Let The Game Begins!

Nicholas had long calmed himself after that red carpet incident. After all, he already felt immune to that woman's antics. He had seen worse, for example, destroying his entire garden.

So he shrugged it off, cleared his throat, and walked forward without looking at a single reporter who tried raising their mics toward his mouth. He waved his hand to his fans with a slight, practiced, and completely professional smile and walked away.

As he walked, he saw a few people he knew, so he walked toward them and stood on the side.

Even though he had come to this party, he was a CEO, after all. Why would he go ahead and contact people on his own?

As expected, someone did approach him, but the question that was asked was a bit….

"Who was that woman?" One of Nicholas's business partners asked in a curious voice.

The corners of Nicholas's mouth twitched. He looked at the forty-year-old man and said honestly, "My wife."

"Oh…. OH!" The business partner made an expression as if the man understood. He even patted the other's shoulder sympathetically and said, "Man, wives are the worst."

Nicholas agreed to that and nodded.

"No way!" Another young man standing beside them exclaimed. "When the heck did you get married?! Why didn't you invite us?"

"It was on a short notice. We both didn't want a big event." Nicholas lied with a straight face without even batting his eyelashes.

"Oh… Let's talk about business. What about the movie you were going to invest in?"

Just as they were talking for a while, about half an hour later, someone tapped the mic. Everyone stopped talking.

That sound was a signal that the host wanted to say something. Originally, this party was organized as a small award show between business people from the entertainment world. This kind of event occurs every year and it was always Nicholas who would win the award of the best CEO of the entertainment business.

Many competitors would often try to get beyond the nominations, but ever since Nicholas took over the Harrison corporation, anyone barely surpassed him, making him the most wanted bachelor of the modern world. So everyone's eyes quickly turned toward the host, knowing he was about to start the award show.

So the host, wearing a black shiny suit, smiled and said, "Today, we have planned a special event for the rest of the audience for their entertainment. Of course, the awards are also important, but tonight, we will do something special."

Nicholas looked over in surprise. For years, he had been attending this event without any hopes of having changes to their schedules despite how much the investors would urge. The organizers of this grand event, a group of a few producers and directors, were adamant about their decision, not to change the event at all.

So why the sudden change?

All of a sudden, Nicholas felt a terrible premonition filling up his heart. He looked around to find his troublesome wife, but he couldn't see her anywhere.

His expression worsened.

Something extremely strange was about to happen, and this probably involved that wife of his.

Nicholas took a deep breath and tried to calm the intense surge of fury that nearly burst out of his heart. He looked at the host.

The latter smiled and said, "Now then, shall we start? Let's invite the wives or partners who came with previous nominees and winners of the final award, shall we?"

Nicholas's eyes squinted.

Just how did that woman manage to get the host to speak those words? No, just how did she change the mind of the organizers so soon?

Soon, he got the answer.

"Let's welcome the daughter of the famous organizer, Katherine White."

Nicholas's brows furrowed.

How could he forget? Despite Abigail's strangeness, she had a powerful friend from her college days, Katherine White, also the girlfriend of his assistant.

His eyes darted toward William, who was also trying his best to look calm, but the moment his boss's cold gaze darted toward him, a layer of cold sweat formed in his palms. He swore he didn't know his dear girlfriend would do something like this!

Ah, what should he do? He would surely get to do extra work for the next month! He was crying bitterly without tears!

But soon, he couldn't focus on his misery anymore because a beautiful, young lady with shoulder-length red hair walked onto the stage in her elegant gown, shimmering in silver. She looked stunning as if a fallen angel standing right in front of him. William's eyes stuck to her like glue, forgetting that his boss was still glaring at him.

In front of his girlfriend, he would become a sweet boyfriend who didn't have a care in this entire world.

Katherine flashed a sweet smile and waved at her boyfriend and tapped her mic. "Hello everyone. I'm sure everyone knows me, don't you?"

A few yes and no were screamed from the audience area as everyone watched the lady standing up on the stage.

"Well, I'm a well-known college student thanks to my family and my dear boyfriend." Katherine grinned and winked at William, who blushed and coughed awkwardly after receiving envious gazes from all around the place. Then she said, "Every year, they all focus on the gents or the ladies who compete. But rarely are those ladies focused who are the backbones of those winners. So this year, I asked my father to make a slight change.

"This year, the stage will be set for the ladies, and they can get the stage entirely to themselves for five whole minutes per lady! Isn't it exciting?"

Everyone cheered as Katherine looked backstage and silently flashed a smile at the hidden Abigail and Anne.

Then she turned to the audience and said, "I have more exciting news. This year, the awards will be given by these ladies to their husbands or boyfriends! Won't it be wonderful to see your lover standing in front of you when receiving the award?"

Nicholas's heart sank when he heard those words.

Now he knew what his dear wife was up to.

She wanted to mess up his award show!

His fingers curled up in a fist as he glared at William despite the man not being at fault. But whom else could he blame, that beautiful lady on the stage? Nicholas wasn't that stupid to go and fight against a woman.

He took a deep breath and looked at the stage.

Since she wanted to play this game, let it begin!