How will I manage without you?


Brian, what about my mother? Don't tell me she went gambling again when she recovered, Teddy said.

Brian furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at him. Brian questioned, "Was your mother a gambler? "

"She does gamble, yes. I once noticed a strange piece of paper in her luggage with a firm name. But I wasn't paying attention at the moment. That it was a paper that he obtained from those gambling venues was something I only considered once I was in jail", Teddy said. 

Teddy stifled a chuckle. "Did you know that he even borrowed money from loansharks?" . Brian exclaimed, "What!" "I was also surprised like you when I found out" .

(How will I bring this up now that I'm feeling terrified to tell him everything), Brian says inaudibly. Brian let out a heavily sigh and looked at Teddy.

"Teddy your mother has passed away" . Teddy flinched while taking three steps backward. He mumbled. "wh…what are you s… saying to me Brian why would my mother die" .

"When I visited the hospital, the staff informed me that the medical bills had not been paid, which meant that she had not received the proper care", Brian said. 

He was struggling to keep his tears back as he continued, "So my mother died because I couldn't pay the hospital bills for her. I'm a bad son", he said while breathing heavily and looking up. Please don't blame yourself, okay?. It's not your fault",Brian said. 

Teddy's eyes were filled with pain, and his cheeks grew red.He gave Brian a curious look. "I want to see my mother for myself, so please take me there". Teddy declared, "I don't believe any of this.

"sure, let's go", said Brian.


To get to the hospital, Brian requested an Uber. They approached the receptionist when they arrived. "ma'am I'm here to see my mother, Maria Williams" . She tapped the computer, looking for her name, and said, "Okay, give me a minute."

"It has been a month since your mother passed away.She has been detained in the morgue for the entire month, therefore you must pick up the body tomorrow.You must remove her body as soon as you can.

Ted was unsteady. "can I please see her" . Teddy was taken to the hospital morgue to see her mother. They showed him his mother's body when she came. The body lost a lot of mass as a result of spending so much time in the freezer.Her fair skin had nearly developed a blue tint. After seeing his mother's corpse, Teddy sobbed hysterically and uncontrollably, with rivers of tears pouring from his eyes. 

His body began to shake, and his face grew red. He felt like he was dying since he was having trouble breathing. Slowly making his way over to his mother, he stroked her face. Her skin was as chilly as ice. In the hopes that she may awaken, he shakes her. He was still unable to accept that her mother had died.

He yelled. "mom please wake up, wake up mom and let's go home" . He didn't stop crying. Brian approached him and gave him a back hug. Teddy continued to sob loudly as he slowly kneeled on the ground and held his mother's hand.

"Mom, you can't abandon me in this situation; what will I do without you?"He cried out loudly, shaking his body, and shouted, "I should just die also because I can't leave like this". 

While tears were flowing down Brian's face, he yelled. "No Teddy!, please don't speak that way, alright. I promise everything will be fine, so let's leave now. I can't stand to see you in this condition" 

Teddy's remaining hospital costs were canceled after it was discovered that he has no assets, is still a minor, and is enrolled in school. Instead, he was instructed to take the body in the following day as they have been holding it for a month without anybody claiming it. Teddy refused to be removed from the funerary chamber by Brian.

"Teddy Please, let's go, okay? Your late mother won't like it when you looking this way. You know how much she loves you. I'm sure that she wants you to celebrate her death instead of feeling sad about it. Please let's go. You also need to bathe and get dressed in nice clothes", said Brian, as he was helping Teddy to get up from the floor. 

Teddy did consent to leave the morgue They strolled together and sat in an outdoor chair. 

Teddy was more concerned with his mother than his appearance. He once gave greater thought to his appearance in public. He usually likes to dress well, but today was the first time he didn't care at all. 

"Does your mother have funeral insurance, Teddy?" Brian put his hand on Teddy's shoulder and added, "I'm concerned that tomorrow the hospital will really do something if you don't take the body".

Teddy said after exhaling deeply and wiping his face with his palms. "she does have funeral cover fortunately, but I'll have to pay for this month" . "that is not a problem I'll handle that, just call and inform them to come and take the body today", said Brian. 

  "you're right about that Brian. Let me go home cause their numbers are in my mother's note book". They both walked away from the hospital. Brian took Teddy to his house since he was worried that something bad could happen to him because he was not in his right mind. 

"You're right about that Brian. Their phone numbers are in my mother's notepad, so let me go home." After leaving the hospital together, they both got into a cab and rode to Teddy's house. Brian chose to accompany him since he was concerned that anything horrible would occur to him due to the state he was. 

When they arrived at the house, they discovered that other people were residing there. Teddy questioned, "Why does my house have people?" Brian said, "Let's go ask." People were seated in chairs outside as they entered through the gate. "It appears that this is the boy that the owner was referring to," the other person stated.

"yes I think so too. Are you Teddy Williams?", asked the guy. 

yes I am. Why are you in my house? ", asked Teddy, furrowing his eyebrows.

"This is no longer your house. We bought it last week. And the people that we bought it from told us that when you get here, we should tell you that three weeks have passed and that they want the rest of their money; otherwise, they will kill you".

"Those bastards. What about my clothes, where are my clothes ", said Teddy as he was staring at them, raising his eyebrows. 

"They told us to sell or burn them if we want but we chose to keep them since it would have been unfair to you, so we kept them all in one room". 

Teddy exhaled deeply. He had trouble accepting the reality of these occurrences.Please advise me what to do in circumstances like these, Brian. My memory has vanished. I lost my mother first, and now I'm losing the only thing that still contains a memory of her.

  Don't worry, my friend. I'm sure we can find a solution to this, Brian patted his back and reassured him. Teddy was sobbing because he had given up hope. He knelt on the flour and pleaded for at least a week so he could take everything. He gave them a portion of his story and informed them that he must bury his mother who recently passed away.

Fortunately, it appeared that the individuals who purchased his home weren't altogether awful. They decided to preserve his possessions for at least a week out of sympathy for him. Teddy then entered to retrieve his clothing. In order to call the mother's funeral home, he charged his phone for five minutes. He contacted their number that he got from her mother's funeral program book.

They agreed to retrieve the body from the hospital as soon as possible. He searched for his mother's favorite dress to put her in for her farewell after speaking with them on the phone.  Brian  assisted him to pack few clothes.When they were done, they took a taxi to Brian's house.

There was nobody in the house when they arrived. Teddy was instructed by Brian to take a bath right away before their parents arrived. Teddy entered the bathtub. Brian went to make something to eat for them while Teddy was taking a bath.

Fortunately, there were leftovers that had been stored in the refrigerator. He used the oven to reheat the food. It was a samp, beef stew, and potatoes.

He then took two plates and prepared a meal for the two of them. He was dishing when her mother arrived and asked him a question since she saw that there were two plates.Brian didn't want to hide the truth from her, he decided to tell her everything After telling her everything, Brian begged her to let his friend stay, if not longer, at least until the funeral was over.

He brought someone into the house without informing her, which angered her mother. But after hearing the tale, she gave her consent. but informed Brian that since it wouldn't be beneficial for them now that he had been released from prison, they wouldn't let him stay after the funeral. She was concerned that her son would be expelled as a result of the situation and that her husband, who was a school principal, would be impacted.

Teddy made the decision to bury her mother on Wednesday of the next week.

He invited a few people, some of whom did not show up, to the funeral. His mother was buried. From making funeral arrangements to the very end, Brian and his parents were by his side. They returned home after her mother was laid to rest.