Level 30!

As the day turned into night, Lumen found himself filled with mixed emotions. He cherished the time spent with his friends, the laughter they shared, and the camaraderie that had grown between them. But his unwavering goal to reach level 50 pulled at him like a relentless current, urging him to continue his solitary journey.

With a heavy heart, he bid his friends a mental farewell, knowing that they had their own path to follow. Qu Quan, Jake, and Will understood his decision and gave him their full support. Their parting was not marked by sadness but by a shared determination to reunite stronger and wiser.

As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Lumen ventured deeper into the forested valley, his spear at the ready. The anticipation of what lay ahead filled him with both excitement and trepidation.