Chapter 64: Don't Push Yourself


I stared at Captain Saffron as he reached for his cannon which had fallen a few feet away from him. He gripped his side. Like I thought, the guy wasn't well yet.

Sighing, I jumped forward, landing beside him. "Return, Captain," I said.

He kept his eyes forward. Was he even listening to me?

"Didn't you hear me?" I asked, picking up his weapon.

He glared at me. "Give it back, I can still fight!"

I shook my head. "For such a smart guy, you sure can be reckless sometimes."

Teraq shrugged and snickered. "Seems even your comrades have given up hope on you, Captain."

Saffron pushed himself up. "That might be, but I haven't given up on myself." He held his hand to his weapon, pulling it over to him, but I held firm.

"Sorry, Captain, but this is for you own good," I said, punching him in the stomach. His whole body rapidly became incased in ice.

"Hey, don't you think that's a tad harsh?" Orlin yelled.