chapter 7

Bibi dong dumbfounded because of what feng chen had said made her thinking stunned for a second and immediately she came to her senses and checked feng chen body worriedly and feng chen who saw this happening made him warm in his heart.

Bibi dong checked and found out that the soul power is not unstable but quietly it is even more powerful than before absorbing soul ring and also laid a strong cultivation base for xiao chen to develop further in the future but there is something in his body which cannot be identified by her in xiao chens body.

Bibi dong asked '' xiao chen what are your gains after absorbing the soul ring tell me everything''.

Feng chen revealed '' Teacher i have obtained the first soul ring comes with the skill of [overbearing strike] an attack type ability which makes the hit with explosion which consumed one tenth of my soul power but the explosion will have the same power of my trident possessed.

Bibi dong quite shocked and asked '' xiao chen is this ability comes with base power of the trident or can it stacked with boost skills'' feng chen '' yes teacher my first soul is fixed by using only for 10 times totally and it cannot be increased in numbers but its effect also fixed without change even in higher realm. And also teacher this soul skill comes with boost effect of increasing the strength and speed by 50 percentage and sharpness by 100 percentage once i used my first soul ring skill than boost effect will active for 30 minutes and there is no cooldown time but the boosted effect cannot be stacked.

Bibi dong '' xiao chen that means your first skill has 3 times of your speed and strength of normal trident and has 2 times sharpness as well as 1.5 times power after the usage of first soul skill. xiao chen in this continent i have seen many tool martial soul and also witnessed the no.1 tool martial soul clear sky hammer but compared to your martial soul they can only hold that title until you become titled douluo''.

Feng chen gave a silly smile and said '' Teacher i didn't finish, i also obtained something and now its slightly itching in my back''. when feng chen said something itching in his back bibi dong suddenly turned serious and checked his body after pouring some soul power in her body to xiao chens spine area, feng chen suddenly felt a extreme pain while eight spider like legs grown from his back.

Bibi dong looked the eight spider like legs and muttered '' external soul bone, xiao chen try to think it has your body part like hands and legs and slowly close it in your body''. Even though feng chen it will be painful but he did not expect it to be this painful but slowly taken back the external soul bone of his according to bibi dong instruction.

After he retreated his soul bone he become weak while panting heavily, bibi dong saw that feng chen retracted his soul bone but also saw the upper body of the feng chen which is quite masculine with a manly charm and she suddenly came back to her senses and slightly blushed but immediately came back to her senses and gave a clothing to feng chen.

Feng chen who was panting saw bibi dongs action and confused for a sec and looked his bare body and he immediately put on the clothes with slight blush. After he recovered asked about what happens to him.

Bibi dong '' you have gained external soul bone which is compared to the rare skull bone and one hundred thousand year soul bone''.

Feng chen '' ohhh i am lucky teacher''. he acted like a child to not make any doubt towards him Bibi dong looked him with a happy smile and said not to reveal it to others without her permission. feng chen also nodded like obedient child.

Bibi dong asked '' feng chen how come your spirit power reached 20, even though you absorbed a thousand year soul ring it should not increase your soul power directly 10 levels right''. Feng chen said '' I don't know teacher when testing the soul power it shined brightly and it shattered thats all i know since it is either way innately full power''.

Bibi dong shocked and asked '' i see and they also did not told me about this haaaa what a mess, feng there is also another kind of martial soul known as god level martial soul which will come with innate soul power 20 its like your martial soul is related to the god level i think''.

Feng chen '' ohhh well if what teacher said true than i am happy, teacher are also happy''.

Bibi dong didnt expect xiao chen would be so naive to talk like that but this is also one of his personality to make her to accept him has her disciple.

Bibi dong said '' ok xiao chen lets go while we have opportunity to get your second soul ring''. feng chen '' yes teacher'' said happily.