Arrax and gifts for the Starks.

Elijah POV:

Ten days were remaining before we left for Winterfell, and I was kind of excited with regards to moving to the north. The kingdom of the north and the Starks were my favorite in my previous life and probably the reason why I chose to ally ourselves with the north in this life. "Silvestre, what can you tell me about the north and the Starks? I would like to prepare myself before we meet them and have you written to them asking for an audience?" I asked Silvestre. " North is probably the largest of the seven kingdoms of Westeros when it comes to area, but its population is quite less comparative to the area. The people are generally hard working, honest to a fault, and great warriors in battle they are the perfect people to have as friends and the worst enemies that you could face in battle probably Dournne comes a close second when it comes to reselience on the battle field. They follow their old gods and have their own set of ideals and beliefs and unlike the kingdoms of the South, they don't plot and conspire against each other, nor are they against magic and everything magical. Starks who rule the north come from the line of the first men and Winter Kings and have ruled the north for more than eight thousand years till Torrhen Stark knelt to Aegon the conquerer to save his people from un necessary death and dragon fire and since then have been the strongest and the most loyal supporters of the Targaryens . Starks are famous for keeping their word and their honor. Honestly speaking, they are the best allies that we could have asked for, and the gifts that you have prepared for them would definitely earn you their friendship and respect irrespective of how the dealings regarding Skagos and Skane proceed. " Silvestre replied.

"So basically, my hunch was correct " I asked .

"Absolutely correct my King" Silvestre replied.

As we were Talking and discussing regarding our future plans a huge Dragon's Roar was heard and my Three dragons came above us and when Silvestre saw them he was terrified and he fell down causing me to give out a chuckle. "Silvestre, these are my three dragons the largest one in the middle is Dragoneel, the one on the left is Belarion and the one the right is Winter," I said while introducing them to Silvestre.

"Elijah Arrax is calling you and Sirius to come and meet him at the dragons summit in Valyria." Dragoneel spoke in my mind.

"Silvestre, my friend, can you go and call Sirius over here please it seems that my dragons wanna go for a flight" I informed him.

"Of course Elijah, I will go and bring him here" Silvestre replied and ran for his life immediately .

Silvestre POV:

"Dragons actual Fucking Dragons!!! Thank the gods Elijah is not my enemy and what the fuck was with their sizes I have never even heard of dragons being that big and the one called Dragoneel he was Fucking humongous " I screemed in my head as I ran to get Sirius.

After an hour..

"This better we important Elijah I am still trying to figure out how can we make our wands " complained Sirius as he arrived.

"Arrax asked to meet us yes I guess it's bloody important " I told him.

We mounted our Dragons and immediately flew for Dragon's summit.

The flight took approximately two hours and during which we our enjoying the fuck out of ourselves.

Dragon's Summit.

"Hey Arrax, you wanted to meet us. What's up?

I greeted him as soon as we reached. They were waiting for us in their human form which kind off was reassuring lol to be honest " I thought to myself.

"Well, we had a few gifts for you , heard that you are having problems regarding your research on how to make wands and the dragon blood line ritual. " He casually replied and then did a wave of his hand and multiple tomes came flying into my hand.

"These have everything that you need to know about breeding dragons , giving rise to new breed of dragons and yes bloodline ritual as well and these are the actual rituals not the bastardized version that you found in all those old books from Valyria " He replied.

"Now coming to your wand problem you would need the wood from heartwood trees and for that you would need the help of the children of the forest and hence I had my sisters bring a few of my old friends over signaling two children of the forest to come over, Elijah, Sirius meet my old friends Stem and Bark they are going to help with planting weirwood trees and the rituals for heartwood trees" Arrax said introducing us to Stem and Bark.

"It is an honor to meet you Stem and Bark" I greeted them.

" And now for the final gift from all three of us it is not fair our Champion doesn't have his own dragon from this world and hence this is our gift to you Elijah " said Meraxes while handling me a large black and blue Dragon egg. "The dragon inside of this is special and you would need to sacrifice one thousand human offerings to birth him but believe me he would be worth it" Vhagar casually added.

" Before I forget to tell you these books also have the rituals that would enable your summoned dragons to procreate as well" Arrax finally added.

" Thank you so much everyone " I earnestly thanked my benefactors.

" Don't mention it you are our champion so obviously we would help you as much as possible " They said with a warm smile.