A Guest

Four days later......

The morning breeze blew through the city, the breeze feels gentle on the skin and the slight coldness it held is what she desires the most, there she stood watching the raising sun, something that has been embedded deep within her very soul.

That is the only way she's able to forget about her past so she loves to look at the sunrise but she has never gotten passed seeing the beauty of it she has never felt the warmth of the sun for fifteen good years, she has forgotten the sensation it brings when it becomes warmer than when it rises so even though she likes to watch the rising sun.

She doesn't allow herself to see the light of day because she doesn't deserve it, she's part of the darkness, that's where she knows she belongs, even if her other side disagrees....they both knew the truth, that's why she loves the darkness.

She has never ignore that part of her because they're one, she has always been indoors and when she was in school she would wake up earlier than other students to go to school before the sun raises higher and she would go home late at night just to avoid the warmth the sun brings because light and darkness has nothing in common even though she knew that they can't exist without each other.

Nilsa breath a sigh inwardly before going back into her bedroom with her laptop and phone, she set her phone on the bed and took the laptop to the closet, she came out with a light green coloured towel around her slender neck whiles heading to the bathroom to do her business.

She was done taking her bath after twenty minutes , she went into her closet, she came out few minutes later with a loose jeans, a black cotton shirt paired with black sneakers and her usual mask and cap.

She was about to go downstairs to serve herself some breakfast when there was a knock at the door she went ahead and pulled the door opened to see Nathan carrying a tray of breakfast with a warm smile on his face. Nilsa immidiately shifted to the side for him to come in without being told twice... Nathan entered, setting the tray of foods on the table.

"Good morning angel , how was your night?" Nathan greeted followed by his question.

"Good morning to you too, my night was splendid, what of yours..?" she typed.

"It was good, I slept like a baby," he replied with a wide smile.

" Where's your father...?" she asked using her phone as usual.

"He's with chairman Black, he extends his greetings and he also said he'll come to see you in the evening," Nathan replied pouring her water, Nilsa gave him a polite nod.

"All done, I'm going to have my breakfast downstairs and then go to the airport, boss said he's picking someone up from there, see you later angel," he said before exiting her bedroom.

Nilsa was puzzled at what Nathan had said , why would Lucian want to go to the airport to pick up someone personally ...?, besides his condition wasn't good enough for him to be over working himself, if he really is picking up this person himself then that person must really be important to him..., shaking away her thoughts she sat down to enjoy her breakfast.

Nilsa was done eating long ago but she has been having a slight headache because of a certain nightmare, she couldn't tell Nathan she haven't been sleeping well lately, she hate being a burden to anyone so she tends to keep things to herself, it been four days since she came here and she hasn't heard a word from her family or even her half brother and grandparents, her brother should be back by now so why didn't he reached out to her ....?

"Seems like I would have to send him a text message to let him know I'm alright," Nilsa muttered inwardly with that she took her phone from the bedside table, when she saw the time displayed on her phone she was surprised for a second, it almost pass lunch time.

"Good afternoon bro, are you back from your trip..? Just wanted to let you know I'm alright but we need to talk" she typed and pressed send.

She got up and stashed away her phone in her back pocket before grabbing the tray Nathan brought in the morning, she walked out of her room heading towards the elevator.

Nilsa exited the elevator and was about take the short corridor on the right side of the sitting room to the kitchen when a manly laughter made it's way to her hearing, that laugh sounded carefree but there was also pure joy hidden in it which she has never heard before ever since she came here, she snapped her attention to the people who were sitting in the sitting area extremely shocked to see that it was Lucian's laughter but that wasn't what puzzled her most.

What made her body stiffen is the lady sitting beside him, she has a brown hair, slightly thick brows and lips that were painted red, her face was covered in thick makeup, she wore a white mid-thigh length dress with diamond earrings and necklace as well as a bracelet, the dress looks good on her, she was beautiful, she shook her head slightly before taking long strides towards the kitchen.

Nilsa Walker was just done washing the dishes and tray Nathan used in bringing her breakfast in the morning, she was wiping her hands when three maids entered the kitchen giggling.

"I have never seen the first young master smile like that ever since he broke up with her but now that she's back...look how happy he's, he looks so handsome when he laughs" the first maid said.

"Yeah right, she's the only one who can make him happy, this is what people call true love, it doesn't matter weather they broke up in the past, destiny has brought them together again, I wish I have someone like that in the future," the second maid added with gleefulness.

"What will happen to his silent wife now that his fiance is back...? I mean even though they loved each other in the past but they've already broken up and I think it isn't fair to bring her back here...where his wife is staying, he should have let bygone be bygones," the third made said, disagreement coating her tone.

"Please Hannah don't be ridiculous, who wouldn't choose a beautiful and rich heiress over a mute woman who her family doesn't care about...? And besides I heard she's an illegitimate child," the first replied rolling her eyes in annoyance, but Hannah wasn't in agreement with her.

"He has no right whatsoever to disregard their marriage. I mean it has just been four days and he's already bringing another woman who rejected him when he became blind and crippled, he brought his ex home without even telling his legal wife, even if there's no love between them....at least he should have respected her, she deserves that much. Besides being mute isn't a bad thing," Hannah replied with the same annoyance in her tone.

"He will surely regret doing this, believe me," she muttered the last path whiles walking towards the fridge.

"Whatever, I bet he wouldn't regret it," the second one said confidently.

Nilsa stood there looking at Hannah in amusement, "how sure is she that Lucian will regret bringing another woman home whiles he's married...? And what makes her think that anyway..?"she asked herself whiles walking towards the fridge to get herself a bottle of water, she took a bottle of water from the fridge when her tummy grumbled slightly which got Hannah's attention immediately.

"You must be hungry, Hannah said whiles getting a box out of the fridge, I was supposed to bring this up to your room but it slipped my mind because of the guest we had received on a short notice," she added before setting the box on the counter and picking up a plate, she opened the box and brought out it's contents.

"Butler Micheal asked me to deliver this to you for lunch since he said you love pizza so that's what he got for you," Hannah said again.

Nilsa gave her a nod of understanding before sitting on a stool while Hannah quickly microwaved the pizza for her, after heating it up ..... she set it in front of her with a bottle of coke.

"Thank you," she typed on her phone, showing it to the kind maid.

"Welcome missus Hannah replied. Nilsa felt weird being called like that so she told her to call her Nilsa instead.

Hannah starred at what she wrote in shock. "Won't you feel uncomfortable if I were to call you that....?" she asked to which Nilsa shook her head.

"Okay.. Nilsa it is," Hannah added with a friendly smile before walking towards the sink to help the other two maids in cutting the vegetables they'll used to cook dinner tonight whiles Nilsa picked up her plate of pizza and the bottle of coke and walked out of the kitchen.

"I know you're not here in peace lady," Nilsa thought on her way out.