
Some sense of Relief washed through Lumen as he received confirmation that the Elite was actually a lower level than him.

If he was faced with something like a level 23 or 24 Elite, he knew he would have another life and death battle ahead of him. He didn't even want to think about if a level 25 E tier Elite showed up, as just the thought drew fear out of him.

But even if he knew the wolf's level, it didn't stop the beast from inducing slight anxiety and excitement in Lumen.

The Elite was tall, nearly the same as two Lumens stacked on top of each other. The pitch black hair covered more than just its spine and tail like the level 12 one had. This one had pitch black fur spreading through its spine, tail, head and paws.

As Lumen observed it, it observed him back. But it didn't spend long staring him down and surprised him by opening its big mouth and letting out a beastly roar.