The Dragon and The Wolf. part 1.

Elijah POV:

Meeting with Arrax and his sisters turned out to be quite profitable for us. Granted, my ability for mastery of magic and knowledge meant that I knew about the rituals, but having the Gods help you is always better, and it saved us from dealing with unnecessary complications. Plus, the dragon egg that they gifted me was special it was unlike any I had ever seen on this planet, and it radiated a magic similar to my partner Dragoneel, which got me curious though I still don't know how am I gonna find one thousand human sacrifices required to hatch it but it was special nonetheless and the two children of the forests who decided to join us would be really helpful moving and the best part Sirius and the others would finally have their own wands which would be necessary with the battles that we face ahead. We had one last thing to do before left from Valyria and that was to meet Titan and take his report. When we arrived, we saw that the overall geography was changing bit by bit and small patches of greenery could also be seen though as I suspected the aftermath of the doom would still take significant amount of time to deal with probably in the next hundred or so years Valyria can become livable again but as of now this place was still a living hell. On meeting Titan, he confirmed my suspicions with his reports, but he mentioned an interesting development and that there was a group of Fifty Wyverns who had made their nests on the nearby mountains and they seemed to have evolved into being capable of breathing fire by absorbing the magic of this place over the years hearing this caught both mine and Sirius 's intrest. "Dragoneel, does my blessing apply to them as well? " I asked my partner. " Yes, obviously, as Wyverns are nothing more than the distant descendants of the dragons, so yes they will follow your commands, and they can breed with dragons and give birth to Hybrids or new Dragonic species " he replied back. " Sweet now let's go and get us some Lab rats " Sirius joked, and then asked Titan to lead us to Wyvern's nests.

Once we reached there and saw them for the first time, we were amazed Titan was correct these Wyverns have seemed to evolved by absorbing the magic from around here over the years while normally they should have leather like wings the ones infront of us had scales covering their entire body and they seemed larger Than the normal Wyverns with the smallest one that we could see was around 15 feet long while the bigger ones were around 40 to 50 feet in size. Once they felt our presence, the largest of them and probably their king came flying towards us and then landed and made a gesture which showed like it was bowing his head and asking me to pet him and as I touched his head I could feel it soeaking in my mind telepathically " Greetings, Dragoneel, we the forgotten children are here to serve " it spoke in my mind, " I humbly accept your alligennce " I replied back with a smile.

Then we left for Dragon's Roar.