Chapter 137: Crystal Cavern


After leaving the deer to Mama, we continued our trek through the dense forest outside of town. We walked in silence, listening to the sounds of nature around us. Birds chirped and crickets sang. The air was filled with the scent of flowers and of pine cones. It was peaceful and beautiful. Although, we didn't see any more animal life with rare or useful body parts like the deer from earlier. But, that was probably for the best.

Papa eventually stopped by a lake that a waterfall drained into.

"It's like a fairytale," Roxanne asked, eyes wide.

I nodded. Surprisingly, it lacked animals other than fish around.

He snickered. "Think this place is our best bet for finding the materials we need."

I looked around the area. It was a beautiful place, but I couldn't see any crystals anywhere. "Where are they?"

Papa pointed at the water. "Follow me."