chapter 6

According bibi dong instructions feng chen and bibi dong gone to the star dou forest to search for his first soul ring. They have been travelling for three days but didn't find a soul beast that matches feng chen requirement.

According to feng chen his first ring must be a thousand year soul beast. when bibi dong heard what he said she immediately denied his request by explaining the absorbing limit of first ring can only be limit to 423 years.

But feng chen said '' teacher don't worry about, i have been training my body for past few years to make me stronger so that i can absorb strong soul beast to get more powerful. And because of that i have strong body to help me in this thing which will be wasted if i absorb a 100 year soul beast.

After bibi dong looked him for while started to inspect his body and was quiet surprised the feng chen who posses a body that equals to nearly soul elder but not in the soul elder realm. Then bibi dong thought for a while and sighed '' ok xiao chen i inspected your body indeed you can accept the soul ring with difference between 1700-2200 but i hope dont go further than this limit or else you cannot bear it''.

feng chen '' yes teacher i will follow your instructions''.

Bibi dong asked '' ok xiao chen do you thought about the soul beast for your martial soul to be its soul ring'' feng chen '' teacher i thought about it for a while and decided to ask about your opinion but you asked first teacher''.

Bibi dong '' ohhh, then what soul beast xiao chen'' feng chen '' teacher the soul beast i choose is man faced demon spider as my first soul ring what do you think if it teacher''.

Bibi dong '' Mmmm although it is poison attributed it has great speed and power as well as extreme sharpness, Mmm it will give you a boost type or a attack type soul skill. ok xiao chen we will get you a man faced demon spider for your martial soul''.

In present after searching for three days they did not find the suitable soul beast but fang chen opened his map function to look for the man faced demon spider in the original story that gives tang san the external soul bone called eight spider lance. His map can find the desired soul beast or any other living being in radius of 10 kilometers and this ability increases according to the level of the host.

Feng chen by searching for it slowly to attain its benefits, and his patience pay off by finding it in 4 day in the movement of its sleeping by the help of teacher bibi dong. bibi dong find out the spider by mental scanning and saw the soul beast sleeping in a pit by securing itself in underground.

Bibi dong says '' Xiao chen that man faced demon spider is 2000 years old that is suitable for your calculations''.

Feng chen '' yes teacher it will be my first soul ring, please hunt it for me teacher''.

Because of feng chens innocent act bibi dong felt happy for moment and hunted down the man faced demon spider without much effort with her cultivation has being of 97 level super douluo. then bibi dong said '' xiao chen quickly give the final blow and absorb the soul ring ''.

As bibi dong said quickly took out the dagger which was given by bibi dong killed it with slight discomfort and disgust towards the man faced demon faced spider and sat cross legged to adjust his mind for a minute and started to absorb the purple soul ring.

As he started to absorb the soul ring it slightly formed pain and discomfort to absorb it but after 5 hours the pain has vanished only the remining soul energy in soul ring is need to be absorbed for attaining the soul ring.

Then after 5 hours of refining the soul power in the soul ring feng chen opened his to see the excited bibi dong looking at him with care and love. Feng chen '' teacher i absorbed the soul ring'. bibi dong asked '' xiao chen did you feel any discomfort in your body ''.

Feng chan sayed '' teacher i did not fell any discomfort in my body in fact it feels quite powerful and teacher i also reached soul power level 20''.