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Who are you?

Chapter 8

Crown virus

As the sound of the alarm buzzed Aclyslys reluctantly got out of bed, it was a bright and refreshing morning. As he went through his usual morning routine to get ready for school, news spread throughout the city about a new computer virus that had caused a major financial company to momentarily shut down, within just an hour of being infected. This caused a ripple effect, with other companies becoming increasingly concerned about their Cyber security. It was a busy morning at SONGint, with companies calling for assistance to strengthen their cyber security protection.

Frances quickly met with the cyber security department and then left after giving some instructions.

Achylys was strolling to the university, people were still discussing about the computer virus that had been causing problems. No one had been able to stop the virus yet, and it was spreading quickly. The CEO of Jing financial institute, Mr. Robert M, had offered $500,000 to anyone who could stop the virus, which had caused his company to temporarily shut down. This led to hackers from all over the world racing to try to eradicate the virus.

Achylys who had arrived at the university, his class already started and as Mr. Dominic stood at he front of the room start his discussion, his topic is about the history of programming and the different programming languages.

Time passed as he delved more about the the history of programming and how it evolve over the years.

" I know everyone here has already mastered some programming language and already proficient in coding. But I want to emphasize to all of you it the importance of knowing its history before we start our proper discussion. Well I think that's it for today, i will just leave you all with a task that you can submit before the end of this week, your task is to create or to code a mini-game in three different programming language." 

After the class, Frances and Achylys left immediately.

Upon returning to the company Frances immediately supervised the team who is task to terminate the virus. Mr.M, who is a close business partner of chairman Song, personally visited SONGint to discuss with the chairman, and demanded a quick resolution to the issue, as his company's shareholders were dropping by the minute.

Meanwhile, Achylys was in the middle of his shift at the shop when he noticed that everyone was unusually quiet and focused on their computers. This piqued his curiosity, so he quietly approach his friend Luzu, a regular costumer. Luzu then explained about the crown virus.

" have you not heard about the crown virus? It has became a major problem for large companies as it specifically target them, this virus is designed to actively duplicate private documents of the affected company's data and then delete all the original data after it transfer all the copied document to a secret database. Mr. M had promised a reward of $500,000 for anyone who could eliminate the virus, causing everyone in the shop and in the hackers forum to scramble for the prize money.

Sisi who overheard the conversation then butt in:

" yeah, as if you all can solve that, not even the best specialist of SOONGint was able to remove the virus as of the moment it only means that virus is really hard to deal with. As Frances and Luzu debates Achylys remained silent for a while as he continued to watch Luzu's computer.

Meanwhile, at SONGint. The company's cyber security experts were trying to solve the virus. Frances, who was monitoring the team's progress, receive a call from her secretary informing her that Mr. M had increased the reward to $1,500,000, triple the amount from 5 hours ago. This prompted Frances to join the cyber race to take down the virus, she knew that with that amount of reward the top hackers from all around the world, including notorious groups would now be interested in the virus. Not only she is interested in the competition but also this can be beneficial for them. They can salvage the situation to monitor the big hacking groups that will be loured out by this massive bait.

She immediately take charge and sat down at her computer, and just after a couple of hours, she is already at 95% rate at eliminating the virus. She just needed to write a few more lines of code to completely shut it down. With every click, onlookers were impressed by her skill, trying to guess her next move.

But just she was about to finish, her computer froze. Frances frantically clicked and tapped, but it remained unresponsive. After a few seconds, the computer shut down on its own. She was shocked and frustrated, wondering what have gone wrong? Could it be that she lost yet again?

Her assistant rushed to her side and informed her that the hacker 111 had already announced on the hackers forum that he already decoded the crown virus and optimized the code so that only he could get rid of it. This seemed to be true, considering what had happened to Frances's computer.

The hacker demanded a ransom 0f $2,000,000 in exchange for terminating the virus. This quickly reached Mr. M who immediately agreed to the hacker's demand. His company had been shut down for a long time, and he couldn't afford to lose more investors. He immediately settled the reward, and promptly the hacker removed the virus and just like a bubble popped he vanished in the cyber world.


Frances was still in disbelief about what had just happened. She seemed stunned, but this time her anger wasn't because the hacker had defeated her once again. Instead, she was irritated by not knowing who he was. She was now even more curious about the hacker 111, and the couldn't hide that fact anymore that he continuously impressed her.

The news that hacker 111 was the one who terminate the virus, blows up immediately as his name throughout the city had became more and more infamous. 

"in the quiet darkness of the room, Achylys peacefully meditates on the soothing sound of the beautiful night."