what's happening?!" Gaia cries.

"A ranged fighter such as yourself won't want to get close to me!" Carbon cackles.

As Gaia continues flying towards him, Carbon chambers a fist, which crackles with blazing purple plasma.

Once Gaia is close enough, Carbon launches his plasma-coated fist forwards.

But before his spell can connect, Gaia shouts: "Earth Charge, Level Three: Rock Shield," and coats his right fist in rock, which Gaia launches forwards.

The two men's fists collide in a burst of purple plasma and shards of rock. Gaia's spell manages to protect him from Gaia's plasma, which shatters Gaia's rock gauntlet.

The force of the collision sends the two men skidding backwards.

"Hey, you're not so bad up close!" Carbon taunts.

"You're not so bad yourself," Gaia smirks.

Carbon resumes his Charge Stance.

"Magnet Charge, Level Two: Attraction!" Carbon shouts.

"WAAHHH!" Gaia cries as he's attracted towards Carbon again.

"Plasma Charge, Level One: Violet Ray!" Carbon shouts as he thrusts a hand towards Gaia, firing off a blast of plasma.

As Gaia flies towards Carbon, he thrusts his wand towards Carbon and shouts: "Earth Charge, Level Two: Stone Fist," sending more stone pillars flying towards Gaia, canceling both spells out.

As Gaia continues flying towards Carbon, Carbon smirks as he side steps Gaia, who flies straight past Carbon.

"WHAT?!" Gaia cries, "I thought YOU were the magnet?!"

"Nah," Carbon smirks, "I affixed the point of attraction to that wall ahead of ya'!"

Gaia braces himself as he smashes face first into the wall behind Carbon.

Gaia winces as he feels his body being crushed between the attracting force of Carbon's spell and the thick wall before him.

However, Gaia doesn't have much of a chance to react, once Carbon shouts: "Magnet Charge, Level Two: Attraction," again, and this time, Gaia feels his body being attracted towards the wall behind him, and begins flying towards it.

"Here we go again," Gaia sighs.

As Gaia flies towards the wall, he aims his wand at it and says: "Earth Charge, Level One: Pitfall."

A hole opens up in the wall, which Gaia flies into.

Carbon raises an eyebrow at the wall.

"Where…did he go…?"

Next, a SECOND hole opens up in the ceiling above Carbon's head, with Gaia falls out of.

"EARTH CHARGE, LEVEL THREE-" Gaia roars as he launches a rock-covered fist towards Carbon, "-STONE FISTS!"

In response, Carbon's fist begins crackling with purple plasma energy as he turns up to face Gaia with a sadistic grin. Gaia FEELS his body benign pulled into Carbon's fist.


With a roar, both men SLAM their fists into one another, causing an EXPLOSION of orange, purple, and silver sparks of energy.

The two men continue struggling against one another's spells, Gaia's stone-cloaked fist and the attracting and burning force of Carbon's magnet and plasma.

Until…a crack forms in Gaia's stone fist, causing Carbon to smirk.

"HAH! Looks like I won!"

But then…Carbon's plasma flickers out, causing his eyes to widen.

"Are you sure about that?"

With one more push and a fierce battle cry, the two men send one another flying backwards, their backs slamming through the walls behind them, and falling to the ground at last, both drawing in a pool of their own blood.

"Shit…" Gaia croaks, "I…can't move…"

"Dammit…" Carbon grunts, "Is this…a tie…?"