chapter 5

Feng chen and gui mei entered the papal palace and saluted to the pope who siting in the throne gracefully.

bibi dong asked '' child what is your name '' feng chen ''my name is feng chen your majesty''.

bibi dong '' show me your martial soul '' feng chen raised his right hand first and summoned his trident martial soul and said to bibi dong '' your majesty my first martial soul is called overbearing trident it gives me 100 percentage increase in power and speed and gives absolute penetration''.

Bibi dong exclaimed for a while and said '' Mmm powerful ability, ok now show me your second martial soul'' feng chen lifeted his his left hand and summoned the mass of gas in thick black color and said ''my second martial soul is called void ruler it simply gives me ability to absorb the energy to cultivate''.

Bibi dong thought for while and asked to cultivate in front of her and gave a medication to cultivate. Feng chen also read the book and acted as cultivating according to the book but his cultivation speed surprised both bibi dong and ghost douluo because his speed is at least faster then other genius by 3 times.

Bibi dong thought for a while and asked '' feng chen will you accept me as your master''

Feng chen said loudly '' FENG CHEN GREETS THE MASTER ''.

Bibi dong face shows a rare smile which can topple any kingdom and said '' silly boy why are you shouting for come here let your master see your face''.

Feng chen came in front of bibi dong, she looked feng chen face that shows confident look and innocent naive face which brings her back the past memories of her childhood smiled sweetly towards her disciple and patted his head formed a mess in his hair style.

Feng chen also slightly enjoy the felling from bibi dong. gui mei also saw what is happening in there and thought the child will be absolute monster in the future maybe the generation will surpass the old generation.

Bibi dong said '' ok for now i will not announce that you are my disciple and you should not talk about you being have twin martial soul also your are not allowed to attach any soul rings for your second martial soul understand and don't keep calling me master call teacher''.

Feng chen '' understood teacher i will not tell anyone about my second martial soul without your permission teacher''.

Bibi dong asked '' feng chen what martial soul will you be choosing as your primary martial soul and keep that in your mind that the martial soul you will choosing will accompany you for long time. Because of being twin martial soul is not simple if you add soul rings without knowledge then you will burst and die without being able to handle the soul power from the soul rings.

Feng chen '' Teacher i choose overbearing trident as my primary martial soul and i will not soul rings without teachers consent ''.

Bibi dong looked at the obedient silly boy with immense satisfaction '' feng chen you will go to soul hall academy after getting your first soul ring study with your senior sister nana''.

Feng chen showed happy expression and agreed with the teacher and asked '' ok teacher and where will i get soul ring who will get me my first soul ring teacher''.

Bibi dong thought for a while and decided to personally help her disciple to get first soul ring and said '' I will go with you for getting your first soul ring xiao chen and also i need relax for a while''.

Feng chen is also happy because in the whole continent expect the so called master bibi dong will considered has a great genius who can even solve the mystery of twin martial soul and being with bibi dong will make him happy compared to the ghost douluo and chrysanthemum douluo.