Peccatum watched as Bonum applied another layer of sunscreen on the skin of the squirming Vis. Bored, she slumped her head to the sky, and let out a loud sigh.

"Can we go home now. It's almost lunch time you know?"

"Not yet." Vis said. "We still needed to find our foot soldiers. Remember?"

"Then just pick anyone. There's lots of thugs inside that bar over there. Big, muscly men on big bikes. What more do you want?"

"No Pecca. We can't just hire anybody. Remember the plan?"

"Oh yeah. The plan." Peccatum rolled her eyes.


"So what is this plan of yours, Joseph? Oh, I mean, Vis."

Bonum placed the plate of club sandwiches on the coffee table. Peccatum hastily took one, and downed it in two bites. With mouth still full, she reached for another.

"Hungry, are we?" Vis teased the powerless demon. Bonum chuckled.

"Shut up, you old baby. Just tell us about the plan."

"Pfft. I knew you lost your magic, I didn't knew you lost your sense of humor too."

"Ceh, you better start talking. Otherwise, I'll be joining the list of nanny that abused the baby."

"Okay, okay. Chill."

The chuckling Bonum interjected. Trying to change the subjects. "So what do we need to do first, Vis?"

"As with all others, war can be won by two things."

"And what is that."

"Knowledge, and man power."

Peccatum laughed. "Well, that's easy enough. Thank Deus and Lucifer, this era has got the internet. So, that's knowledge down. As for manpower, we are lucky you are born in a wealthy family. I'm sure they won't mind if we take a bit to hire some people."

"No Pecca, we can't do that." Vis shook his head. It melted Bonum's heart. It was super cute. "Google does helps, but we need the knowledge of the way things really are. Not just the way things are portrayed on the internet. And we can't just buy anyone either."

"Why not?"

"Because money does not mean loyalty. We need to find somebody that would willingly gave up their lives for us. Someone we could manipulate to do our bidding."

Peccatum finally smiled amusingly. "Ah, there's the beloved King Joseph. I miss you."

Vis laughed. "Hahaha, thank you. And hey, I am born with a silver spoon. If I'm born a rich asshole, I will be a rich asshole."

"Great, so where're we going to find this people?"

"I don't know. The park maybe?"



"Hey, Vis? Look at that!" Bonum's voice snapped Peccatum back to the now.

All three of them looked at the same direction. Where Bonum was pointing. A guy emerged from the bushes not far from where they're at, fixing his pants and belt. The park was massive, and there's not many people around. So there's bound to be someone doing something shady at this hour.

"Oh, Bonum dear. You had an eye for the nasty." Peccatum smiled.

"Heh, that's why we become friends, right?" Bonum smiled right back.

"Hahaha, sure enough." Peccatum inhaled deeply. "Ceh, it's just people fucking."

"Can we go and take a look?" Bonum eyes sparkled.

"You fucking pervert. And there's nothing to see anyway. The deed is done. Unless King Baby here wanted a go look see."

Both of them laughed. But the laughter immediately subsided when they saw Vis's expression. The Dark King of Denua has returned. They anxiously awaited with hopes in their chest.

"Let's go check it out." Finally Vis spoke. It was not what they expected at all.

"What?" Bonum said, perplexed. Peccatum sighed and shook her head. "So...the Dark King was just a big pervert, huh?"

"Maybe. Regardless, please take me there. Now!"

They were thoroughly disappointed. Things did not look good right now. Did they made a mistake? Should they chose a hero type to reincarnate? Instead of the king of crimes right here? Too late now, they already spent their entire magic to bring him here. What left of their magic is used to erase their presence. So, they really hope the Dark King could at least bring something to the table.