chapter 9

After getting second soul ring feng chen have been training in his room and in the training field for past 6 months. He studied under bibi dong for 2 hours and slept besides bibi dong, well its a experience that he have been carving from his past life.

Feng chen have been trying to control his body and soul power which have came to effect that helps him control his overall strength and even enabled him to fight against a soul beast over 5000 year old with holding his fort.

And in this peaceful life hu liena was also introduced by the teacher but she doesnt know about that they have been close friends with her and her friends. when bibi dong known about it she also become happy because she thought hiding of him from the outside world for a while which may be result xiao chen to not having friends of his age.

But now she was relieved to know that xiao chen having friends normally like other children. Then she begun to let the three of them to know this matter and allowed them to practice with xiao chen.

After six months of practice four of them promoted to obtain soul ring to continue their cultivation. Then bibi dong decided to help them obtain soul rings for the children.

she than invited them to star dou forest but feng chen asked bibi dong '' teacher shall we go to sunset forest for obtain soul rings''. When bibi dong thought about sunset forest she begun to remember her daughter qian renxue which made her deny his request but feng chen tried to convince her for two days to change her decision. bibi dong helplessly changed her decision because of xiao chen persistence.

Because of him she agreed, which leads the group of 4 children and 2 elders yu guan and gui mei towards their trip to heaven dou city.

This time they travelled by carriage which lead them to spend nearly one month to travel from martial soul city to sunset forest. There they begun to search for their suitable soul beast for the soul ring. For yan and xie yue they found suitable soul beast in 2 two days without any trouble and surprisingly they absorbed 1000 year old purple soul ring because of influence of feng chen training for their second soul ring. Even bibi dong didnt expect this coming from xiao chen.

But for hu liena it takes two days to find the illusion petal fox which is one of the rare soul beast which perfectly matches hu liena. when she absorbed its purple soul ring it gives hu liena illusion ability which leads to confuse the opponent in the battlefield it is a deadly skill and also increases her charm ability by two times now she also give an illusionary felling when using charm ability.

Now the golden generation of the martial soul hall is equipped with purple soul ring has their second soul ring which completely changes the previous story. After they begun to search for the soul beast for feng chen in the central area because he needed a 10000 year soul beast which is not been heard by any soul masters in soul master world.

When they searching for the suitable soul beast they had luck on their side because they founded a pit demon spider which is originally occupied by tang san. feng chen finds its position by using mapping ability.

When the pit demon spider saw the people coming towards it, it planned to escape by digging through the ground but bibi dong locked it by her control ability and made 2 elders to beat it violently for a while. Bibi dong planned to beat it to submission which can help feng chen to prevent any resentment towards him.

After beating it for a hour it cannot hold on any more but they did not allow it to die peacefully they tortured it to grant death has a luxurious option. when bibi dong thought for a while and finally asked feng chen to kill it and absorb it.

Feng chen also killed it with one strike by using his first soul skill and gave it a painless death after he begun to absorb the black soul ring which made them worry and nervous for few hours after seven hours feng chen absorbed the soul ring which is easily done by the previous torture.

Feng chen '' teacher i did not get the speed soul skill but i got a weird soul skill that is related to half attack department and control department. I can use soul power to create thrones which are like my trident but it only has one tenth of my tridents power but it can used directly from the ground within the radius of 30 meter. which can also used has net or cage to lock the opponent. it is like how pit demon spider gives surprise attack which will get the opponents by surprise attack.

Bibi dong '' xiao chen you got a amazing soul skill which can used has a control ability even though it only has one tenth of your trident martial soul but dont forget your martial soul is a super martial soul which can determine the strength with a large margin which also leads to have superb control ability with an additinol surprise attack. ok now we can leave the forest and go to martial soul hall''.

Feng chen '' teacher can me spend one or two days in heaven dou city. i have been locked for 6 months and again i cannot have like this opportunity have fun with my brothers and sister in martial soul hall''.

Because of feng chens pitiful face and his voice leads for a stay in heaven dou city for next day and planned to go to martial soul city after next day.

Feng chen and other chidren also become happy for a while in their joy, over the popes decision. bibi dong also become happy for seeing their faces which bloomed with happiness.