
Small council POV:

"So Varis, are there any new developments in Esos that we should know about? " Aries asked his master of whispers.

"Myr is having some unexpected problems. Apparently, someone decided to attack their monopoly in the glass market a new company called Dracarys has started selling glass products under their brand name Krystal, and their products are both of superior quality and half the price. " Varis concluded. "So how does that have importance for the council?" Asked Rhaghar. " Well, for starters, this new company has the full backing of the Iron Bank of Bravos and all of their establishments are guarded by a company of 100 unsullied " Varis added . " This is interesting. Try finding out more about them" Aries ordered his master of whispers . " It will be done your highness " Varis replied .

Elijah POV:

It has already been two months since we settled in Dragon s Roar, making it our first seat, and today, the sales report for our first batch of glass products have finally arrived and Cedric and Silvestre have reported a net profit of two hundred gold million gold coins not bad for the first venture I guess. But these pirates have become an irritating existence, to be honest, we have been attacked by pirate crews every third day and have now defated and captured twenty pirate crews till now so basically we have six hundred extra prisoners and mouth to feed and their constant attacks have begun to seriously irritate me better discuss this in our council meeting and ask for everyone s view on the matter.

Elijah 's Council POV:

" Our profits for the past two months are two hundred million gold coins " Cedric stated.

"How are the developments of the breweries coming along when would the first shipment be ready and have decided on a brand name for the scotch ?" I asked Silvestre.

" The shipment should be ready by this week's end and Severus decided to call it Doumbledore' s single malt" Silvestre replied.

" You seriously named our product after Doumbledore the old man would be turning in his grave lol turned the legacy of the greatest wizard into a alcohol that's so you Snape " joked Sirius with a chuckle.

" For my defense that manipulative bastard was a sweet poison with his words so I thought his name would be fitting" Severus replied.

" Yea sure why not the name is good" I casually added.

" Ayaka how is Sanctum doing?" I asked her.

" After the ceremony everyone has turned into devout followers overnight and right now we are trying our best to manage their expectations trying to avoid turning them into religious fanatics. But we need more priestess and priests I can't handle all this alone brother and training new ones is taking a lot of time and there is also the issue that I do not understand why you casted angelic grace back then you could have gotten similar results with a curaga spell yet you decided to go with angelic grace why was that Elijah?" Ayaka asked me.

"Short and simple cause I wanted it to look like a miracle which would turn them into devout followers and help revive the dragon gods and secondly because I wanted to initiate their bodies into being tuned with magic this entire stunt that we pulled was to basically see if we can initiate the magic potential in everyone and to that end it worked out perfectly. Our goal is to bring back magic in this world at its full potential and for that we need people who are attuned to it otherwise all this would be for vain as the magic will not flow in cycle if there aren't many people to utilize it " I replied back.

" And for your second point okay I will summon Sadali into this world and make him the high priest and both of you can share the work load between yourselves would that be fine " I asked her.

" That would be perfect Eli" Ayaka replied with a smile.

" Poor Sadali the fucker is gonna be stuck preaching even in this world " Sterne joked with a chuckle.

" To be fair He was actually God's chosen unlike me who just excels in healing magic" Ayaka responded in Sadali 's defense.

" You do realize he has been obsessed with Exia for the past one thousand years and your little crush is just going to lead to a heart break" Medina chimed in causing Ayaka to blush.

" Perfect a strong mage obsessed with a dead person for over a thousand Years look Severus we finally found you soul mate" joked Sirius causing everyone to laugh.

" Is he like immortal? " Silvestre joined in the conversation.

" Don't know actually he has been blessed by the light of the crystal that he would never age and over the years his knowledge and experience has made him one of the strongest guys in our world" Englebert replied.

" But what makes him dangerous is mind more than magic the guy is an absolute genius when it comes to warfare only King Jayden from Rundal or Gilgamesh the winged one who is basically a living God can match him on the battle field." Sterene further added.

" Moving on Jaqen and Bellgrave have you found out why the pirates are attacking us rabid dogs like on a nearly daily basis." I asked them.

" Myr has been in contact with the pirate King in step stones and have paid them to harass us apprantly they are livid with horror over the prospects of loosing their monopoly and are getting desperate. " Both of them replied back.

"Silvestre what do you think should we attack step stones and be done with them ? " I asked.

" Not right now Elijah, we first need to go and meet with lord Rikard Stark and get the rights for Skagos and Skane and if we display our military capabilities before that then it would cause problems once we have settled in Skagos and Skane then we can declare war on them and conquer them that would be a much more logical solution " Silvestre replied back.

"OKay we will do that then Englebert Lilith increase the no of patrol ships and increase the escort ships for our cargos in the mean time" I gave out my order.

"Roger that Elijah" Both replied back.

" Fluer what's the status of the grain shipments and the glass house project when will be ready to send envoys to the north?" I asked her.

The shipment would arrive in Ten days and the glass houses are ready" she replied back.

" Then me Severus, Sirius, Narcissa and Ayaka would leave for the north when it's done" I replied concluding our meeting.