Chapter 121: Fishing


I stared up at the sky. The stars were twinkling in the night sky, although not as brightly as the snow.

Koyuki swung her hands behind her back and smiled. "They sure are pretty, aren't they?"

I nodded. "The stars were pretty in Taahid too."

She sighed. "Wonder how Captain Saffron is doing."

I chuckled. "Knowing my cousin, he's probably still being a grumpy captain."

She laughed. "Probably. He does seem to loosen up whenever we're around, though."

"True, he's a big softie deep down." I looked down at the snow. While my cousin could be a grump at times, I missed him.

Koyu chuckled. "Well, you're pretty grumpy too."

I blushed. "S-sorry about that."

She snickered. "You already apologized, apologetic mushroom."

My face heated up, making me not even feel the chilly night air. She must've not liked it when I called her one.

"Don't worry, I don't mind. You're an adorable mushroom."