
With The Mask*** šŸ˜·šŸ’„

Authoress FG,


Nolan staggered on seeing Alina's bare face.

Alina shrunk in fear as she heard footsteps and she quickly put on her mask before turning around.

She tried to have a proper look at Nolan but he walked away after she had a glimpse at him.

"Who's that? Who's there?" Alina asked in a shaky tone then she stood up.

Nolan walked away then hide at a corner as he had flashes of what he saw.

"What was that?" Nolan gasped out obviously flabbergasted.

Alina ran to the corner and she caught Nolan standing there. She missed her steps as she covered her face with a palms in shock.

"Professor, what.... Are you doing here?" Alina asked in a shaky voice and Nolan looked at her differently.

"Is this your hospital? Why must I answer such a foolish question? You should think before you answer. You're on duty tonight so what are you doing here?" Nolan asked seriously then walked away.

Alina panicked as she wondered on what to say to Nolan.

It feels like he saw something and I don't like this feeling. No one is allowed to see my face. That would cause a chaos. Professor Nolan doesn't even like me, now this will make it even worse. I can't get anything straight. Alina cried in her head.


Nolan drove back home and he found Matthew at his place.

"Bro, what's going on? You actually visited home today. After abandoning me at the hospital. I thought you said you were going to help me speak with Aria" Matthew fired immediately he set his eyes on Nolan.

"You should allow me take off my shoes first before firing me like this. Why do you have so many complaints? Why bother even talking to that arrogant girl, she doesn't seem to like the idea of both of you being together. She embarrassed you once and she will keep on doing that so give up" Nolan sarcastically as he joined Matthew at the sitting room.

"You think I want to do that as well. Aria is the last girl on my list of type of girls and that's why I'm finding it difficult to deal with her. She keeps acting like I'm the one at fault and I don't deserve a bit of respect. I find her irritating and when it comes to career, I'm her senior. I'm only agreeing to the company's terms because I want to restore my image. I also find this contract unacceptable but I can't help it. It won't do me any good if I make a fuss about it" Matthew complained and Nolan rolled his eyes.

"You're full of complaints but you can't man up to speak some sense into that arrogant girl. See man, I would have helped you but I've got my own problems to deal with. Your issue came up at a wrong timing"

"You can be quite a petty man in times like this. If you can't help me then at least give me listening ears. I'm dying of frustration here and I can't even share this with any of my group members because they're all busy doing one thing or the other so please don't abandon your friend" Mat with a pitiful face and Nolan sighed deeply.

"Stop whining" Nolan shrugged as he stood up from the couch he was seating.

He walked to the freezer and got himself a bottle of beer.

"Are you allowed to take alcohol before work tomorrow? Won't that affect you?" Mat asked concerned as Nolan sat back on the couch.

"Right now, the only thing that can calm me down is alcohol so please don't lecture me on that" Nolan said tiredly as he had a sip.

"You didn't even get one for me"

"That's because one of us has to be sane and the sane one has to be you because you might end up causing trouble if you drink" Nolan reminded with a silly smile.

"I wanted to pretend like I noticed nothing since I think my own problems are bigger than yours but go ahead and spill it out. What's wrong with you? You seemed out of it? Is it related to work?" Mat asked curiously and Nolan hesitated before answering.

He had flashes of Alina's face and he exhaled deeply.

"You've got a lot on your mind, no doubt about that"

"There's this girl at work. She keeps bothering me, I can't help it but keep on recalling what I saw. Do you think someone with a very middle class background will be able to afford plastic surgery?" Nolan asked curiously.

Matthew laughed.

"It depends. Not all middle class people show off their savings. They save a lot so it's possible, they can save up for it but why do you ask? Do you intend on getting someone to go do it?"

Nolan waved the thought immediately.

"I think I'm getting drunk already. I keep saying gibberish. Don't mind me, I will go to bed now. Good night and don't forget to turn the lights off" Nolan said and stood up. He picked up his coat and bag from the side couch.

"Nolan, you're hiding something. You making me more curious. Anytime you act this way, I get really curious" Mat said and Nolan smirked.

"Then I'm giving you my permission to die of curiosity" He laughed and left for his room.


Alina sat on her bunk in the resting room.

Her rang loudly, jagging her out of her thoughts.

"Hello" Alina said slowly over the phone after taking the call.

"Alina, it's me Aria. Where are you? Are you still at the hospital? Alina I'm scared, please can you come over. I've been waiting ages for your shift to be over" Aria said over the phone and Alina smiled.

"I was getting ready to come visit you but what a great timing. You called at the right time. I will be right there" Alina said with a wide smile and she dashed out to the elevator then to the VIP rooms.

Alina knocked gently at the door before going in but it was completely dark when she went inside.

"Aria! Aria, are you here? Why's it so dark in here?" Alina questioned looking around before reaching out to her cellphone.

