Let's go and meet your uncle then part 2.

"It's a pleasure to make your aquintance, Lord Stark. Though I am not really in a mood to fight a war, you are on your own my friend if you wanted my help with regards to dethroning your uncle ." Joked Elijah as he greeted Ragnar.

" My uncle's ass is more than welcome to sit on the throne of the north. But if I ever do consider taking it, you would be the first person I call for help. Though hell will probably freeze over before I choose to volunteer myself for that position. "

Ragnar joked back at Elijah.

Both of them started laughing at their shared sense of humor.

Having someone to share your dark funny funny bone in this world was truly a luxury.

Especially since history proved that men have gone to war for stupid reasons.

So when both men met each other for the first time, they just clicked and hit it off.

If someone was to come and see them chatting and joking with each other for the first time, they would think that the two men have known each other and have been friends for years. The reality of the situation being that they were meeting for the first time would be impossible to believe for anyone .

" So let me guess, you need my help dealing with the three eyed raven and with helping the people in migrating form the true north to the other side of the wall , am I correct? " Questioned Elijah finally to Ragnar.

" That and there is a thing about the golden company and disputed lands, but yea, more or less, these are the major things that I need your help with, " Ragnar replied back.

"Ayaka, can you tell the servants to summon Severus Sirius ans Narcissa immediately, please, dear sister " Elijah requested her.

" Sure" Ayaka replied back, and then instructed the servants to carry out the order.

After one hour...

" You called for us ? Elijah?" Severus asked visibily irritated from the fact that he had to leave his experiments in the middle to come and meet him.

" Yes , meet Ragnar Stark, everyone.

Long story short, some things came up and me, Sirius, and Ragnar would be leaving for the true north and deal with three eyed raven so I need you and Narcissa to handle the negotiations with the north" Elijah informed everyone .

" Ummmm fine then I guess let's go and meet your uncle" Narcissa replied with a smirk.