Teddy remained a resident of Brian's home two days after the funeral. Brian's parents sat him down and advised him to find a place to stay and that it would not be a good idea to stay with them since it would damage their reputation.
Teddy's reputation was ruined even though he was let out of jail and the accusations were withdrawn. He was still viewed by many as a murderer and rapist who was let out of jail because he was still a kid. These stories about his not being released because he was innocent but rather because he was a minor circulated throughout the township.
Teddy was so famous that he was reluctant to even walk to the market because he often heard people talking about him behind his back, which hurt his feelings.
Teddy, my baby, please realize that although we do enjoy having you here, Brian's father deals with students on a daily basis, and it wouldn't be good for him if they learned that you were there. He might even lose his job. Brian's mother remarked, "Getting rid of you doesn't mean we don't trust in you.
Teddy grinned as he continued to look at Brian's mother. "I do understand aunt, please don't feel bad, I was actually going to tell you that I would like to move out today" , Teddy replied.
Did you find a place to stay? If not, we can hunt for one for you, Brian's father asked. ". He answered, "Yes, I did. Please don't worry about me."
Teddy has found a shack to live in; the rent was inexpensive compared to the available backroom rates. The shanty cost R450 per month in rent. He chose to accept the offer. He intended to hunt for a part-time job to help him with his bill-paying and rent obligations.
And he really gave up on the school. When Teddy was preoccupied with funeral preparations, Brian went to the director's office to request a leave of absence. However, the director informed him that Teddy was no longer required at the school because doing so would damage their reputation. Mr. Wilson also warned him that if he brought Teddy back, he would no longer be the school's sponsor.
On a Saturday morning, Brian made the decision to assist Teddy in moving out. After packing his possessions and taking his other belongings to Teddy's house, they then traveled to his new residence. Given that he had a lot of clothes, Brian helped him by leasing a truck. After 1 hour and 30 minutes, they arrived at his new residence.
Teddy was a little frightened when he arrived. He was alarmed since he observed that the area was quite crowded with little privacy and that the restrooms weren't within the house but were instead shared by several neighbors. But he had no choice but to make the best of the circumstances.
He met his landlord, whom he had been speaking with on the phone regarding the house, when they arrived. And the landlord handed him the keys to the residence. Teddy was shocked when he did because he had assumed that he would wait to sign the contract agreement first. "Are we not going to sign any contract agreements?", he asked.
The landowner chuckled." There is no need for a lease agreement here. Just make sure that you pay your rent on time and everything will be OK", the landlord remarked. "I can see that this is your first time residing in shack houses."
Teddy strolled inside his new house as the landlord left. He was shocked to discover the house vacant and devoid of any furniture. The table was the only item present. He threw the bag he was holding to the ground.
What the hell? This vile old man conned me. He sent me a picture of a house with furniture," he yelled, raising an eyebrow and widening his eyes. He let out a long sigh. "I should have known that by the time he told me that the rent was R450, he was a scam" .
"but you thought that it was a blessing from the universe" , Brian replied.
"Fuck you!" said Teddy.
"Why are you using me to vent your aggravation", Brian chuckled." What are you going to do, though? The furniture in your home was sold along with the house, so you can't even take it."
Teddy took a deep sigh. "That's why I'm frustrated. Anyway, I have no choice. I'm taking this house. Help me take the rest of my belongings in the truck", said Teddy.
He was helped by Brian as they brought the rest of his belongings inside. "it's a good thing I bought my blankets and my camping bed otherwise I would have to sleep on the floor", he said.
"You really did great. Let's try and decorate the house even if it wouldn't make any difference", said Brian.
"Yes, I'm just grateful that at least the house have the carpet".
There weren't much to do so they placed the rest of the clothes under the table and covered the table with a white sheet. They fix the camping bed after that they did the bedding. When they were done they lay on the bed.
"This place is not safe at all Teddy, I'm not comfortable by the fact that you chose to stay here",said Brian. "the thing is you worry yourself about me too much. It's time that you focus on your self, I'll be fine hear so don't worry"
"Okay, if you say so, then. Man, I hope you're not afraid of rats since I've heard that there are many types of rats in this area. As he stared at Teddy, Brian remarked, "Some are even pink in color.
Teddy guffawed. "So a day can't pass by without you telling a lie huh?" . "I'm telling the truth, not lying! You'll soon realize what I'm referring to, I promise.
Teddy guffawed. So, from today forward, what are you planning to do? Brian questioned. "I'm just going to look for a job"
"Do you know that Felix told me something so interesting that I forgot to tell you about it". "What did he say? ", Teddy asked.
Brian laughed first and responded. "He said that there was this place in Sandton, a club called Dream Catcher. It's strictly a gay club where they only allow cute and handsome guys.
"Dude, you have started again with your lies, and this time you're using your poor cousin" .
"Bro, this time I'm telling the truth and not lying. Felix claimed the club is frequently populated by famous people from across the nation, as well as politicians, entrepreneurs, and other non-South Africans", he said
"He claims that there are rumors that they are quite stringent about who is allowed inside. If the amount listed on your pay slip is less than R300,000, you will not be allowed entry. If you're interested in utilizing your body to earn some real money, you must get there as early as 7 p.m. to send your CV because the club is open from 8 p.m. till 6 a.m", Brian said.
Teddy laughed. "You want to tell me that you have to send your CV just to be fucked by old rich dudes? What madness is that? And who would be in their right mind to believe such a ridiculous story".
Brian laughed. "If you take this thing lightly, you're missing real cash", Brian said.
"What do you even write in those CVs?", Teddy asked.
"I don't know, but I think that they're more interested in age, because I heard that they do not take you if you're older than 25, since those old daddies preferred it young and fresh".
"Why do I even bother asking you questions because it's a lie anyway", he said.
"Don't believe me then, but know that you're missing a payment of R10k weekly", Brian said.
"You see, that is why I knew that it was a scam, because who would give you such an amount".
Brian laughed. "Stop telling me fairy tales. The way I'm so broke, I would actually believe you and go to that place",Teddy said.
"And you would actually fit their standards because you're handsome and cute. Even if you can dress like a girl, no one would even notice that you actually have a d**k",Brian said, biting his lower lip.
"I almost took that as a compliment, then I remembered that those words were coming from a mad guy like you."
After talking for hours, Brian was ready to return home. It was 5:00 p.m."Well, it's getting late, I don't want to get robbed, so I should probably head home", Brian said, looking at the time from his phone. "You're right and I also have my doubts about this place, so let's leave. I'll accompany you outside", he said, getting up from the bed. "No, buddy, it's fine. You'll need to rest since it will be hell for you starting on Monday, so don't bother", Brian said."Please don't remind me"
Teddy was left alone while Brian walked to his house. "I must purchase a stove in order to cook. But with what money? he asked, exhaling heavily. Teddy intended to utilize the R1000 he received from Brian's parents for job searching.
He heard a loud knock that sounded like someone was pounding on the door with a stone as he was still looking through the available positions on his phone.
" Who's knocking like that? Don't tell me Brian returned".
He approached the door and unlocked it. only to discover three men standing in a group there. With his voice trembling, Brian enquired, "Who are you?". The other man slapped Teddy and shouted, "You have been hiding from us for way too long, and you have the guts to ask us that! ".