Chapter 120: Lanterns


As the sun dipped below the horizon, relinquishing its hold on the day, the room transformed into a haven for shadows.

Ana got up from her bed and made her way to Valerian's room. 

She knew that there was no way to change Dodge's mind about Valerian's assassination so Ana decided it would be better if she just told him the truth—that she was sent here to kill him.

The dormitory corridors were dimly lit when Ana stepped out of her room. She crept through the hallway, and down the stairs to Valerian's room. Ana's footsteps muted against the carpeted floor, echoed through the corridor as she approached Valerian's room. 

As she reached Valerian's door, Ana hesitated, her hand hovering over the cold metal handle. The gravity of her decision weighed heavily on her, and the shadows seemed to dance in anticipation, flickering as if to underscore the clandestine nature of her mission.