chapter 8

Bibi dong asked '' xiao chen do you thought about suitable soul beast for your second soul ring'' feng chen '' Teacher i had two options one is defense and other is speed and age for my soul ring can be decided by teacher''.

Bibi dong thought about xiao chen preference and checked his body '' xiao chen your body can withstand 6000 to 7000 year age of soul beast and we can find a suitable soul beast for either of your preference''.

Feng chen said '' Ok teacher i will follow your instruction''. Then both of them begun to search for the soul beast in the inner region for finding with suitable soul ring age and two days passed today is the seventh day of entering the star dou forest and finally their luck kicked of today they found a diamond mammoth which is considered one has the best defense and its age is 7112 year which may be seemed has higher in age that bibi dong has predicted but feng shen insisted on absorbing it.

feng chen sat cross leg and begun to absorb the soul ring which was hunted by bibi dong. while absorbing soul ring which is beyond the limit, bibi dong have been protecting him from any other danger and also worried about the feng chen.

After 8 hours feng chen absorbed the soul power from the ring which helped him by increasing several levels and now because of both soul rings power and his effort in cultivation which was accumulated till now have been finally released and directly helping him to rise to 28 level of soul power and one step to cross over next level it will only need him of 1 or 2 days to reach 29 level, when he finished absorbing the soul ring bibi dong also relieved from the worry caused by xiao chen.

Bibi dong asked '' Xiao chen how is your body do you fell any discomfort ''.

Feng chen '' teacher dont worry i did not fell any problem within my body and also i got quite lucky by getting a defensive soul skill by forming a transparent shield which can defend any soul attack skill in same realm but it can only resist single attack which can considered has its drawback but i can deploy many shields so that it can be considered has group defensive skill and it consumes less soul power to create a shield for defending attacks''.

Bibi dong '' Xiao chen you got a useful life saving skill and defensive skill which not may be compare to your first soul skill but it will be useful in group fights''.

Feng chen '' Yes teacher feng chen understand ''.

Bibi dong '' so what is your soul power now''.

Feng chen '' teacher i am at 28 peak of soul power''.

Bibi dong '' ok xiao chen because of thousand year soul rings you got lot more soul power but you need to consolidate your cultivation and understand you power. You need meditate and increase your spiritual soul power because your third soul ring must be 10000 year soul ring which cannot be absorbed without enough spiritual power or else the absorbing 10000 year soul ring will lead become idiot due to soul shock''.

Feng chen '' ok teacher i will not absorb any soul rings without teachers permission''.

Bibi dong '' xiao chen you need to cultivate for atleast half a year even you if reach 30 level of soul power do you understand teacher''.

Feng chen '' yes teacher i understand''.

Bibi dong '' ok shall we leave and go to soul hall city''.

bibi dong and feng chen both flew back to martial soul city with the help of bibi dong and arrived at the eve of the weak. bibi dong said '' xiao chen i planned to let you study in junior soul hall academy for a while but it seems it is not a option for a genius like you so i planned to train you myself is that ok xiao chen''.

Feng chen '' teacher school teaching cannot be compared to teachers teaching and who will get chance in the continent to accept your teaching directly. I am a lucky to teacher for doing this for me''.

Bibi dong surprised by xiao chens sweet words and his innocence. then she lead him to his room which is specifically prepared for him by bibi dongs instructions.

She then told that '' xiao chen you will be cultivating here and you should not roam without my permission i will arrange a maid for you to take care of your daily necessity so only you need to cultivate and do physical training which is prepared near for you so that no one will disturb you the maid will lead you there if you want''.

Bibi dong'' ok its already night now go and sleep'' feng chen looked somewhat abnormal and shows his determination to speak and said '' teacher i am afraid of dark so can you accompany me teacher for one night''.

Bibi dong looked feng chen who looks like shy and scarred boy even though they were in forest for a week she did not know feng chen afraid of dark '' xiao chen you did not being afraid in the forest now whats happened''.

Feng chen '' teacher you have been with me so i did not scarred but today you will go and i dont know what to do so only i asked teacher ''. because of feng chen expression she was melted to a normal mother instinct which lead her to accept feng chens request to accompany him to sleep tonight. when both of them entered the room and after cleaning themselves they sleept on the same bed. bibi dong did not sleep for a while she is looking at feng chen who is sleeping cutely by her side. And both of the slept which helped them relaxed mentally and their exhaustion of seven days of forest stay.