Episode 31

Agreus and I were doing fine on our side. James, the man who pretended to be a lumberjack was dead and those other two were held captive. Ishtar and Matias were dealing with the attackers on the academy's side and they still needed help.

"I'll go and assist the campus. I need you to stay here, okay?" Agreus said but I wasn't going to have it.

"No." I told him.


"I am not a damsel in distress. I don't need you to lock me up just for the sake of making you feel better knowing I'm "safe"."

"Dorrek, don't do that."

"You died, Agreus!" My voice broke and I looked away. I just wanted to be near him to protect him. I might not be as strong as he is but I won't sit around and let him get hurt again.

"Fine..." he sighed and opened a portal. "Let's go. I just need you to stay back I'll make quick work of them and besides I won't be falling for that trick again. I'll stay wary and on high alert for anyone that might have this stone of the soul or whatever it is!"


Agreus walked through the portal first and I after him. We appeared on the terrace and when we got there things did not seem so chaotic at all. Several white skulls wizards were being cuffed and incarcerated by mages from my coven?

Agreus looked at me and I was just as puzzled as him. Eric came out the main entrance and alongside him was Lena. He saw me and rushed my way sighing in relief.

"I'm glad you're alright. It looks like you two are still in one piece. Once again the White Skulls have failed!"

"What are you doing here?" Agreus asked him.

"I came to help my brother." Eric said to him pressing lips together. Was it just me or was he trying to stand his ground incase Agreus tried something. "We all did and besides I did do a little more scooping about what ritual Dorrek is needed for. It turns out that this so called spell the White Skulls want to cast and use Dorrek for doesn't even exist. I checked through the archives in the Forbidden Library and there is no such spell."

"You went to the forbidden library?!" I gasped in shock. "But what happened? You were always the good child and the on lovable child!"

"Dorrek, this is serious!"

"What's the forbidden library?" Agreus asked me.

I looked at him surprised he didn't know about it. "It's an ancient library that does nothing but records all spells created in history. Old ones, new ones and even some that are meant to be created in the future. That's why this library is forbidden because it very much carries a lot of secrets within those walls too and only my family is aware of its location.  But as the name says, no one is allowed to go in there." I glared at Eric. I really wasn't making a fuss about him going to the library, I just wanted to make it clear that nobody asked for his help.

Agreus looked at Eric and surprisingly he was the only one between us taking Eric seriously. "What is it about this library then? What exactly are you trying to imply?"

"I'm saying that this ritual to steal his power of lust to gain dominance over the world not existing only means that they lied about it. If there was such a spell the library would've recorded it. I went there as a last resort plan to figure out all there plans, but it turns out there is no such plan to steal a paragon's power. It means that they're after something else it has to be."

Agreus frowned and looked as if he was in thought and then he pulled his arm off me, scratching his neck. "But the man said... Dorrek is special and made it clear that they came here for him. For what other reason would they be here...?" He then looked at me and placed his hand on his side where he was stabbed and then he asked Eric. "Do you know or soulstone?"

"Yes. It's a poisonous substance used in metals and weapons to harm pure blooded demons." Eric replied.

"That's exactly what James told me. I shouldn't have healed, I should be dead and I was dead until Dorrek resurrected me."

"What?" Eric looked at me. "Is this true?"

"Ehhh..." I nodded my head not sure what to say. I mean yea I did it but I didn't know how. "Yea I guess..."

Eric smiled and walked to me holding my shoulders. "How did you do it Dorrek?! Was there fire?"

"Yes blue fire..."

"That's it! I know what they are after. They lied to our family to lead us on. Make us believe that they wanted you as a paragon but the thing is that this whole time you weren't just a paragon!"

"What are you talking about Eric?"

Eric paced in circles holding his chin and nearly hyper fixating. The wheels were turning in his head and I was reminded of how my brother was a genius and spent hours studying magic something that could always come in handy.

"Tell me, Agreus. How much do you know about the four sacred fires?" He asked Agreus.

Agreus blinked and shrugged. "Not much I guess. I know that my hell fire is called a sacred fire and so is my aunt Tara's fire..."

"Oh there are four sacred fires. It all began years ago when Prometheus betrayed the gods by stealing an ore from them. This ore was of fire, a white flame that gave birth to the supernatural world as it is today. But over the years it no longer was that fire.

"Before Zeus cursed him, he split the fire into four. Over the years these fires have existed and even wielded by the most powerful entities some with the power to destroy and others with the power to create." Eric looked at me. "The four fires are known as the hell fire, red schorched fire, timeless flames and lastly the phoenix fire. And among these four fires there is only one with the power of recreation and resurrection.

"Dorrek I believe the White Skulls are a much bigger threat than we imagined. You have access to the phoenix fire and they're after that fire. And if they have it, I don't think any of us are prepared for what's to come..."