Immediately the lights went on. The room was decorated beautifully and Alina grinned widely.

"Ina, welcome back best friend. I'm happy to have you back. Earlier today I couldn't welcome us back in a grand way so I'm doing it now" Aria said and ran into Alina's embrace.

"I've missed all this. I missed you the most. I'm sorry I went out of reach. It was selfish of me to leave you all alone. I'm hoping I make up for the nine years I missed in your life" Alina said in tears and Aria pat her back.

"Let's do that together. How about we start now. I wish to hear about everything that happened in your life in the past nine years" Aria said with a smile as they broke the hug.

"That would probably take the whole night and the whole of tomorrow as well"

Aria picked up the take out pollen bags from the table.

"That's why, I've ordered a lot because I'm definitely telling you about mine as well" Aria smiled.

Alina covered her mouth in surprise.

"You're so prepared" Alina said and they both sat on the couch.

"Just like old times, let's cheers to drumsticks"


On Aria and Alina's first encounter in junior high school.

Aria was seated at a seclusive area, sobbing silently after slightly dislocating one of her fingers.

"It hurts, what can I do?" Aria sobbed all by herself.

Alina happened to be at the other side of the seclusive area and she heard Aria's cry. She walked over to Aria's side.

"Are you okay? Is everything okay?" Alina asked concerned but Aria snubbed her.

Alina walked closer to her and bent over to her and she sighted the dislocated finger.

"That must hurt a lot. Why are you sitting here? You should rush down to the clinic" Alina said and Aria sniffed.

"Buzz off. Why are you being nosy? It's none of your business so leave. You think I don't know the way to the clinic" Aria said rudely but Alina's eyes were fixed on her hands.

"Are you scared it will hurt so much?" Alina asked but Aria kept mute.

"Let me have a look at it" Alina said as she slowly held the hand and tears roll down Aria's eyes.

"Does it still hurt?"

Aria nodded negatively.

"How about I tell you a story about how I dislocated my ankle as well? I'm guessing that will make you feel a little better"

"That will be quite hurtful to listen to"

"Okay, fine I will crack some jokes" Alina said with a smile.

"I stole some steam buns from my mother's purse and I ended up burning my hands" Alina said with a smile and in a blink of an eye, Alina adjusted the dislocated finger.

Aria felt a sharp pain.

"Ouch!" Aria winced looking at hand but she was feeling much better and a smile appeared on her lips.

"How did you do that? I feel a lot better and then what happened to the steamed buns? Did you eat them?" Aria asked with a smile.


"But it's weird though, how we ended up becoming best of friends after that day. You saved my life, Ina" Aria said with a smile.

Alina and Aria chatted and laughed all through the night without even realising it.


They were both fast asleep on Aria's bed but Alina's alarm rang out loudly. Alina sluggishly opened her eyes only to find out, the sun has shone already.

Alina's eyes widened in shock and she jumped out of the bed. Aria opened her eyes slowly.

"Ria, I will come check on you when I'm done with my morning shift okay. I have to go now, I'm running late" Alina said sharply and Aria waved at her with sleepy eyes.

Alina rushed down to the resting room and freshened up immediately.

She dressed up quickly and ran down to the nurses table.

Alina tried to sneak to her seat without anyone noticing but Nolan was there already.

"Nurse Alina, are you just coming to work now? Does this mean you haven't checked up on any patients yet?" Nolan asked seriously and Alina stuttered not knowing what to say.

"Cut the crap and come to my office immediately" Nolan said seriously and Alina bite her lower lips almost in tears.

She walked behind Nolan like a puppy that was drained in the rain.

They got Nolan's office and he threw her last night's report on her face.

"What the hell were you thinking yesterday that you misplaced the reports of the patients? Do you have any idea how serious what you did is? You could have killed someone. If you can't get your head in the game then there's no use of you being here. They all said you're worthy of being here but I'm still finding it hard believing that. You keep complicating things and I can't help you if you keep on provoking me, do you understand" Nolan yelled and Alina shrunk in fear as she nodded nervously.

"Don't just stand there and nod your head like a lizard. Don't you have anything to say for making such a clumsy mistake?"

"I don't have, sir" Alina managed to utter and Nolan glared at her.

"That's all, leave my office" Nolan said coldly and Alina picked up the reports and quickly rushed to the door but something flashed her mind and she turned around.

"I'm sorry to say this professor but please can you keep what you saw yesterday a secret"

"What rubbish are you spouting?"

"You saw my ..." Alina couldn't complete her statement as she held her face holding back her tears.

"Don't let me repeat myself. Leave my office and you've got no right to tell me what to do so get lost and go fix the mess you created" Nolan said coldly and Alina left the office.

Alina shut her eyes in fear.

This is fun. Nolan said in his head and a smile appeared on his lips.


Why's this fun to him?šŸ˜¶

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