Chapter 36: Sheer Willpower


Rohan and I stared down the green haired woman. She moved the labyrinth, so she must've been able to use earth mana. But her hair was reminiscent of descendants of the Kasai no Ki, while her eyes while silver like those from Mizu no Kin.

"Now boys, how about we play?"

"Play? Like we would play with a raider," Rohan said, gripping his knives.

She crossed her arms and scoffed. "We were hired to protect this place by the second prince, but aren't bandits." She pointed her finger at him. "I am Echpon, one of the Four Sands!"

"Four Sands?" I asked.

Rohan shivered. "They're knights of Taahid. On par with the Seven Hills. In the last war, they gave our army the hardest time out of everyone in Taahid."

Echpon smiled. "Glad to meet someone familiar with our order. Although, those dreaded four are gone now. But the future of the order and Taahid will shine brighter than its past! I and the others will surpass our predecessors."