Chapter 136: Rainbow Antlers


[Meanwhile, back at Jiro's]

"That said, while your early life sounded full of work, you seemed to enjoy it," Jiro said. "Well, based on what you shared thus far."

I lowered my head. True. But, that happy vibe would not last for long.


[Years Ago]

Roxanne and I watched in awe as Papa took the sword out of the furnace.

"Can I try shaping it?" I asked, eager to get my hands on the tools.

Papa chuckled. "Not yet, Rohan. It's too dangerous for you to handle the metal right now. But you can help me with the next step."

I nodded, feeling a bit disappointed but also excited. I was going to help Papa make a sword!

"Now, we need to shape it," Papa said walking over to his table. "Rohan, can you hand me that smaller hammer over there?"

I nodded and hurried over to the tool rack. I picked up a hammer and handed it to Papa.