Alastair gapes at this sudden question, his head spinning in a fit of vertigo. He blinks rapidly until he can focus again. Once the question sinks in, it’s only a matter of seconds before his whole body lights up at the idea.
“Yes of course!” He’s too loud when he says it and both him and Oliver find themselves laughing about it. “Yes, of course, I would like to be your boyfriend,” Alastair clarifies, quieter. “Do you—“
Alastair’s question is cut off by eager lips pressed against his own. They disappear before he has the time to get over the shock of their warmth.
“Yes, I want to be your boyfriend, you idiot,” Oliver scolds, but he can’t be that upset since he dives back down for another kiss.
He lingers this time and Alastair is able to lean up into it before Oliver parts again with more to say.