Chapter 262: Sitting Down For Dinner


Milo, uh, Yuki's, well, their fusion's stomach grumbled.

"Hungry, Cuz?" Saffron asked, a slight smile playing on his lips.

The black-haired man nodded. "Yeah."

I giggled. It seemed Milo's stomach was retained. Well, not that Yuki wasn't a foodie. He certainly was, but Milo was on a whole different level.

A pang of sadness hit me. Even though they were both still here, it felt odd. It was as if I were still in a dream, but I knew this was our new reality. The old boys I loved weren't the same anymore.

"You okay, Koyu?" the man said, standing up from his bed. He put his righed on my face and ran through fingers through the lingering tears. His hand was warm like both boys' hands used to be.

I put a hand over it and smiled. "Yeah, just a little shaken up still."

He frowned. "Sorry. It's my fault, isn't it? If only I had listened to you then I would never have gotten hurt by that demon sword."