A goal to strive for

"I might have a little surprise for you guys if that's the case." Lumen had a mischievous smile on his face as he heavily implied to the other three that he knew something that they didn't.

Qu Quan and Jake were waiting in anticipation for Lumen to explain to them what this big surprise was, but Will was the first who couldn't contain his patience and asked straight away.

"Well, what is it then, Lumen?" Will looked at Lumen inquisitively.

"I can tell you guys from first hand experience that yes, when one reaches level 25 you experience something you would never have felt before. I'm sure all of you have long noticed the 'Soul Tier' on your status screen, and wondered what it did or what you could do to level it up. Well, I can tell you right now that upon reaching level 25 you are offered the opportunity to evolve your very being, upgrading to the E tier and receiving an evolution in all aspects, body, mind and soul."