The Immortals

Heinrich sat on the ground in front of the Princess, holding her arms gently and comforting her. 

"I understand you," Heinrich said, "It is not easy to lose someone close to you." He added. "But you must respect her decision too. Imagine how hard it must be for her to continue living." 

The Princess continued sobbing and shaking her head, "I will not accept this!" She complained in sorrow, "If immortals want to die too, then what is the point of immortality!" 

Heinrich's eyes widened, "What?" He asked in shock. 

The Princess suddenly realized that she spoke about the secret she was supposed to be keeping from him. She quickly covered her mouth. 

"You knew?" Heinrich asked. 

The Princess pressed her lips shut, tears rolling down her cheeks anyway. Heinrich exhaled. 

"Did Teresia tell you?" He asked. 

"Do not be mad at her or I will cry." The Princess rushed her words. 

"You are already crying." 

"I will cry more."