Jaaga's Treatment

"It feels… soothing?" 

Rizz let his steady breaths blend in with the chilling paste. The brisk mountain air felt far colder all of a sudden. Though Rizz made sure his work area wasn't in the snow, it now felt like a freezing wind was entering his lungs and his wounded side. 

"This isn't bad. It's cold but… nice…"

After a minute of controlled breathing, Rizz double-checked his current status. 

{{Rizz, lv. 3}}

((Amateur Alachemist))

[HP: 14 / 21]

[MP: 9 / 9]

[AP: 13 / 18]

A long sigh was dragged out of Rizz. "Okay… I regained some health. It's only four points, but it's more than I had against the bear. Which means it's working.

"That being said… this is gonna hurt."

Rizz reached for his right shoulder. He took his time gripping the tiny bit of shaft left in the arrow lodged there… Then he yanked it out.