Level 20

Just as Lumen had taunted the beast with, it was dead within five minutes of it launching it's powerful charged attack.

In fact, the Elite beast had probably used up most of its strength with that one attack, as it only took Lumen 3 minutes of his promised 5 to end the wolf's life. It barely fought back because it simply didn't have the strength to do so.

'Not even level 17 Elites are enough to take me out, especially with my Epic rank Arcane spear!'

Many factors of this fight led to a completely different outcome compared to his fight with the level 12 Elite he had fought weeks prior.

The most notable being that his main weapon, his spear had gone from a common tutorial spear to an Epic rank spear, boosting his physical combat power exponentially, as well as adding a pseudo spell to his arsenal with the magic attack that came attached to the spear.