Getting Out Of Hand

Actually, Abigail had also felt guilty in killing Nicholas in her novel earlier, but seeing his attitude toward her, all the traces of guilt vanished like a poof. And now that a similar, even deeper sense of guilt appeared, all her emotions were directed toward this sudden best friend.

This was probably the first time Abigail spoke so softly with someone. Even Anne was stunned hearing those words.

Her best friend hadn't talked to her like that, never!

It should be said that the original villain was extremely spoiled and intelligent. Even though Chloe had never bothered with her daughter, she did appoint some caretakers who took extremely good care of the girl, even making her spoiled. So the original villain had everything she wanted at the tips of her fingers.

Whatever she asked for, her mother would refuse to come, but she did throw her credit cards at the girl, telling to buy whatever she wanted. So even the villain never refused and spent money to her heart's content.

The only thing she probably never got was a mother's love.

Such a spoiled girl would speak so softly! Anne had never imagined this, but she also knew she was in the public. So she dragged the woman in one corner where no one was watching them any longer and heaved a sigh of relief.

Only then did she turn toward her friend and asked curiously, "What's up with you? How the f*ck did you manage to walk down the red carpet with that man, and you even mocked him in the public?" Anne frowned. "You're not taking revenge for your mother, are you?"

Everyone knew how bitter the relationship was between the Dawsons and Harrisons. So it was no wonder that even Anne, a controversial artist, knew about it.

"Why would I want revenge for my mom?" Shouldn't everyone know their relationship was also terrible? After all, this was the setting that she had developed earlier.

"Huh?" Anne tilted her head. "Aren't you the one who always seeks her attention?"

Abigail was stunned speechless after hearing those words. She frowned and tried her best remembering whether she had really given her character this kind of setting, but she failed. So she raised her head and said, "Anne, honestly, I don't like her anymore after what she did to me."

"What did she do?" Anne was also a gossipy girl who liked hearing any kind of personal story.

Abigail rubbed her hands as she started her tale.

To be honest, this was the first time she ever had a friend who actually listened to her not out of pity, but pure curiosity! Back in the asylum, nurses would listen, but only because it was their job. So they couldn't be called real friends.

Other than that, she would often reach out to people like her, those staying in the asylum. It was just that they were also crazy. What could two people with similar or even worse mental disorders talk about?

Even though Abigail didn't think she was actually crazy, she was self-aware about her mood swings. Despite everything, it was impossible to have a sane conservation with people even worse than her. They would set off her mood faster than ordinary people, making her break a few things in anger.

The only time she would occasionally have a normal convo with people was when relatives of some patients visited. She would often wander about in the garden and talk to a few of them, but she knew for sure they only lingered about because they felt sympathy, nothing else.

So basically, she never had a true friend. Anne's presence seemed to have fulfilled that desire of hers.

After finishing her tale, Abigail raised her head and looked at her newfound friend enthusiastically. Her own thoughts about how she wanted to stay away from the girl flew out of the window.

Of course, Abigail scratched the part about getting transmigrated and even added a final touch to the story, saying how she hated her own mother now that she was being 'sold' to someone as ruthless as Nicholas.

After hearing those words, Anne's eyes widened. Her eyes blazed with fire as she said, "Mr. Harrison is such a man? D*mn! How come I didn't know that?!"

"Who would have thought? He used to be my ideal." Abigail sighed dramatically.

Anne's eyes turned sympathetic as she patted her friend's shoulders, saying, "You have suffered a lot, didn't you?"

"You have no idea!" Abigail's eyes turned slightly red as she sniffed, directly hugging her friend.

Just then, an unfamiliar voice disturbed them both.

"What are you two doing? Won't you tell me?"

Abigail jumped back and turned around only to see another unfamiliar yet familiar lady standing behind her with a smile on her face.

Bright red, shoulder length hair.

Brown eyes.

Taller than most girls around.

Another character right from her own book. Abigail's eyes widened as she guessed the name—"Katherine!"

She was yet another best friend of the villain in her novel! An extrovert, party animal but a loyal best friend!

No, wait, this girl was merely a college student. How come she got to participate in this party full of TV stars and agents?

Abigail's eyes narrowed.

"Ahem." Katherine coughed slightly knowing she forgot to voice out her words and was eavesdropping for a while. "I came with Will."

Ah, how could she forget… This girl's boyfriend was the great William King, the eye candy assistant of Nicholas!

Unbelievable, right? How could that cold and ruthless assistant fall in love with someone else?

Guess what? He did, and not only that, he would often turn into the sweetest and most loveliest character when facing his own girlfriend! That's the whole reason why Abigail ever called him an eye candy!

Abigail nodded, relaxing. "Now it makes sense!" Her eyes sparkled with a hint of joy as she rubbed her hands and said, "That means you also heard all of it, right?"

"Yeah…" Katherine frowned as she realized something. "Abigail, what exactly do you have in mind?"

"Hehe~" Abigail rubbed her nose and raised her chin proudly. "To make my dear husband a laughing stock in front of the whole world!"

"Didn't you do that already?" Katherine couldn't understand what her friend was saying. "Everyone's confused about why you mocked him on the red carpet."

Abigail waved her hand. "That's only a teaser. Let's think of something else to make trouble for him!"

"Alright, but first I'll get you guys some shots." Katherine winked at them and walked off.

Anne relaxed suddenly and said, "Finally, she's out of here."

"Huh?" Abigail turned around and frowned. "Isn't she your friend? Why did you just…"

Anne looked at her friend strangely. "Why are you acting so weird today? You should know I feel intimidated by her whenever she's present and stop talking."

"Ah…" Abigail scratched her head once again, but this also wasn't the setting she wrote in her novel.

D*mn, what's happening? Why did she feel like her own novel was getting out of hand?!